Chapter 6

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You woke up by the sun light shining your (e/c) eyes you grouned and sat up from the bed you realised that you wasn't in your cozy (f/c) bed you then remembered being kidnapped by Cartoon cat again you then heard footsteps coming towards the door you gasped and tried to find somewhere to hide there was either under the bed or the closed the footsteps were coming even closer and you had no other choice but to hide in the closet you you ran towards the closet while being quite and hid in the closet you heard the door creek open and peeked to see what he was doing,you saw him coming towards the bed and noticed that you weren't there he gasped and got mad stomping to the door and slamming the door behind him only hearing his footsteps fading away you sighed in relief and steped out of the closet you looked around to find anything to escape the room but found nothing you took a deep breath and slowly walked up to the door turning the door handle and opening it quitily as you can to not make any noise you tiptoe down the hallway and peeked around the corner to see nothing but broken furniture and other trash you you saw another hallway and looked left and right to make sure it was ok you saw nothing and tiptoe and towards the hallway when you was about to go near the hallway you felt to pairs of hands/paws grab your shoulders making you yelp the hand/paw then covered your mouth so you wouldn't make any noise you then hear a chuckle being you making you shiver you turned your head a bit and saw an angry Cartoon cat he then let go of your mouth and hugged you from behind making you blush a bit

Cartoon cat: where do you think your going toots~

You shivered and gulped making him inpatient waiting for an answer you sighed and made a fake smile making him mad

Y/n: o-oh you see I w-was wondering if I can go h-home now?

He growled making you scared and started grabbing your wrists and tied them around your back you tried kicking your legs and saw that they were tied up as well he picked you up bridal style and chuckled making you struggle out of his grasp he noticed you struggling and wrapped around you a little tight making you stop he smirked and went to the abandoned kitchen he placed you in a broken chair and started cooking something even tho this place is abandoned you asked what he was cooking and heard nothing but silence you sighed and waited for him to finish the food he finished and placed the food in a broken plate you looked at it and looked away in disgust the food was horrible and you didn't want to try it because it was a piece of a dead body Cartoon cat then slammed the table making you jump and look at him he growled and pointed at the plate

Cartoon cat: eat

Y/n: But I don't want to eat a person

Cartoon cat: well if you wanna live here then you gotta eat

Y/n: w-wait what b-but I don't want to live here

He got mad and went closer to your face and that made you nervous and kissed your cheek it made you gag because now your cheek had a bit of blood on you

Cartoon cat: Don't worry toots~you are gonna live here forever if you like it or no~

You got shocked by what he said you didn't want to live with him you just want to go back home and see your mom again you cried about missing her and you wish you never went to this abandoned building Cartoon cat saw you crying and hugged you close to stop you from crying you then got dizzy and passed out.

(Cartoon cat's pov)

Oh looks like my little kitty~ is asleep I untied her wrists and legs and picked her up bridal style to her room if anyone takes her from me I will kill then and eat them limb from limb I chuckled deeply opening the cracked door and placing her in the bed she looks so peaceful when she sleeps I kissed her head and pulled the covers on her walking up to the front door I looked at her one more time and shut the door behind me now time to find some people to eat.