Missing Father

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Scorpious's POV

I woke up and look my sister's head is resting on my lap. I slowly replace my body with a cushion so I won't wake up. I overheard Harry and Hermione. "Oh hello Scorpious. I'm sorry if we were loud." They look at me but I know Hermione's face is showing me something is wrong. Then my sister wakes up and asked them. "Where's my father? Is he okay? Is he hurt? He's okay right? Where is he?" She asked desperately. "Your father is missing. I went there and no sign of your father. But I will need you to go to Hogwarts you two will be safe there with headmistress McGonagall and other professors. For now I will find your dad." Harry reassure us. "But I want to come with you can I? Please?" She starts to breathe heavily. I hug her tight. "Come on the aurors are the best. They'll find father." I said to her. "Come on your grandmother is already at Hogwarts. I'll send you two there." Hermione said but I can't help what happened to dad?

When we arrive at the Slytherin common room, grandmother is sitting on the couch with professor McGonagall, Lily, James, Albus, Rose and Hugo. "Grandmother are you alright?" I sit beside her. Her hand was broken and her face looks been beat up. "I'm alright but we have to find your father." She tried to get up but headmistress McGonagall sits her down. "No! Harry have clearly told us to stay put here. It's dangerous to be involved with death eaters that are out for revenge." I look at Estrella she looks about to burst. She then screams. "I CAN'T TAKE IT! MY DAD IS IN DANGER! THOSE DEATH EATERS CAN KILL HIM IF WE WON'T BE HURRY! I CAN'T JUST SIT HERE DOING NOTHING BEING USELESS! I NEED TO GO AND SAVE MY FATHER MYSELF!" She yells until her face is red. "Estrella calm down they'll find him." Lily calm her but she looks offended. "You and Rose knows what it feels like to have a mother's love. But I don't! I don't even know my mother's voice sounds like. He is the only person that makes me feel love and safe. Without my father I might as well die!" She runs out the common room. "ELLA! WAIT!" I run behind her.

Estrella POV

I run straight to the astronomy tower then I hide first making sure my brother didn't follow me. He runs to the opposite direction. When he's out of sight I run to the tower. I look up. The sky was blue and no clouds at all. I cry I can feel it's hard for me to breathe. I can't just stay here doing fucking nothing at all. I need him. He's my dad, my only parent, the man that took care of me all 16 years. What would I do if he's gone?

"Ella? It's me Arabelle." I look behind me. She was standing there looking at me. "I overheard what you screamed. Come here sweetheart." She said opening her arms. 'sweetheart' my father's voice whispers into my ear as the wind blows in my face. I run to her hugging her.

"Mummy." The word just slipped out of my mouth. But my feelings are felt true she feels like my own mother. She hugs me tight comforting me. "Awww my dear I promise I'll find your father. But it's dangerous if you get involve." She said wiping my tears away. "But I do need you to do something for me. Protect your friends and grandmother. They are scared so they need you the most fierce young witch." She said looking at me with hope I said yes. Even though I want to come but I know I can't left my brother and my grandmother. I nodded agreed to stay with my friends and grandmother.

Draco's POV

I am tied on the floor. My body feels so week after many tortures they have done to me. But my mind can't stop thinking my son, my daughter are they safe or not. I hope so much my father has change but instead he betrays me his own son. "Draco, my poor nephew. If Bellatrix is alive she'll be disappointed at you like this." Rudolphus said. "I don't care she's dead." I said trying to get the words out. My father walk in and just stares at me. "Son, I care for you. Tell us where are they?" He asked me I don't look at he's eyes and keep my mouth quiet. "Such a tragic lost if anything happened to them." Selvi is another death eater that Voldemort trust close. "The aurors have spread the news. But they don't mention where his children are." She informs them I thanked them for not mentioning my children's whereabouts. She looks down at me lift my chin up. "Hmm let us check at Hogwarts shall we?" She said and left. I know professor McGonagall will not let any dark magic enter the school. I hope she'll remembers to cast a protection spell. Rudolphus looks at me with his wand on his hand. "CRUCIO!"

It burns me badly. I screamed agony begging him to stop. Eventually he did. He and father left the room leaving me in pain. I have to get out of here. I keep looking around and I noticed a lock box. There must be where they put my wand. I try to open with my hand tied at my back but it was lock. I stare at the ground and saw a steel. I remembered Scorpious taught me one of the muggle way to unlock a lock with a steel. I try the energy I have left to get it open. It clicked I open it and grabbed my wand. I can't waste time they'll be back soon. I try to cast my patrounus. "Come on Draco think your best memories." I keep thinking my best and greatest memories. The day I marry my beautiful Astoria, the day Scorpious born, the day Estrella born, the day I become an auror. Nothing still nothing. Please please I need to send them the sign I'm here. Then I keep thinking. Scorpious, Estrella and Arabelle sitting in the living room laughing and love each other. "Expecto patronum." I did it. It was the first time I cast that spell. My patrounus is a wolf. It goes out and send the sign for help. I hope I get to see my children again. Then I heard a loud voice. "YOU IDIOT! YOU CAST A PATROUNUS?" Rudolphus was so mad. He doesn't like being captured by an auror. "You'll regret your life!" He said to me making me sit up against the wall. "Avada keda-" before he could finish another spell makes him and father fall to the ground. "Draco!" Arabelle just runs to me. Harry and Ron keeps casting their defence spells. "Get him out of here Arabelle! We'll fight him off!" Harry said she untied me and puts my arm on her shoulder. She apparate me into the hospital wing. But it was a mess.

"Sit here. Madam Pomfrey?!" I get my breathing steady but then I realized Selvi is coming to Hogwarts. "Arabelle! Selvi will get to Hogwarts to take my children." I told her she calms me down. "Draco dear, come on your children and your mother are in the slytherin common room." She said helping me up and walk to the dungeon. "How did you cast the patrounus? It's amazing." She said to me. "I just think about you and my kids." She kisses me and I can feel the sparks in my chest. "You know your kids are so worry about you." She said to me smiling. "Your daughter calls me 'mummy' you know." I was surprised. My daughter just called someone a mummy. "Maybe that's a sign for us to finally marry?" I said smirking waiting for her answer. She smiles widely to me. "That's the topic other day for now let's focus on saving your family." I nodded agreed with her. But then we felt a loud shake on the ground. "Sounds below us." She said I hope it's not near my children.

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