Safely with me

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Draco's POV

"It's just a dream it's just a bad dream.." I keep telling myself feeling my head sweating and look at my wife who's still sleeping. I keep thinking I should go check on the kids. I grab my grey shirt on the sofa at the corner of my bedroom. I walk out to check on them. First I check on Scorpious then Estrella. I walk into Evelyn's bedroom and saw she actually awake with her night light on.

"Baby why are you still up?" I asked her but she just won't answer. She looks at me and signs her hand wanting me to sit on her bed. I get closer to her and I suddenly caught a bad smell. I check on her bed and look at her. "Did you wet your bed darling?" I asked her but she keeps looking down. "Hey come on let's wash you off." I said but she wants me to carry her. I then just carry her I'll clean myself later for now she just too adorable. "Hey what's wrong?" Estrella then walk in "I just saw the hallway light open. What happened dad?" She asked me. "Your sister just wet the bed. You can go to bed." I told her. "I'll help you clean the bed sheets." She said while carefully take the bed sheet and walk downstairs to the laundry room.

Evelyn starts to cry in the bathtub. "Shh baby it's okay it's fine. Why don't you wake daddy up?" I asked her. "Dark.." she said points out the hallway. "Oh I'm sorry I forgot to keep the little light on." I apologise to her.

After cleaning her up I asked her what pyjamas she wants to wear and she picks out the pink pyjamas with a grey cat on it. It was a gift from Hermione. I tug her in but I can tell she was not happy. "Do you want to sleep with daddy and mummy?" I asked her she nods yes quickly. She grabs many of her toys. "Uhh baby just grab your favourite one okay?" I told her but she looks at her toys carefully. "I want 2." She said I then nod yes. We walk to my bedroom and I carry her on the bed. "Hmm what's wrong Evelyn?" My wife asked. "She got scared I let her sleep with us." I said to her. She move a little and Evelyn hugs her with her toys near her. They both look so gorgeous and beautiful hugging each other. I get on bed and let my lamp bedside table on.

I wake up and see Evelyn beside me is still asleep. She just look too adorable. Arabelle is already done showering. "Draco are you sure you're okay with this?" She asked me. "Baby I know you're worry but Harry already said the death eaters are in azkaban most of them Ron even told 2 aurors to keep an eye on me and Evelyn. I'm okay with it. It's only temporary." I reassured her. "Okay okay I'm just worry." She said I don't blame her. It's almost a year since we lost our children.

Scorpious and Estrella went out to their jobs. I kiss Arabelle goodbye and she kiss Evelyn goodbye as well. "Come on baby finish your breakfast then we'll learn a few potions." I said to her sitting up straight eating her cereal. She always love seeing me doing potions and always asked me every single thing in the bottles and what it does. I agree when people said she's a little curious girl.

After breakfast we went into the brewing room she looks at how I make the potions carefully. She keeps asking me everything that I have put into the cauldron. But when she got bored she sits at the corner and start drawing while I finish my work. "Daddy look." She said showing me the picture. "What's this sweetie?" I asked her. "This is you and mummy and Scorpy and Ellie." She points each people in that drawing. "That's beautiful. Want to put on the wall?" She nods yes. After finishing the potions I bring her into my home office. "Do you want to hang it here?" I asked she nods yes and help me taping her drawing. I then show her the potion I have brewed. A luck potion I explained to her and she looks so amused by it. I then store it in the cabinet then we both watch a few cartoons until it's her nap time.

I carry her into her bedroom and lay her on the bed. "Daddy are they're anymore bad guys?" She asked. I know she hopes for a no answer but I know it's just won't be real. "Baby I want you to know that you're safe okay? There will be many dangerous and bad people out there but I am here to protect you. Your mummy and I will do our best to keep protecting you, Scorpious and Estrella. So I won't let anything happens to you ever again baby. I promise okay." She looks at me and hugs tight. Her small arms just hugs me and I can feel she's really in my arms. She is safe at home with me. "Don't cry daddy." Her soft voice whispers to me. "I'm just happy you're here with me baby. I'm happy you, your sister and brother are here home safe." I said sobbing and keep hugging my little baby girl.

Estrella's POV

I got back home to see 2 aurors are around the manor. They asked me a question that only my dad knows the answer but now of course they both know the answer. Father then welcomes me home with Evelyn. "You're hungry?" I nod yes to father and see what he made. "How's work?" He asked. "A little less busy actually. The students are all welcoming back safely. This Saturday the Slytherins and Ravenclaws are playing quidditch so you want to come?" I asked him. "It has been a long time I haven't see the quidditch games. Evelyn want to go?" I look at her hugging her favourite elephant that I gifted her on the day she was born. "Yes please." She said. "I'll ask your mother later. She suppose to be home before 6." He said I glance over at the time and it's only 5.40 "It's not 6 yet." I said to him but I know he's getting anxiety everytime we're not around and didn't heard anything from us. He's just good at hiding it. "I know I'm just saying to remind myself." He said sitting beside Evelyn and pour orange juices for her and me. "Thanks father." I said after he passed me the glass.

After I wash myself I went down for dinner with the family. Evelyn sits beside me and start eating. We keep on talking about our work and Scorpious keep on talking about his wedding plans with Lily. Looking at them laughing and just show each other love makes me feel whole again. I've never see father laugh so much with anyone. Before Arabelle came into the picture the three of us always felt something was not complete. A mother. A mother that can show us love, care and always there for us. She give us another family member. Evelyn Astoria Malfoy. She's gave this family more love and hopes. I wouldn't want anything happened to them ever again.

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