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"Hey, what's up, Morrigan?" Hawthorne had noticed she had been slightly distancing herself from the others for the last couple of minutes. He couldn't understand why. It was their last day as junior scholars, what's there to be upset about?

"Oh, nothing."

"Morrigan," he warned. "I know you. I've known you for years. I can tell when you're lying."

Morrigan looked up with a smirk. "Can you now?"

"Course I can. Your left eyebrow raises slightly."

Morrigan chuckled before looking down at her lap.

"I don't know, Hawthorne. It's just—this is our last day! Our last morning ride on Hometrain! After this, the decorations come down, the biscuit jar gets put away, and a whole new unit of wide eyed 12-year-olds are going to be using our train. Isn't that a little crazy to you?"

Hawthorne nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess, but Morrigan you need to look on the bright side. We got through it together." He placed his hand in hers to emphasise his point. "And this opens a whole new door of possibilities. You're going to be the best Wundersmith of all time, I'm going to be the best dragon rider of all time, and all our friends are going to be the best in their field of work."

"I'm not sure it's that hard to be the best Wundersmith. The title kind of got tainted."

"Well, you're going to be the one that proves to the world that Wundersmiths are good! They're a force to be reckoned with! Come on, Morrigan, don't be upset on our last day!"

"But, Hawthorne—" Morrigan was interrupted by the sound of Hometrain pulling into the station.

"No 'buts'! Let's go!" exclaimed Hawthorne, pulling his friend over to the rest of the group.

The Unit climbed onto the train, sitting in the spaces they had created for themselves over the years. Hawthorne sat with Morrigan and Cadence on the couch. Anah and Arch sat on beanbags next to each other. Thaddea, Mahir, Francis and Lam sat on cushions on the ground. The seating arrangement was certain after the first couple of years of school. It never faltered. This is just what worked for the group and they never thought of changing it.

"Good morning, Unit 919!"

"Good morning, Miss Cheery," the children replied.

"Who's excited for the last day of school?"

The Unit all spoke in agreement, however Hawthorne noticed that Morrigan looked a little bit upset. He once again placed his hand in hers, hoping to cheer her up a little. What he got in return was an almost convincing smile.

"Alright, so as it is your last day of school, I organised a little present for you all!" said Miss Cheery, clapping her hands.

"Presents?" Hawthorne sat up straighter on his spot on the couch, earning a laugh from his conductor.

"Yes, Hawthorne, presents. I think you're going to like it the most out of everyone."

Hawthorne could feel his face stretching in a grin that reached from one ear to the other. Excitement bubbled in his stomach as he watched Miss Cheery reaching into a cupboard and pulling out nine wrapped presents all shaped the same.

"Now, I remembered back to something Hawthorne said on the very first day we met." Miss Cheery spoke as she gave everyone their gifts. "I don't want to give anything away, so just open them!"

The Unit tore into the wrapping paper. As each Unit member freed their present, fabrics of three different colours were revealed. Morrigan's was black. Cadence and Lambeth's were white. Hawthorne's and the rest of the Unit's were grey.

Hawthorne was thrown into a fit of excited laughter as he figured out what the presents were.

"Miss Cheery, are these—" began Mahir.

"CAPES!" finished Hawthorne.

"Yes, as Hawthorne so kindly told us all, I decided to get you all capes. I know you may have grown out of the whole 'superhero' thing, but I wanted to get you something that would remind you of our first day together."

Hawthorne couldn't hide his joy. He ran up to Miss Cheery pulling her into a crushing hug. He was so tall that he towered over his conductor and when he spoke, he was speaking to the top of her head.

"Thank you, Miss Cheery. I love it."

"I'm glad, Hawthorne."

By the time the train had pulled up to Proudfoot Station, the Unit were all wearing their capes. Miss Cheery had insisted for a photo causing the teenagers to laugh and pose in silly ways. They received many odd looks from the other students and teachers around them, but they couldn't care less. They were all just happy to be here together.

"I think we should wear these capes all day," suggested Hawthorne. He was surprised when the Unit were all quick to oblige, running off to their morning classes with their capes flowing behind them.

As the Unit separated, Hawthorne felt the twinge of pain he had witnessed his best friend experiencing earlier. It was a little sad that that was the last time they would ride to school on Hometrain. It was a little sad that a new Unit would use their train next year. And it was a little sad that they finished their junior years. But it was good that they did it together. It was good that they had five years of memories to look back on. And it was really good that they all had capes.

914 words

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