Valentine's Day Mistletoe

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The Hotel was buzzing with life. Love was in the air. It was the first Valentine's Day Morrigan was experiencing at the Hotel and she was relieved to get a break away from the stress that was the Trials.

Decorations filled the lobby and halls. Frank and the Hotel itself had sure out done themselves. The walls had painted themselves a soft pink, heart banners hung from every surface, and rose petals were sprinkled on the floor. Frank had even hung what he called "Valentine's Day Mistletoe". If anyone got caught under it with somebody else, even if they didn't know them, they must kiss. Whether that be a platonic kiss on the cheek, or a romantic kiss on the lips, it must happen or else gentle music would start playing, gradually rising in volume until a foul-smelling red liquid would spill from the mistletoe over the two victims ("How else are we supposed to get the love juices flowing?" he had said, to which Morrigan replied with, "Frank, you can't pressure people into kissing strangers. That would be so awkward!" Frank had just simply rolled his eyes and said "Ahh, young Morrigan. You must learn so much about the love world.")

Hawthorne had requested he had gone to the Deucalion for the day stating that his family was out for all their own Valentine's Day festivities, and he didn't want to be stuck with his parents on their date. Jupiter had allowed him over on the one condition that Morrigan and Hawthorne stayed out of trouble.

Of course, they weren't following that rule.

All morning Morrigan and Hawthorne had stood on the spiral staircase in the lobby choosing out possible candidates for their grand plan. Hawthorne had come up with the wonderful idea of bringing guests together underneath a mistletoe in the lobby. Morrigan had thought it over, and they had the perfect plan. That certain mistletoe was being avoided by most that day because the lobby was so full a simple push from another guest was all it could take to get two innocent victims under the mistletoe. And that was all Hawthorne and Morrigan were going to give.

"You ready, Morrigan?"

"Of course."

The two walked down the stairs and made their way to the small group surrounding the mistletoe. Here, a man and a woman stood together but they weren't close enough that you could consider them lovers. However, Morrigan did notice quite a connection between the two and she felt the tension in the air. The plan was to push these two under the mistletoe so they would have to kiss and hopefully, a relationship would blossom.

"I'll take him, Morrigan, you get behind her."

Morrigan did as instructed and got behind the woman, her hands floating over her back. Once Hawthorne had situated himself behind the man, she waited for his signal...but there was none. Instead, Hawthorne had just pushed the man in front of him and this gesture had surprised Morrigan so much she fell into the woman, pushing the woman into the man. It had still worked. The man had caught the woman in his arms, before jumping back rather awkwardly. Then, the music began.

"Oh, goodness me. It's a Valentine's Day Mistletoe!" exclaimed the woman.

" is. Well, time is not on our side here, so best get this done."

The woman leaned in to kiss the man on the cheek, but he moved slightly, earning himself a kiss on the lips. The two pulled apart and shared a strange look before bursting into giggles and walking away hand in hand, the rich sound of their laughter filling the lobby.

Hawthorne and Morrigan continued this little game for most of the day. They were quite proud of themselves for all the couples they had made. Everyone was walking out of the Deucalion with lovestruck eyes for somebody else, all because of a simple shove from two eleven year olds.

The two children were having fun until they had to clean up the mess that was the aftermath of a man refusing the kiss the woman he was caught under the mistletoe with. After they had cleaned up, they decided to stop their game so that they wouldn't be the cleaners for the next tragedy.

"I'm exhausted. Playing cupid is tiring," yawned Hawthorne.


"Can we go to your room?"

"Yeah, sure."

As the two walked to Morrigan's room, they weren't really paying attention to the route they were taking. All day they had been careful to not walk under mistletoe, but as the events of the day caught up to them, and their bodies were weighed down by sleep, all they wanted to do was take the fastest way to Room 85. While they slowly walked down the hall, Morrigan heavily leaning on Hawthorne, they heard music begin to play.

"No, no, no." Morrigan jolted and stood up straight. She then looked up above her head and cringed.

Hawthorne chuckled.

"What is so funny?" yelled Morrigan. "We're going to have to clean this up! And this dress is one of my favourites. I don't want it to get all gross.

"But you see, Morrigan, none of that will happen."

Morrigan's eyebrows furrowed. She did not want to be kissed by Hawthorne. That would just be too gross. Her eyes tracked his movements as he knelt in front of her and grabbed her hand.

"Miss Morrigan Crow. Thank you for being such an amazing friend. I cannot wait until we are both in Unit 919 together." Hawthorne spoke with his head held high, and he made his voice deeper. Morrigan chuckled at his silly antics. "Happy Valentine's Day, Morrigan." He lightly pressed his lips to the top of Morrigan's hand and, thankfully, the music stopped playing.

Morrigan ripped her hand from Hawthorne's grasp and furiously wiped it on her dress. "Yuck!"

"So we can share a drink, share food, you can wear my clothes, but I can't kiss you on the hand?"

"No! Save that for the unlucky person who has to date you."

"Hey! I'm not that bad!"

"Yeah right."

The two left the hanging mistletoe and walked to Morrigan's room, this time very careful as to where the mistletoes were placed. They spent the rest of the day picking on each other, and laughing and talking, as well as causing more mischief in the halls of the Deucalion.

1071 words

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