The White Lions ReAwakening Part 7 (The start of a Redemption?)

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Ooooo this chapter has a name :0

3rd POV~

~this is a time skip to an hour or so later~

"My apologies my prince, but I'm still confused on why you would want to go see the trash of the universe." The White Lion said as she glided through the starry void. "Look...I don't want to see them either, trust me. But, I can't stop all of the Gulra without them no matter how strong I am. We can't just have two different coalitions planning to attack at the same time. Then we'll all lose to the Gulra. I was angry and I let that get in the way of what my mission is. And that's to get stronger so I can save the universe...and I may need Voltron to do that." Lalious replied as he fed Timothy. "You have it easy don't you Timothy? Just eating and vibing without a care in the world. No paladins to deal with..." Lalious said as he squatted to view his green friend.
"Sorry to interrupt my prince, but we are nearing the paladins. It would be in your best interest to change out of your sleepwear." The White Lion announced and Lalious slightly blushed. "O-Oh. Yeah. That may not be the best way to greet them." He said, scrambling around to look for his armor and fix his hair. During all the rushing around, The White Lion eventually made it right outside the field scanners. "Once we cross, there's no turning back. They'll know we're here." Lalious whispered to himself. "Ready my prince?"


Man, that was a short chapter. Sorry >_<

Your upset that was it right?


3rd POV (~With Voltron~)

That encounter with Lance (three days ago) had screwed the paladins up big time. Blue would just straight up not let Allura in so they couldn't form Voltron, everyone pretty much hated Allura, and was stressed out as hell. "If nobody is going to say this, I will. Everything is falling apart. We're going to loose this war you might as well take us home and find new paladins. Maybe you can find someone to drive blue. Because it's obvious that you can't. And Lance isn't coming back anytime soon." Hunk said, no hope left in him. "Hold on, you guys don't all think that do you?" Allura said as she looked around the control room at everyone (including Coran). "Why'd you have to do it Allura...IF YOU HADN'T KILLED LANCE WE WOULD BE FINE!" Pidge yelled, tears threatening to fall. "She didn't kill Lance. In a way...I think we all did." Shiro sighed. "Why were we even mean to him? We all made mistakes. We all did amazing things. But Lance always seemed to get the short end of the stick. The only time we seemed to care is that time he saved coran. And we brushed it off in what? A day? Coran would be dead right now if Lance wasn't there." Keith snapped as he kicked some near by object. "Keith, settle down-" Shiro said before getting cut off my an alarm. "Shit." Pidge whispered, thinking it was another Gulra attack. "I don't think we can face another fleet of Gulra! What are we going to do?!" Hunk Shrieked as he started to fidget.
"EVERYONE!" Coran yelled.

"It's not the Gulra. It's Lance."

