Does She Like Anyone?

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Part two of 'Do You Like Anyone?'


"Martha! I need to talk to you!"

As he turned the next corner, he almost fell into the poor woman, nearly knocking the tea tray out of her hands.

"Goodness, Jove! Are you alright? What are you rushing around for?"

"I need to talk to you."

"Oh. Okay, then. I'm just about to go to Morrigan's room to give her some tea before breakfast. You can come with me." She turned towards where Jupiter had just come, clearly expecting him to follow.

He rolled his eyes out of frustration. "No, I can't! Not near her!"

Martha stepped back, shocked. "Is she alright?"

"Yes! I just need to talk to you about her."

Martha sighed and looked down at the tray in her hands. "Alright, well, I need to get this to her otherwise it'll go cold. I'll met you in your study soon?"

"Yes, of course, thank you, Martha."

She nodded and then walked to the fourth floor, leaving Jupiter alone in the hall.

He made his way to his study and when he entered, the fire was going, making the room nice and toasty. He settled into the chair behind the desk, letting himself get comfortable. While he waited for Martha to arrive, Jupiter thought about what the best way to have this conversation was. It was awkward talking to Morrigan about this topic, and he only hoped that it wasn't as awkward with Martha.

After a couple minutes of waiting, the maid was sitting down in the chair in front of him, asking what he had wanted to talk about.

"Does she like anyone?"

Martha blinked in confusion. "What?"

"Does she like anyone?"

"Does who like anyone?"

"Morrigan, of course!"

", not that I know of."

Jupiter nodded slowly.

"Why do you ask?"

He wiped his hands over his face. "I had a dream last night. I was walking a grown up Mog down the aisle. When I woke up I went and asked Morrigan if she liked anyone, and she said no, but if she did she would tell Hawthorne and you." Once he had finished talking, he noticed Martha had been looking at him with a certain look. "What?"

"You had a dream about walking Morrigan down the aisle?" asked Martha with a smile.


"You must really love her."

"Of course I do. She's like my own daughter." He sighed. "But I don't want her growing up. No guy will ever be good enough for her. Heck, I'm not even good enough for her. No one deserves to have Mog in their life and she doesn't deserve to be hurt. Not again. I don't want her falling in love just so her heart can break. I won't allow it."

"Jupiter," Martha placed her hand on his. "Morrigan has to grow up. She's going to get older, and want a relationship. You can't stop her heart from breaking, but you can be there for her when it does." She offered him a warm smile. "It's going to be okay."

There was a knock at the door that made the two adults jump.

"Come in," called Jupiter.

"Jupiter?" Morrigan opened the door and stepped into the room. "Hurry up, I'm starving and I want breakfast. Oh, hello again, Martha."

"Hi, Morrigan."

"Sorry, Mog. I was just talking with Martha."

"Oh. Do you want me to go?" She took a couple of steps backwards towards the door.

"No, that's okay. We're all done." Jupiter smiled at Martha and then stood up from his seat. "Now, breakfast." He rubbed his hands together in a mischievous manner, and then skipped over to the door. He wrapped his arm around Morrigan's shoulders and exited the room, making his way to the kitchens.

He certainly didn't want his little girl growing up, but he knew he would have to accept it, and he would be there for her every step of the way.

652 words

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