The White Lions ReAwakening Chapter 2

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This is just a chapter to tell you guys the teams (Specially Keiths) POV while Lance was trapped in his room and when he jumped. Also, make sure to read the update at the bottom ^_^ thanks!

Keith's POV

I awoke in a rapid coughing fit due to the smoke covering my room. I need to get out. It's hard to breathe. I scrambled to my feet after hearing a loud 'Boom' and ran to the door. Luckily it was easy to open so I was able to run out. I was about to run down the hall when I overheard some weird jiggling noise and Allura thanking someone. She then proceeded to run into me (Which not gonna lie, really hurt!) "Oh my! Apologies Keith."  Allura said as she got back up. "It's fine. Where is Lance? We need him in Blue." I replied as I got up and started to jog the way out. "Oh. He...He said he would go out the back help civilians! And he said that he trusted me to fly Blue as well!" Allura told me. Something seemed really odd with like everything in that sentence. "Why would he leave you to take a test drive with Blue now?! What if you're not compatible?! And how will you know how to drive Blue?! That idiot...I'm gonna kill him." I replied angrily as I turned a corner and opened the door. "It's fine Keith. I can drive Blue. And I'm sure we will get along well." Allura replied. I just sighed and agreed, not wanting to defy the princess, and made my way to Red (who was in the castle). Everything seemed to go smoothly from there. Shockingly Allura seemed to do really good in Blue. Maybe even better than Lance. But I quickly shook that thought out of my head, not wanting to betray the kind guy the got him a drink and tried to comfort him even though he didn't bother to socialize. But the others didn't seem to mind totally going at it when it came to saying that stuff. "Wow Allura your Amazing!" Hunk said. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure you're even better than Lance!" Pidge said! "I think he finally made the right choice for something." Shiro said. "Allura is definitely way better than him by a long shot!" Coran (who said that from the castle) acknowledged. But then something slipped out of my mouth. Something I didn't want to say. "Why doesn't Allura just become the new blue paladin...?" I said. I didn't mean it. Or maybe I did? I really wasn't sure. I didn't feel horrible about saying it...But I did feel horrible about what the other said after I said that. "Yeah, you can just replace Lance!" Pidge said. "Maybe we can talk to Lance and tell him he can't be the blue paladin anymore," Shiro said. My heart pounded. It hurt. "I don't think Lance would mind. He would probably want to go flirt with like everyone." Hunk said. "Yeah! I would love to replace Lance as the blue paladin!" Allura said. Something about that last sentence made me come to a realization. When have we ever really been nice to Lance? It was like I was in autopilot. I continued to fight as I thought of these things. Lance never really got praised. Never got the credit. He never really did anything wrong. We just kept yelling at him for no reason. Before I knew it, the battle was over. We had won again. But it didn't really feel like it. At least not to me. I actually felt sick to my stomach. Like something bad was going to happen. Something that would change Voltron forever. "What really happened Allura," I said quietly through the coms. "What do you mean?" Allura replied. "Lance cares about blue too much. And I never heard any replies when you thanked him. So what really happened?" I asked slightly louder. "Oh...I... I'm sorry. I thought I could avoid this." she replied. "What did you do?" Shiro asked lightheartedly, thinking nothing was really wrong. "I'm sure it was nothing........right Allura?" Pidge asked. Allura was silent.
"Allura...?" Hunk said, now slightly worried. "I...I locked him in his room. With a chair. And ran off. I just wanted to try blue! And you guys even said I did better than Lance! So what's the problem?" Allura said defensively. "THE PROBLEM IS THAT THE BUILDING YOU LOCKED HIM IN IS ON FIRE!" I yelled as I flew down to the building and ran out of Red. "A-Allura!" Hunk said with shock as he landed. "He could be... Lance could be..." Pidge stuttered as she flew down to join them. "Allura what have you done..." Shiro said as he joined them. Allura quickly put out the fire with her lion so she and the paladins could look but they never found anything. Allura was blamed for his death after hours of going through every nook and cranny of the burnt castle but I didn't give up. I kept looking. For two days. But I never found anything. So eventually I gave up too. Nobody saw Lance leave the building so the only thing we had to go by is the fact that the chair was knocked over and the door was opened. But that could have been caused by anything. We soon realized that without Lance it felt a lot more...empty. The others slowly also started to realize how shitty they were to him. I really don't think anyone was really the same after that. We seemed to slow our progress in defeating the Gulra. Everyone tried to act normal but you could tell they were getting less sleep the more they thought about him. Even the lions seemed to be sad about it. It was all just a mess. And me? I can't think straight. The last thing I probably said about that was that we should replace him. I'm an idiot. Not him. I wish he would just come back. We miss him. I miss him.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bet you guys probably weren't expecting another so fast but here we are. I've been in a writing mood so yeah. Oh! Yeah! So I am going to explain the updating schedule to you guys and do my best to stick to it. So what's going to happen is, I am going to just sorta post when I feel like it. There should be 2-4 chapters a month but there will probably be more this month.

Why? Because 1.As an apology for how I didn't update very often on the original. 2. Because I have ideas I want get down before I forget.

Also, I'm going to try drawing a short vid based off this because I'm in a drawing mood and I had a really good idea. But I'm not that good at drawing so he prepared lol.

That's it! Have a good day/night!

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