Fast Asleep on the Rug by the Fireplace

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The tears spilled down her face as she slammed open the Wunsoc door leading to her bedroom. She was seeing red, but she also felt so blue. She had let those teenagers get to her once again.

As Morrigan entered her bedroom, she threw her bag down on the ground. It skidded to a halt, a loud thump being heard as it hit the wall. She looked around her room, trying to make sense of everything. She knew the answer wouldn't be found here. Instead, she would have to talk to a certain ginger haired man.

She walked to her door and twisted the knob, feeling the cool metal against her skin. Morrigan pushed the door open, stepped out, and let the door slam behind her. She didn't care how much noise she was making. If the whole hotel heard her, so be it.

Morrigan marched her way through the halls of the Deucalion, occasionally sniffling and swiping at her eyes. She kept her head low, hiding her face from any passing guests.

Finally, she got to her destination. Breathing hard from her crying and her long journey, Morrigan didn't bother to knock. She barged her way into the study, but she was disappointed to find Jupiter was not there. Instead, Fen lay on the rug by the fireplace with her tail wrapped around her, soaking up the heat. Newfound sadness settled into Morrigan's stomach, making the tears flow faster.

"Can't you see I'm trying to take a nap?" asked Fen rudely.

"Where's Jupiter?" Morrigan tried to level out her voice, but at the end of the question her voice had risen shakily. This made Fen look up, and Morrigan look down to her shoes.

After moments of silence, Morrigan spoke.

"I'll just go."

She turned to exit the study, but Fen interrupted her.

"Are you crying, Morrigan?"

"I—um, no. I mean, I was. But not any more." Morrigan tried to wipe her tears away but they were an endless stream from her eyes.

"I don't do this often. The whole 'being nice thing', but you are clearly upset." Fen uncurled her tail and rose it in the air. It looked as if she were inviting Morrigan to sit, but she didn't want to take the wrong hint. Fen rolled her eyes. "Hurry up then."

Morrigan blinked in surprise, but she cautiously walked over to the Magnificat. She didn't want to know what would happen if she denied the offer.

She sat down on the rug, leaving Fen her space but she felt the soft fur on her tail wrap around her shoulders, gently pushing her down onto Fen's body. Morrigan now lay with her head on Fen's stomach, with her tail over her legs.

She felt oddly comforted.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Good, because I wasn't going to listen."

This made Morrigan chuckle. There's the good old Fen.

"When's Jupiter coming home?"

Fen seemed to think about this for a moment. "I'm not quite sure. He said it was a short trip, only one or two days, but you never really know with him."

Morrigan nodded. You never really did know with Jupiter. A day's trip could turn into a week's trip. A week's trip could turn into a day's trip. It was always uncertain, and always kept Morrigan on her toes, desperately waiting for her patron to come home.

She curled up closer into Fen's body and shut her eyes. With the heat from the fireplace, and the pain in her eyes from crying, Morrigan felt exhausted. The vibrations coming from Fen's stomach only pulled Morrigan further into sleep.

Within minutes both the Magnificat and the young girl were fast asleep on the rug by the fireplace.

625 words

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