Do You Like Anyone?

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Jupiter peeked through the doors as he watched the crowd gather. He speculated that he was more nervous for this than Morrigan was. Her body language wasn't giving anything away, where as Jupiter was pacing and chewing his fingernails.

"Jupiter, calm down," chuckled Morrigan.

"I'm sorry, Mog." Jupiter sighed and sat down at a bench near by. He looked over at Morrigan. She looked like a princess. Her long black hair flowed down her back in soft curls. Brown eyeshadow lightly dusted her eyelids, accentuating the black colour of her eyes. She wore a white dress that reached the floor. It hugged her in all the right places, but not enough for Jupiter to yell at her to change.

"You look gorgeous, Morrigan."

As Morrigan looked at her patron a blush crept onto her cheeks. "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself."

Jupiter looked down at himself and he couldn't disagree. He had cleaned up well, a nice black tuxedo with a yellow tie for a pop of colour.

He thought back to when he had first met Morrigan. She was a scared little girl stuck in a house with an unloving family. He had taken her out of her dreadful situation and brought her to Nevermoor to teach her about family, love, and friendship. Raising Morrigan had made him laugh, and smile, and cry but he couldn't be more proud of the woman she had become.

Soft music began playing, pulling him out of his reverie. Jupiter looked to Morrigan who had a large grin set on her face.

"Alright. You ready, Moggers?"

She nodded excitedly. "Of course. Are you?"

"Yes." The truth was, Jupiter was not ready. He didn't think any fathers were. It's hard to give away your little girl to another man. What if they didn't treat her right? That's what Jupiter had Fen for.

He held his arm out for Morrigan to take. After they both took a deep breath, they pushed through the doors into the hall.

A collective gasp was heard as everyone's eyes snapped to Morrigan. It was difficult not to look at her, she looked as if she were the perfect bride. Jupiter felt Morrigan's grip on his arm tighten, and he gave her hand a light squeeze to reassure her.

"You're okay."

The crowd was massive. It was almost half of the Society as well as some citizens that the bride and groom were friends with. This was going to be the wedding of a century, and nobody wanted to miss out.

As the pair got closer to the front of the hall, Jupiter started the tears beginning to prick at his eyes. A couple escaped and Jupiter hastily wiped them away before turning towards Morrigan. He pressed a kiss to her cheek, and let go of her, allowing her to walk to the alter.

"I love you, Mog."


Jupiter sat up in bed quickly looking around him, trying to get a hold of his surroundings. He blinked back the memories of the dream and rubbed at his eyes. Morrigan? Getting married? Never! Jupiter would make sure of it. No one was lucky enough to marry Morrigan. The only men allowed in her life were Jack, Jupiter and the rest of the boys in her Unit. No one else.

He slipped his feet into his fluffy purple slippers before exiting the study. He made his way to the fourth floor, and tapped his knuckles on the door of Room 85.

"Come in!"

Jupiter pushed the door open and found Morrigan sitting up in her bed.

"Good morning, Mog."

"Morning, Jupiter."

"How did you sleep?" asked Jupiter as he walked over to her bed and sat down in front of her.

"Pretty good. You?"

"I had a lovely sleep." Jupiter didn't quite know how to ask his next question, so he decided blurting it out would possibly be the best way. "Do you like anyone?"

"What?" Morrigan's cheeks grew more and more red.

"Do you like anyone? You know, any boys? Or even any girls? I don't know your preferences." If somebody had told Jupiter five years ago that he would be having this chat with a young girl he thought of as his daughter, he would have probably laughed and called them crazy. "If you do decide you aren't straight or anything, that's fine, perfectly fine! I'm always here for you. I love you and I'll accept you no matter what—"

Morrigan cut Jupiter off before he could continue rambling. "No, Jupiter! I don't like anyone!"

"Oh...okay, then." Jupiter nodded before speaking again. "Would you tell me if you did?"

"I-I mean probably, but don't be offended if I don't. Plenty of girls don't tell their parents things. You'll probably find out from Martha or Hawthorne, though. Or possibly even Jack but I doubt I'd tell him."

Morrigan was right. If she were to like anyone, she would tell Martha and Hawthorne, and Martha would tell Jupiter. She never liked keeping secrets from him. And Hawthorne, well Hawthorne can't keep a secret.

Jupiter nodded. "Alright, well I just wanted to check."


"Oh, I was just wondering."

Morrigan furrowed her brows in confusion but didn't question it any further.

"Come downstairs soon. Remember we're having family breakfast this morning."

"How could I forget? I'll be down in about five minutes."

Jupiter smiled at her before leaving the room. As soon as he was off the fourth floor he yelled out:

"Martha! I need to talk to you!"

919 words

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