Chapter 9

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You woke up by your phone buzzing you sat up stretching hearing your bones crack a bit you looked at your phone to see severely calls that hadn't been answered all night you sighed and looked at the door to check if CC wasn't there you smiled and looked back at your phone and calling your mom until you heard yelling outside you placed your phone down on the bed and walked over to the door but before you could grab the handle the door swung open nearly making you fall someone catched you before you could fall you looked up to see CC and he looked pissed he.

CC: s sorry toots you don't mind me hiding you somewhere do you?

You saw him and you didn't want to make him more angry so you agreed and got dragged down a hallway leading to another door he opened it and pushed you inside gentley and told you to hide somewhere quick and closed the door locking it you sighed and looked around trying to find a place to hide there was a closet or a mattress a window that have a few cracks on you then heard yelling and screams? You started shaking and was running out of time because you was hearing fast footsteps coming the door your in so you ran towards the closet and opened the door shutting them behind you you made no noise at all and sat down hugging your knees waiting if anything will happen you waited in the closet for a least 5 mins and still heard nothing you opened the closet door and stepped out to see no one you walked over to the door and before you could the door swung open to see police officers you were glad that they was here and followed them to the exit when you felt two pair of arms wrap around your waist the police turned around and started shooting at CC he screeched and dropped you making you hit the floor the police helped you up and dragged you outside putting you in the police car you sighed and looked out the window to see CC still holding his face

Y/n: hopefully I won't see him again you thought and the car drove off leave CC by himself again

CC: y y/n n no s she's mine they tuck my sweet kitty away the'll pay taking away my kitten SHE'S MINE YOU HERE ME SHE'S MINE and I've got the perfect plan to get her back.