I Want My Dad!

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"Get away from me! Don't touch me!"

Jupiter's heart broke because of the words coming out of Morrigan's mouth but he couldn't blame her. Squall had visited Nevermoor through the Gossamer. He had recently found a new party trick which involved using Morrigan's Wunder against her. He has currently put her in immense pain and made her hallucinate. Jupiter had no idea how to get her out of this horrifying state.

"Breathe Mog. It's me, Jupiter. Just breathe. Martha has gone downstairs to make you a cup of tea, okay? How does that sound?"

"I don't want anything," yelled Morrigan before screaming out in agony. Jupiter's heart went out to her, it really did. He loved her more than anything in the world and he hated seeing her like this.

"It's going to be okay, Mog. The pain will go away soon, I promise." He actually didn't know when the pain would go away but he hoped it would be soon.

"Too hot!" gasped Morrigan. She threw the blankets off herself before quickly pulling them back on exclaiming, "The monster in the corner is coming to get me. Don't let him get me!" She then hid her face in her pillow and started crying.

Jupiter reached out to put his hand on her shoulder but Morrigan pushed it away.

"I said don't touch me!"

It was then that Jupiter connected the dots. "Morrigan... do you... do you know who I am?" Jupiter whispered the question, dreading the answer.

"No! Get away from me!"

Jupiter backed away into the wall. He then turned towards the door and ran out into the hallway. He slammed the door to Room 85 shut trying to muffle the cries coming from Morrigan. He slid down the wall and put his head in his hands. Before he knew it, he was holding back sobs while tears streamed down his face.


He looked up to see Martha holding a tea tray. He didn't bother standing up. He didn't think he would be able to even if he tried. His legs would probably fail to hold his weight and collapse beneath him.

"She—She doesn't..." Jupiter broke down into sobs again. "Mog doesn't remember me!"

Martha placed the tea tray down on the floor and sat next to Jupiter. She wrapped an arm around his shoulder hoping to bring him comfort.

"Oh, Jupiter."

He leant into her, letting his tears fall onto her shirt. After a moment's silence, Jupiter pulled away to find a wet patch soaking into the fabric.

"I'm so sorry Martha. I don't know what over came me." Jupiter grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and blew his nose and wiped his tears.

"You have every right to feel the way you do. It must be awful for her not to know who you are. However she is still your little girl and you need to get back in there and help her get better. I brought the tea, I made it just the way she likes."

Martha stood up grabbing the tea tray. She stuck out a hand towards Jupiter which he took and stood up. He ran his hands over his clothes, getting rid of the crinkles. He put his handkerchief back in his pocket and turned towards the door to Morrigan's room.

Jupiter sighed and placed his hand on the door knob. He almost turned around but then he heard a scream come from inside the room. It was worse than anything he had heard all day. He pushed the door open and ran inside the room.

"Where's Jupiter?! I want my dad back! Where's my dad?" Morrigan was crying and clutching the jacket she wore. Jupiter was surprised to find that the jacket was not hers. Instead it was his. He turned towards Martha.

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