The White Lions ReAwakening Chapter 4

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This will be a 3rd person POV so Lance is watching all this stuff happen. Anyways. On with the Story.

P.S. After writing all this I realized that you guys may be confused so let me clarify. Lalious was born way before King Alfor and Allura. About 7,000 years before to be precise.

Another P.S.
There is a quote is from James Cameron at the end of the chapter but we just gonna say Lalious said it cuz yeah.
Waves gently rocked back and forth on a small beach as a little boy (maybe 7 or 8 years of age) sat on the shore, just far enough so that the waves wouldn't touch him. Surrounding him were books of all kinds from the basics of quintessence (a book his father had written) to nanotechnology books. But the boy hadn't been reading any of them. He had already read them many times and now was working on a project of his own. He fiddled with a small object as the waves calmly rocked around him. Everything was so peaceful. "Lious? (<— a nickname was given to Lance by a friend. Pronounced Lie-us) are you working on that battery for your blinko-robot you keep talking about" a girl, slightly taller than him with long, straight, pink hair said. "How many times do I have to tell you Alluka? It's Blanco. Blan-co. And she's not just any robot. She's my dream! My future! Altea's future!" Lalious replied excitedly. "You know, most 8 years olds are talking about roughhousing and games. Your really something else Lalious." Alluka laughed. "Is it really a bad thing though?" The small boy with a British accent replied. "Not at all." The girl replied. "Prince Lalious! Lady Alluka! The lunch is ready! My prince, your father requested you and your acquaintance come back to the palace immediately to eat." A middle-aged woman kindly said. "Yes, Miss Havaka." The two children both replied. Alluka and Lalious both gathered the books that were scattered in the sand and left the beach, leaving its calming waves to itself.

7 years later (Lance is 15 Alluka is 18)

"Alluka. Can you hand me the melding laser?" Lalious said as he adjusted his glasses and connected a blue wire to a red one. "Lious, start keeping your tools closer to you. I can't pack for the expedition and be your assistant." Alluka said with a sigh as she tossed him the laser. "I know I know...apologies Alluka. I'm almost done. Then I just have to say my farewell to father and we can be on our way if you have everything packed."

Time skip to Lalious' father...

"Are you sure this is the best decision dear?" a woman who looked very similar to Allura asked. "Settle down darling. You know how capable our son is. And Miss Alluka is accompanying him. She would never let anything happen to him." A tall muscular man with glasses replied. "They sibling-like bond they have is quite astonishing." The woman said before turning to Lalious. "Lalious, please make sure you stay safe. I'm not sure what I or your father would do if we lost you. And don't get me started on your little brother. Oh, he would just be devastated..." The woman trailed off. "Please trust me, mother. I'll be home before you know it. I just need gaze upon Oriande for myself. I need to know if it's real. If so, I could have a breakthrough in the building process of Blanco. This could be revolutionary." Lalious replies with a twinkle in his eyes. "You and your 'nerd-talk' Lious..."Alluka says as she walks into the room. "Hello King Syphos, (weird name, I know. It's pronounced 'psy-for-s') Queen Alai," Alluka said with a bow. "No need for the formal talk hear Alluka dear. Your practically our daughter." Queen Alai replied, earring a slight blush from Alluka. "We should get going Alluka. Oriande awaits!" Lalious said as he pumped his fist in the air. "If it's even real. Your calculations could be off." Alluka fired back with a smirk. "When are my calculations ever off?" Lalious said as with a laugh.

Time skips to Oriande...

"Lious... this is..." Alluka started. "Oriande..." Lalious finished, his obvious amazement showing. "It's beautiful Alluka! I can't believe we-" Lalious stated but was cut off by a loud roar. "Lalious get down!" Alluka said as she started to run towards Lalious. But it was too late. As soon as the Guardian touched Lalious, he was gone. "Lalious!" Alluka screamed as she searched for her friend who was nowhere in sight. Her hands shook as she placed her hands on the spot he had just been standing. "Give him back!" She yelled at nothing. After hours of searching, Alluka found herself wandering back to the exit. "Maybe I can get help." She thought at least until she realized the exit was gone. Broken over the loss of her best friend, she sat in the void like space not knowing what to do.

