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Draco's POV

Arabelle and I arrived at the black house. I walk in front of her showing the rooms that's been burned down.

"I don't think we can find anything. Everything looks burnt to ashes." I said she looks around with her wand with close up. Then she pulls out something. A metal piece with a carved language. "You know what language this is?" She asked me. I look closely it's more of signs rather than letters. "It's just nonsense. I've never know or see anything like this." I said to her. "I bet Hermione knows something. I'll bring it. Let's go to the next room."

After hours in the house we found different small metals with carved signs. Each one of them are different but no sign of my uncle. "Wait I forgot one room. It's the basement. I rarely go down there when I was a kid." I told her. "Let's go then." Soon we went down suddenly the door was lock. "Last time Harry and I were here it wasn't lock." I said. "Alohomora." I cast the spell than we all I can feel is pain. "CRUCIO!" Someone yell. The voice I recognize. "Stupefy!" Arabelle casted covering me. "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" She yelled out and it was Rudolphus. "Are you alright Draco?" She asked I nodded and tell her to help me drag Rudolphus back to the ministry to interrogate him.

Estrella POV

I was reading a book in the library with Anthony Zabini. His dad and my father are best friends. He is the headboy in slytherin. "Have you read little women?" He asked me. "Yeah but I haven't read Moby dick." He smirk at me. "You should read it. Here take mine." I took it from his hand and smile at him. "I was wondering to read a new type of books. I've seen you reading a lot horror books." I then give out my favourite horror book. "The writing is just more understandable and many suspension in it." I told him.

"Do you like uhh want to go out for drink or something tonight? Just you and me before we have to go left Hogwarts." He said sounding nervous but straight forward. "Anthony are you asking me out or something?"  "I prefer a nice date with the most beautiful girl." I blushed. He is the same year as me but charming and mature. I agree with him and I walk to my dorm found Scorpious and Albus talking. "You look happy sis." Scorpious said to me eating a few biscuits. "Father sent us some biscuits. Want one?" He offered. "No thanks. I am going out with Anthony. He asked me out!" I said to him exciting. "I knew Anthony has a thing with you. Where will you two be going?" He asked me looking at Albus whose also in my year. "Don't know but it will be only short dinner date."  "Better only be dinner date." Albus said looking at me. "Please I know when I'm ready." Scorpious looks at me with a frown and raised an eyebrow. "Oh please obviously not now!" He smile and raised his hands as a sign 'Fine'.  

"Does father knows about this?" I frozed when he said it. I've never talk about boys to him before. "I don't want to tell him yet. For now it's just a friendly date. I'll tell father when things are getting more serious between both of us." I told him he then nods and continues eating. I put my beg down and change into a sweater than walk down to the Gryffindor tower and see Lily about to enter. "Lily! Wait!" I yelled out. "What is it?" She asked. I told her everything and need her help giving me any suggestions on what to do on dates. "Just be yourself and don't change anything. Obviously he asked the beautiful Estrella Malfoy so just be you." She said so I get myself ready for tonight.

"Scorpious! Do I look okay?" I asked him

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"Scorpious! Do I look okay?" I asked him. He look at me from my hair, my face and my clothes. "Good you know to cover your skin." He jokingly said. "Haha very funny brother. I'll be back in 8".  "Okay have fun if he touches you let me know." He's sometimes can be annoying but I admit he cares for me.

Draco POV.

I get myself dressed I can't believe I haven't went out for a date for years. I do not plan to tell mother and father early. It will be just a quick dinner with her. God what am I doing. Harry then texted me wishing good luck Malfoy. I wish this will be easy.

"Mother I'll be home around 10." I informed her sitting with father reading. "Where are you going Draco? You look sharp tonight." Damnit I really thought she won't notice. "Oh it's just few drinks with a friend." I said to her father just stares at me curiosly. "Dressing in a suit?" He asked me. "Been a while since I wear my black suit." I said he nodded and I left the house.

I walk into the restaurant and saw her. She looks absolute beautiful.

"Hi you look stunning tonight." I said hug her she smiles at me. She's wearing a red tight dress with her hair down for the first time I've seen her dirty blonde hair down. "Thank you Draco. You look handsome wearing all black." She compliment me. "Thank you um you want to eat now?" I asked her shyly. God I sound so noob. "Of course I am starving."

After dinner we talk more about our family and asking about the hard life our parents give us. "We should be going. It's late." I said to her she nods yes and hold my hand walking out of the restaurant. "I have a lovely time tonight." She said to me looking at my eyes. Her eyes are just amazed me so much I was lost looking at her smile. She then kiss me on the cheek. I look at her surprised by her boldness. "If you want to kiss me it's okay." She said with her smile on. I lean in for her kiss. Her lips are just soft and taste like strawberry. Just sweet and just perfect. Then I heard a gasp from the distance. I look around but no one was around. "I thought I heard something." She looks around as well. "Yeah sounds like someone's gasps." I nod agree but it was getting late. I then look at her walk into her car and she drove away home. "Darling if only you can hear me.. I am happy tonight." I said looking at the moon and walk back to the manor.

Scorpious POV

"Did you see that?!" James said. "Obviously.. my father just kissed another women." I was stunned. I never imagined father with someone else. "I have to get back to the dorm you should tell your sister before you left to go home." He said to me but I just can't imagine what it would feel for Ella. She hasn't even know mother then suddenly telling her father is seeing someone it has to be confusing for her.

The next day I sit down with James and Hugo. Then I saw my sister just passed. "Sis! Can we um talk." I said to her she looks at me with confusion. "I think father is starting to see someone new." She first looks at me and just smile. "Is this another dare from Freddie? Sometimes I disapproved you took the Weasley's dare." She said thinking it's a joke obviously it's not. "When James and I sneak out for a little stroll using the invisibility cloak, I saw father walking out from the restaurant with a women holding his hand. Then I saw him lean in kissing her." I explained to her she stares down. "Do you think.. you think father is forgetting about mother?" She said I put my hand on her shoulder. "Hey listen maybe he's just out for a date. I don't want to spoil the fun." I said to her trying to get her forget about what I've said. She smiles and walk out.

After arrived, Estrella hugs father before she goes with the Potters. "Behave and have fun there okay? If you're homesick you can just tell Harry or Ginny they'll tell me to get you." Father said to her kissing her forehead. "Yes father. Tell grandmother and grandfather I love them." He nods and I grab my bags go into the car.

"How's school this year?" He asked me. "Fine. I am doing great coping with all the stress. I know you disagree of me dropping out the divination class and took muggle studies instead." I said to him trying to distract the topic about an unknown women. "Don't be sorry Scorpious. Back then I even think divination class was not my thing but I can't drop it. So what exactly do you learn about muggle studies?" He asked. "We just learn on doing daily things without magic and learn that muggles used electricity a lot to do or get something." He nods interested. "That's sounds interesting. Maybe you can teach me few." He said. He always have interest in muggle world. Mother said it's fun doing something without magic it feels like you really accomplished something and it did made me feel more appreciate hardwork.

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