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"Unit 919 has completed their studies at the Wundrous Society. We have taught them all that was possible. Loyalty. Trust. Friendship. Family. And how to use their skills effectively. It is now time for them to go forth into the world and use their knacks for good."

Elder Quinn stood in front of the audience. Morrigan sat with her best friends. Her sisters and brothers. She thought back to the beginning of her schooling. She could not believe how far they had all come together. They were now adults. They were no longer the little kids they were when they first started out.

"I now ask for all the Unit 919 members to stand and come up to receive their graduation certificate when their name is called. Audience, if the applause could be kept in an orderly manner, and until the end, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you."

Morrigan's heart started to race. This was going to be it. She was about to end her schooling career. She couldn't be any happier. She was so grateful for everyone who had brought her up to this point. Hawthorne. Cadence. The rest of her Unit. Miss Cheery. The Scholar Mistresses. The Elders. Jupiter. Morrigan didn't know what she would have done without any of them.

She watched as Elder Quinn began to read from a piece of paper.

"Lambeth Amara, short-range oracle."

Of course, the audience did not wait to shower Lam with applause. And it was not orderly either. Her patron stood, along with Unit 919 and Miss Cheery.

"YEAH! GO LAM!" yelled Hawthorne.

Morrigan felt the tears start to prick at the back of her eyes and looked down the line to the rest of her unit. Anah was already crying, hiding her face in Arch's shoulder.

"Cadence Blackburn, mesmerist."

Surprisingly, Jupiter stood for Cadence, whooping loudly. Morrigan looked to where the patrons all sat. Baz Charlton was still firmly in his seat. He did not shout, or applaud. Instead he sat looking quite bored.

Morrigan stood and screamed, "Good job, Cadence!"

"Morrigan Crow, Wundersmith."

The room went dead silent. Morrigan could hear her heart beating in her ears. Screams started to erupt throughout the hall, however Morrigan only heard them like she would if she were under water.

Her legs carried her up onto the stage where she received her certificate from Elder Wong. Elder Saga bowed his head in her direction, and she nodded back, showing thanks.

She walked over to where Lam and Cadence were standing and smiled at them. That's when her head started to resurface. She could hear every noise in the hall. She heard the screaming of her Unit. The whistles from the audience. The "Congratulations, Morrigan!" from Miss Cheery. The "Love you, Mog!" from Jupiter.

Then she heard another voice from the back of the hall.

"You deserve it, Mog."

She looked to the back of the hall and gasped. Standing there was Jack. Morrigan didn't know if he would make it, considering he was so busy with work. She looked to where Jupiter was standing and saw that he was wearing a smile with a glint of mischief in his eye. She smiled in his direction.

"Francis Fitzwilliam, gastronomist."

Again, screams broke out across the audience and Morrigan didn't hesitate to cheer for her friend. She was sure her, and all her other Unit members would have lost their voices by the end of the day.

Francis came on stage and stood next to Morrigan. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and Morrigan wrapped one around his shoulders.

"Mahir Ibrahim, linguist."

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