Chapter 11

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You woke up by hearing purring noises and looked down to see your new cat julius sleeping in between your breast you blushes a bit but shook it off and gentley moved him to the fluffy pillows you sat up and stretched and walking over to your closet you chose your favourite outfit and walked over to the bathroom changing into your clothes when you finished you heard scratching noises coming from the door you walked towards the door and opened it to see no one you looked down to see julius looking at you giving you kitten eyes you awed at his cuteness and picked him up making him purr you smiled and walked downstairs seeing your mom making breakfast.

Mom: oh goodmoring sweetie how'd you slept?

Y/n: I slept fine

Mom: I see your holding julius?

Y/n: uhh yeah I guess he wanted me to hold him

Mom: that's cute anyways I made (breakfast) for you your favourite!

Y/n: thanks mom I was wondering can I borrow some money for julius since he's gonna live here he must be starving I'm heading to the mall?

Mom: of course dear here's £100

Y/n: mom I think that's a little to much just for buying cat stuff

Mom: Alright then here's £200

Y/n: mom I just said that's to mu

Mom: Alright fine here's £300

Y/n: I'll take £200

Mom: Alright then here you go!

Y/n: thanks

Mom: you going by yourself?

Y/n: oh no I'll just call one of my friends or Casper

Mom: oh that boy that you like?

Y/n: *blushes* mom don't start this!

Mom: Alright I'm only joking just go have fun and don't come home late!

Y/n: fine I won't seeya mom

Mom: bye sweetie have fun!

you placed julius down and walked over to the front door opening and closing the door behind you.

(Car toon cats pov)

First of all who is this Casper and why did she not bring me with her this made me really pissed what if she's with someone and loves them over them me don't worry y/n if anyone and I mean ANYONE takes you from me ILL KILL THEM AND TEAR THEM AND EAT THERE PARTS LIMB FROM LIMB AND MAKE YOU AS MINE Y/N IS MINE MY SENPAI MY LOVE MY EVERYTHING.But I'm not waiting for hours for my senpai to come back I need to find a way out without her mom noticing I saw the back door and meowed senpai's mom she looked at me and went towards me I walked over to the back door and scratched it she got the point and opened the door for me to go ouside I smiled evilly and started to head over to the mall where my senpai went.

(Time skip)

When I got there I saw my senpai with two females and a male probably that Casper her and her mother was talking about I need to find a way to be close to her without her knowing that it's me yet I put my paw on my chin thinking until I had an idea since I can shape shift into anything I'll just turn into a human my senpai and her stupid friends won't know so I hid somewhere where no one will see me and started to shape shift into a human when I finished shape shifting I turned one of my hands into a mirror to look at my self.

I still had my toon gloves and cat ears and tale but if I go out there people will notice my cat ears and tail so I need to find a way to hide them I grabbed my tail and tucked it into my pants now the hard bit was my ears I can't just make a hat just a pear out of thin air I peeked out of the corner to see a person wearing a beanie so I sneakily walked up to him and grabbed the beanie without him noticing a put it on and made sure if I was alright to head to the mall know I can finally see my senpai I walked inside the mall and saw lots of people I started drooling and haven't ate anyone in days but I can't think about that right know I gotta go find where my y/n went I saw her on a table with her friends and saw her holding hands with that Casper guy I swear if he does anything with her I'll bite his fucking face off I tried to calm my self and started walking towards them y/n saw me and had a confused face while casper looked annoyed.....prick I mumbled but kept my smile on when I stoped they all looked at me with confused faces until my senpai spoke.

Y/n: um can we help you sir?

H Cartoon cat: *in thought*

Shit I haven't had a plan on what to say when I walk to them fuck what do I say I can't back this away now I made a fake smile and looked at her making her and the others wait for my answer.

H Cartoon cat: oh yeah I'm your new neighbour and I was wondering if we can get to know eachover if that's alright?

She smiled and grabbed a chair next to hers she smiled and tuck her hand out for me to shake.

Y/n: of course it's nice to meet you um?

H Cartoon cat: Julius!

Y/n: oh my cat is called julius to and my name is y/n by the way

We snuck hands and I sat next to her Casper glared at me and I glared back the girls were called 2f/n and 3fn and I guess they were okay but all I cared about was being with y/n the love of my life I had an evil plan to kill Casper when he goes to the bathroom I'll just kill him right at the spot and hide the body simple as that we went to a few shops and the cat stuff y/n has bought for julius or me should I say and went to sit at a table Casper had ask y/n that he'll be heading to the bathroom this was my chance and told mily senpai that I was heading to the bathroom as well she nodded and went on her phone while her other two friends were talking I walked over to the bathrooms and went in the males I saw Casper already washing his hands and turned over to see me he glared at me and started to push me which made me pissed off.

Casper: Alright dude what are you playing at?

H Cartoon cat: what?

Casper: you know what I mean your trying to take y/n away from me!

H Cartoon cat: well duh because she's mine I saw her first and there's no way your taking her away from me

Casper: HA and what you gonna do about it asshole

H Cartoon cat: THIS!!!

I started changing into my normal self and bit his hand off making him scream I covers his mouth and hit his head on the sing making his head bleed he tried kicking and punching with his one hand to try to get me off him but he was to weak and I lifted him up and started to stretch him hearing his bones cried he screamed and started to close his eyes I put him down and guessed that he's dead and started eating a few parts of his body when I licked the blood of me and dragged his body ouside and threw him in a bin I turned back into my human form and checked if there was any blood stains good there's none I walked ouside and saw y/n alone I sat next to her and smiled she gladly returned it and turned her phone off

H Cartoon cat: hey um where's the overs?

Y/n: oh they had to leave they had something to do important.....Um have you seen Casper by any chance?

H Cartoon cat: no sorry

Y/n: I'm sure he's gone home as well I'll be heading home now I'll guess I'll see you another day here's my phone number and left I don't have a phone but I'll keep it anyway since its here's I sat up and started to follow her she.

(Time skip)

When she was at her house she opened the door and closed it sneaked at the back garden and turned myself back into a cat again I went inside the open window and saw her mom crying and y/n confused.

Y/n: mom what's wrong why are you crying?

Mom: I I d don't know w where julius is!

Y/n: don't worry mom I'm sure he's somewhere we'll go look for him she turned around and saw me and looked back at her mom annoyed

Y/n: he's right there!

Mom: o oh s sorry dear

Y/n *sigh* it's fine I got julius some stuff I'm heading upstairs I'm tired

I followed y/n up the stairs and closed the door with me annoyed I started scratching the door meowing for me to come in.

Y/n: one sec julius I'll let you in a min

I stopped and waited for her to open the when she finally did I started pawing her legs, she picked me up and stroked my head making me purr she smiled and walked over to her bed and played me down with her next to me I cuddled up to her making her kiss my head I smiled and licked her check making her giggle her giggles are so cute I thought she turned the lamp of and pulled the covers over drifting off to sleep.

Goodnight my senpai and I closed my eyes.

(I hated the picture so I got rid of it looked nothing like him anyway)