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I don't really know how trigger warnings work, but I feel like I should say this involves talk about abuse. If you do not like that, then feel free to miss out on the story. You can always come back for the next one. Thank you!! :)


Jupiter was concerned for Morrigan. She only left her room to eat breakfast and dinner, skipping out on lunch, but even then, she wouldn't communicate with anyone. Not even him.

He tried going and talking to her, but she would only reply with short answers. Jupiter thought it was just a phase, something that would be over in a couple of days, but it only grew stronger. She wasn't faking a smile anymore. She walked with her head held low. She ate less. She went to bed earlier. She slept in late. Jupiter hadn't seen this kind of behaviour since Morrigan had first moved into the Deucalion just under a year ago. He was frightened to think that she was taking steps back.

He had been walking around the Hotel, checking on how everything was going. As much as he tried to stay away from the fourth floor, he always found himself there, right outside of her bedroom. It was about the fifth time he had ended up here. He was just worried about her and couldn't shake that feeling away.

He sighed before tapping his knuckles on the door of Room 85. Once he heard a faint "come in" from the inside, he pushed the door open.

He wasn't surprised to see the state of the bedroom. Morrigan was under the blankets, her head resting on her pillows. There were numerous dishes scattered around the room, on top of the dresser, desk and bedside table. There were clothes thrown around on the floor. Simply put, the room was a mess.

"Hey, Mog. What's going on in here? Looks like a bomb exploded," chuckled Jupiter.

His only answer was a small shrug of the shoulders from the black haired girl.

Jupiter felt his smile slip off his face. He walked over to the chair next to Morrigan's bed and sat down. He looked at her. Really looked at her. Beneath the bright golden wunder, and the dull colours crowding her body, he saw a girl. A young broken girl. Her hair was a matted, knotted mess. She had dark circles under her eyes and her skin was paler than ever. She did not look healthy at all.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern weighing down his voice.

"Yeah," whispered Morrigan. She wasn't looking at him. Instead, she looked at the pillowcase she was fidgeting with.

"Come on, Mog. Everyone is missing you. We just want to see our bright happy girl." He reached his hand out to touch her shoulder and that's when it happened.

She leaped off the other side of the bed, her eyebrows knitted together in fear. Jupiter's arm had frozen where it was. He didn't know what had caused her outburst, but he was going to figure it out.

He stood up, meaning to walk around to the other side of the bed, but Morrigan ran towards the door.

"Don't come any closer."

Jupiter was shocked. She had never acted like this before. He was always allowed to play around with her, tackling her to the ground with hugs. She never pulled away or flinched at his touch.


"You heard what I said. Don't come any closer."

Jupiter noticed the tears pooling in her eyes.

"Mog, what's going on? I want to help you, but you need to talk to me."

He took two cautious steps towards Morrigan. She reached around behind her back and forcefully opened the door before running out into the halls of the Deucalion. Jupiter swore under his breath before leaving the room to chase after her.

He heard the sobs escaping as Morrigan ran deeper into the Hotel. As she turned a corner, he heard a warm, feminine voice ask if she was okay, Morrigan only replied with a muffled scream as she ran away.

"Don't touch her!" he yelled as he turned the same corner.

"Jove? What's going on?" asked Martha.

"I don't know. I'll explain later." Jupiter continued running after the girl.

His body wasn't young. After minutes of running he was exhausted. He had fallen behind and now didn't have any sight on Morrigan. He slowed down, placing his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. He carefully walked around the halls, trying to look for any sign of Morrigan.

As Jupiter passed a small cupboard he heard whimpers coming from it. He froze and turned towards it, making sure he heard right. The noise came again, making him place his hand on the knob. He twisted it, and as the light from the hall flooded the small space, he found Morrigan sitting with her head in her knees, crying.

She looked up at him and screamed, "Don't hurt me, please!"

Jupiter was bewildered. "Hurt you? Mog, when have I ever been anything but gentle with you?" Jupiter's brows were furrowed in confusion, but his eyes widened when he realised. "Oh...Morrigan, did he...did he hit you?"

Morrigan only nodded before breaking down into more sobs.

"That sick son of a..." Jupiter was enraged. He had never been angrier in his life. He kicked the door before realising that was probably not the smartest thing to do. It had made Morrigan scream and cry even more.

"Oh, no, Mog, I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you. I am mad at your father. No! He doesn't even deserve that title. He was never your father. I am. I am mad at the man who made you this scared. Who abused you!"

Morrigan raised her head from where it was hiding in her knees. Her eyes were red and puffy and Jupiter had no doubt in his mind that she had a headache...partly because he could see the blurry-ness that indicated such pain.

"Did you just say you're my father?"

"What?" Jupiter had been ranting and hadn't even noticed his slip up.

"Just before. You said Corvus isn't my father, you are."

Jupiter blinked in surprised. "Oh. Did I? Well, I just mean, I'm your guardian now, and Corvus isn't around, so yeah. I kinda am like your father now."

Morrigan nodded.

"I'm sorry."

"For what? You have nothing to apologise for."

"For lashing out. I'm never scared of you. I know you won't do anything, I just...I don't know."

"Mog, look at me." Jupiter knelt down so they could be on eye level. When Morrigan looked up, her eyes were glistening with tears. Jupiter thought they looked sadly beautiful, the way flowers on a grave do. "You have something called post traumatic stress disorder. I could see it from the first time I met you, floating around your head. I just never knew why. And now I do. What you just had was an episode. You can't control how or when it happens. You should never apologise for them, okay? I'll wait them out and be here for you when you want me. I promise."

Morrigan nodded and slowly moved so she was also kneeling, and carefully placed her arms around Jupiter's neck.

He cautiously and very loosely placed his arms around her waist, not wanting to scare her off.

When they pulled apart, Morrigan was wearing a small smile.

"Now there's the Mog I know and love." He gently brushed hair out of her eyes and placed it behind her ear. "How about we go to the Smoking Parlour. Everyone in the Hotel is dying to see you."

Morrigan nodded and stood with Jupiter. They both exited the cupboard, and Jupiter closed it behind them. They then made their way to the Smoking Parlour, hand in hand.

1267 words

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