3rd POV again~

The doors were slowly opened so Lalious and his lion (and Timothy) could enter. The White Lion almost immediately had to switch (after Lalious got out) to a smaller form so it could properly fit since it was too big (not me having a dirty mind 😭✋🏽). When  Lalious exited, the paladins and Coran were outside waiting with very obvious confused looks, even though they were trying to hid it and look happy he was back. Lalious then took of his helmet. "I am sorry...about last time. I let anger control me. But I had a right to be angry. And if you haven't figured that out. Then I'll leave again." Lalious said, making eye contact with all the paladins at some point. "I'm going to speak. Tell you what I think. Then ask your questions and tell me what you think. Sound good? All I need is a nod." Lalious said, obviously not trying to have this conversation end up like the last one. "Lance I-" Pidge started but was cut off by Lalious. "Nod." He sternly said. All of them then complied, as if he was the Alpha and they were all his subordinates. "Good. Let's go sit down." He said as he walked towards the control room, already know where it was. The paladins and Coran stayed dead silent the whole way there, only the tapping of feet residing in the halls. When he got there, he sat down on the stair that led to Alluras podium thing, Blanco (with Timothy) next to him. The paladins and Coran then all found places to sit or lean. "Alright. We're all here now. Cool. So~" Lalious said before stretching and letting out a small yawn. "Don't get me wrong, I still pretty much hate you guys. It took me, almost trying to kill myself and a talk with my dead friend and a Guardian spirit to suck it up and come over here. But I'm here now because I want to help." The paladins looked at him in surprise, some tilting their heads in curiosity. "You see, I'm strong. I know that. I'm confident in me and Blancos ability to get things done, and I'm confident in the coalition I have made. But, I realized that if our separate coalitions go fight at different times, my coalition will only have around 75% chance of winning. I need that number at 95% minimum. How do I get that number? The best way is to involve you and help you guys figure out your shit show so you can help me. So here's my offer. I stay here, help you guys deal with blue, maybe catch you up to speed to some thing that can help you, train you what I know, we make one big coalition, defeat the Gulra and boom. Yay teamwork we defeated the evil dudes. BUT. If you fuck shit up (Jesus, Lalious language-) and yell at me for any unjustified reason or I feel like shit while being here because of ANY OF YOU, I'm leaving. I rather take that 75% chance then stay if there is a repeat of what happened last time. Think about what your going to say carefully then answer."
(Can I just say I lowkey ✨love✨ the confidence/authority Lalious has this chapter!!)
The paladins thought, talk some things over and then finally spoke. "We accept." Shiro said. "Coolio. First things first. Blue. Allura, come with me." Lalious said as he walked out towards Blues hanger. Allura got up and awkwardly followed, not wanting anger the paladin who was going to answer. "Lance...I'm sorry. About last time we met. And everything before that. Last time I brushed off everything because I was stressed but anything else was for no reason and that was unfair of me. I just" "It's fine. We're in an alliance now. I'm grateful for the apology... But we aren't friends. You and the others haven't earned that. Nor have you earned any of my trust. Right now, all this is just a mutual agreement to get the job done. Nothing more. And that's all you should think of it as."
As the reached The Blue Lions hangar, she immediately roared happily as her barricade fell. "It's been awhile blue." Lalious said as a gentle purr ran through the two paladins minds. "I'll be right back. Blanco, Allura stay here." He said as he ran into Blues mouth. Allura heard a small 'Tch' as she looked at the White Lioness next to her grumpily look away. "It's great to see you again blue" Lalious said as he sat in the pilots chair. "You as well, my cub." The Blue Lion purred in reply. "Hey blue..I know this might be dumb to ask...but why did you leave me for Allura that day...?" Lalious asked, a sudden tint of sadness in the air. "Because you were meant for something greater. Something I couldn't give. Some of me wishes it didn't play out the way it did, I never wanted you hurt. But I wouldn't change it for the universe. You've grown into something amazing and there's more to come." The Blue Lion told Lalious. "You never fail to make me happy blue. Even if I'm not your paladin. Oh! I've gotta ask, why do you hate Allura so much? I sorta promised I would get you to maybe work for her." The Blue Lion sighed in response, letting out an annoyed hum. "Allura is an amazing girl. She has potential, but she doesn't pay attention to my suggestions, she's always to hard on the controls, and she never fully attempts to bond with me. She always gets frustrated that it hasn't gone her way. She needs to be calm and open minded. Maybe then we would get along better." "Ah. I see. I'll talk to her about it ok? I have to go now though. It was great talking to you. I'll send Allura to you in a bit." Lalious replied with a smile as he got up and walked out of the cockpit. "I smell food. Wanna get something to eat and I'll tell you how your horribly messing up?" Lalious said. "W-was it really that bad?" Allura asked nervously, earning an 'ehhh' in reply.

How will this alliance grow in the future~? Guess y'all will have to wait till next time 😂
Sorry for the semi-short chapter. It was gonna have like another 500 words buuuut I got lazy soooo yeah. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. ^_^

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