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Morrigan sat patiently in a chair outside of a cute little cafe. She heard the lovely sound of bird song and the constant chatter of gossip being passed between customers. She heard the gentle clink of cutlery and china.

Nevermoor felt alive, and Morrigan felt alive with it.

"Hi, Morrigan."

The voice broke Morrigan out of her thoughts. She turned around to see her best friend, Cadence standing behind her. Next to her, stood someone else.

"Hey, Cadence."

Cadence turned to her guest. "Gran, this is Morrigan. She is a very good friend of mine. I would like you to meet her."

Cadence's grandmother looked shocked, but Morrigan had an inkling as to why. For years she was the only one to remember Cadence. Now, Morrigan was somebody else who had no trouble remember the long haired girl.

"Please, sit down," invited Morrigan.

The chairs scraped along the ground as Cadence and her grandmother took their seats. The resemblance the two had was crazy. Their skin and hair were both the same shades, but instead of wearing her hair in a braid down her back, like Cadence did, her grandmother wore it up in a simple bun.

" know my granddaughter?"

"Oh, very well. She is one of my best friends," replied Morrigan with a gentle smile on her face.

"Best friends? How do you remember her? She's a mesmerist. That's meant to be impossible."

"I'm a—" Morrigan cut herself off. She wasn't sure how much this women knew about her, but she didn't want to risk letting her secret be known out in the middle of public. "Everyone in our Unit is taking classes to remember Cadence. I just so happen to be at the top of the class."

"Seriously, Gran. Morrigan is amazing. She's been so quick to learn. Hawthorne too! He's another one of our friends. The rest of the Unit is slower but they're getting there. Gran, I have friends who actually care about me!" finished Cadence with a large smile on her face.

Morrigan looked to Cadence's grandmother and was surprised to see tears pooling in her eyes.

"Be careful, Cadence. They could only be doing this because they have to. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Oh, don't you worry," Morrigan interjected. "We all want to be friends with Cadence. We all have so much fun with her it's just that, unfortunately some of us can forget those wonderful moments. She's in good hands. You have nothing to worry about."

"Alright. I trust you, Morrigan. I think you're a good girl."

"Gran, I'm not that bad at making friends. I know who is trust worthy and who isn't. Morrigan is definitely a good person to have around."

The two younger girls shared a smile before they all began to look at menus. The three spent the morning laughing, and having fun. Morrigan and Cadence told her grandmother stories from school and all the fun time they've had together.

After inviting the two Blackburns over for dinner at the Deucalion whenever they wanted, Morrigan started her walk back home. She was happy that her friend had at least one other person who wasn't apart of Wunsoc that remembered her.

536 words

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