Chapter 15

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(Cartoon cats pov)

I was about to step inside but stopped what if there's more of them I thought I growled and quickly went to go find Cd and the others.

(Time skip)

I saw them and ran over to them,they notice me and turned around to face me and had a confused look.

Cd: uh hey Cc what's wrong?

Cc: *I can't tell them that I like like the human if I tell them the'll kill me I'll just lie no biggie* y-yes I need your help!

Longhorse: our help what's going on?

Cc: I-I don't know um I think the man with the upside down face took Cr and there gonna kill him

Siren head: what but isn't he dead?

Cc: y-yes I thought that too but he's not he's alive he must of faked his death

Bridgeworm: oh I was gonna say that Cr has the ability to stretch and change into anything and other stuff like you and Cd but man with upside down face is more powerful

Cc: that's why I need your guys help so you gonna help me or not?

Cd: sure we have nothing better to do

*when they agreed Cc smiled and showed them the place and told them to be careful just to make sure nothing will happen they nodded and all went inside except siren head cuz he's too big to fit inside*

Cd: *sees y/n and growls* guys look it's a human

Bridgeworm: let's eat her!


Cd and the others: *looks at him with a confused look*

Costume man: why not?

Cc: beca-

Longhorse: because we haven't got time to kill just one person and I'm not letting you kill her it's wrong

Cd: *sigh* I guess it's not like she's special or anything

Cc: *glares at him*

Longhorse: let's just go find Cr he can't be that far

*Cd was getting confused why Cc was acting so weird but he shrugged it off and went into another room with others leaving Cc and longhorse alone*

Longhorse: I know you like that girl Cc

Cc: *blushes* w-what n-no I d-

Longhorse: it's okay I won't tell anyone I find it strange that you like a person you kill alot of people but not this one...why is that?

Cc: I-it's because she's not like the others she's different something that I like about her s-she makes me happy and I've never been happy until I saw her

Longhorse: I see does she know that you like her or has she not seen you yet?

Cc: y-yeah she has and I'm not sure if she likes me or not we had an argument about something and I don't think she wants me to save her

Longhorse: okay I won't question about that let's just get her outta here and take her back home before the others come

Cc: o-okay thanks

Longhorse: no problem

*so Cc and longhorse quickly ran over to y/n and unties her hands and legs she sat up and looked at us and smiled*

Y/n: t-thank you do much for helping me

Longhorse: no problem were gonna take you home quickly okay

Y/n: alright

Longhorse: just hop on my back and I'll take you there

*you and Cc gets on his back and longhorse starts flying to your eye and while you see your house you told him to stop and he stopped and you and Cc got off of him you said thank you and longhorse smiled*

Cc: kitten I'm really sorry I know I shouldn't of made you upset and I apologize for that I just really love you and I promise you I didn't kill your mother or wasn't me

Y/n: I-it's okay Cc I forgive you

Cc: r-really?

Y/n: yes I love you too just try not to go all yandere again okay

Cc: what's a yandere?

Y/n: it's hard to explain I guess I'll see you tomorrow

Cc: alright you gonna be okay?

Y/n: of course

Cc smiles and gets on longhorse back and he flies away you sighed and went inside your house to see your mom on the couch watching the tv*

Y/n: m-m-mom?!

Mom: *turns around and smiles* y/n your okay I was getting worried!

Y/n: I-I don't understand t-the doctors said you died!

Mom: listen sweetie I'll tell you what happen sit down

Y/n: a-alright *sits next to her* so what happened?

Mom: did your phone rang?

Y/n: y-yes but I was too upset to answer it w-why?

Mom: that was the doctors they said that they made a mistake and patched me up properly and told me that I'm okay to go home and when I came home you wasn't there and I started to get worried

Y/n: o-oh I-I should've answered the phone

Mom: yeah

Y/n: b-but it doesn't matter I'm just so glad that your better

Mom: and I'm glad that your okay to dear

Man with upside down face: when I find her she's dead!