With Lalious...

All he heard were the screams and cries of his best friend for awhile. It hurt him to hear his best friend in so much pain and he couldn't do anything. "White Paladin. Contain your worries. You will reunite with your companion soon enough." A voice said, slightly scaring Lalious. "Who are you...?" He replied, barely above a whisper as he glanced around the void-like area. "I am The Guardian of Oriande. And you, are the soon to be White Paladin. You will do great things child and I can help you. That is what you seek yes? Guidance. Knowledge. Answers..." The voice trailed off as the lion walked around Lalious as if it was inspecting him. "Y-yes, please! I need answers! Answers only you can give, great guardian spirit." Lalious replied politeness as he bowed to the lion. "No need to bow. Your kind, willing spirit is enough to tell me you are more than worthy of my knowledge. But all knowledge comes at a price. No matter how kind you may be. Do you still wish to proceed?" The Guardian asked Lalious. "Yes. I would be honored." Lalious replied with confidence. "All my knowledge is yours. At the price of your everlasting revival. You shall leave the world of the living on your 25th day of birth (this only applies once. After he dies on his 25th, he can revive again in a new life and live a full life) but rejoin this place the lifetimes you are needed. My knowledge of the universe will always return to you." The Guardian's voice then slowly faded a Lalious found himself falling. In the distance, Alluka heard her friends scream and immediately ran to search for him. "Lalio-" Alluka started before she was crushed her friend. "QUIZNAK!" Lalious yelled as he landed on his friend. "Wait to make an entrance you royal jerk..." Alluka said as she got up, causing Lalious to fall on the ground. "Gah...sorry...Alluka, are you ok?" Lalious replied as he got up, noticing the dry tear stains on her cheeks. "I'm fine. I was just worried." Alluka told him. Before she knew it, she was engulfed in a hug. The two sat there hugging for a moment before Lalious realized something. "Alluka we need to get home," Lalious said in a hurry as he walked towards where the ship was. "What about the knowledge? The answers." Alluka asked him with confusion. Lalious just tapped his head as a reply.

9 years later. Lalious is 24 and Alluka is 27...

"Today is the day Blanco... our first test ride." He says as he takes off his visor and wipes the grease on his pants. In reply, he got a fair purr as the White Lion's eyes glowed. Lalious then swiftly put on the armor and ran to the cockpit, barely able to hold his excitement. In mere tiks, they were in the sky flying around Altea. "This...This is Amazing!" Lalious shouted.

For the next year, Lalious spread peace further across the galaxy then anyone had ever done.

The next memory...
"This is a memory of my own." The White Lion quietly whispered.

It was a sunset that day. The air was clear, the wind wasn't too windy. The hill the memory took place in was absolutely beautiful. You could get a great view of the beach from there. The same beach the boy with the many books sit. The same beach a girl with long pink hair played with the boy on when he didn't have his nose in a book. The view was so calming. But people were crying. Sobbing. At the top of the beautiful hill stood a gravestone embedded in the ground, a bench behind it. There sat Queen Alai and King Syphos, tears rolling down their cheeks as Alluka knelt by the grave sobbing. A white lioness (that was not in a robot form.) seemed to be attempting to comfort Alluka even tho the lioness herself, was visibly upset. It was so quiet. All that was heard was Sobbing in the waves gently rocking back and forth.

The grave read, "If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success." -Prince Lalious of Altea.

Sad yet? Just kidding. I can only hope my writing skills will grow to be skilled enough to touch your hearts like that some day😅. I do hope you enjoyed the chapter though! Stay tuned for the next one coming soon!

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