The White Lions ReAwakening Part 5

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Hello hello hello~! Hope you're having a good day! Let's jump right in!

3rd POV

Lalious violently inhaled as he sat up. He let out a few coughs and grasped the sides of his chair for stability. "Lalious? Are you alright?" The White Lion asked. "Yeah I'm f-" Lalious started before cutting himself off to stare at his reflection in one of the monitors. "I THOUGHT I WAS SUPPOSED TO LOOK ALTEAN NOT HAVE CAT EARS!!" He yelled as he sat up to look at his white cat ears and tail. "Oh. I apologize my prince. In your last life before this one, you had a set of feline ears and tail rather than just normal altean ears in no tail. Would you like me to try to fix it?" The White Lion kindly asked. Lalious then sat in silence for a moment before shaking his head. "Noooooo. Why don't you put a maid dress on me while your at it?" Lalious said, jokingly. "Whatever you wish my prince." The White Lion replied. "Wait no Blanco it was a joke please fix it,"Lalious begged. The Whitle Lion laughed in reply. "I didn't notice we were in space.." Lalious said as he stared out the window. "Ah, yes. I decided to launch us while you were still in the process."
Lance really didn't realize how beautiful the space around him was until he was with Blanco. The way the stars glimmered around him was nostalgic in ways he didn't know could be. On particular star seemed to shine a light pink. It was bright and beautiful but calming and kind. "Alluka..." Lalious muttered and a tear seemed to escape his eye. There was another moment of silence before Lalious cleared his throat and flicked the tear off his face, only leaving a small dry stain on his cheek. "We should go. Can you give me coordinates to the nearest Gulra bases Blanco?" Lalious said, the tip of his tail flicking around as if it had a mind of its own. "Ok. Would you like me to set a course as well?" Blanco replied. "That would be great. Thanks." Lalious told Blanco, earning a slight 'purr' in reply.
The giant robot cat glided seamlessly through space for a while before reaching a small Gulra base.

Over the span of a few months, Lalious had managed to gain many allies (more than Voltron) and even made some friends. He also managed to get a pet turtle that he named Timothy Bartholomew Anderson the 2nd that some random space dude was selling but that's beside the point. At the moment, Lalious and Blanco (and Timothy) were currently flying to a planet to stop an attack before the Gulra took over. "This is gonna be a big dive Blanco! You sure you can handle it?!" Lalious asked as they hovered in the sky of a beautiful planet. "As you say, My Prince, Bring it on!" The Large Lioness yelled before diving down. The white Lion dove straight down before taking a sharp turn and grazing the water. Blanco then shot a large light beam at the biggest ship, causing it to explode. She then gracefully clawed the rest of the smaller ones, taking them out one by one. A few moments later, they were down on the ground, aliens gathered around them cheering. Lalious walked out to say hi to the people and accept their thanks (though he didn't really want to. Accepting gratitude was awkward for him. And he didn't want to be greedy.) As he talked to the people, 5 lions came from the sky. They seemed to be ready to leap into action before realizing there wasn't any. They then landed to see who had defeated the army that was supposed to be here. Lalious's heart started to pound. His hands started to shake. He was mad. Realllllllly mad. Blanco then sent him a mental message to remind him to keep his composure. He took a deep breath, and watched the paladins trickle out of their lions. " me crazy. But isn't that a Voltron lion? A......really big......Voltron lion." Hunk said, the usual amount of fear in his voice. "H-holy crap!" Pidge yelped as she looked at the fearless lioness towering above her. "Allura, you never told us about a 6th lion," Shiro told Allura in awe. "I-I didn't know there was one," Allura replied.
The five paladins made their way through the cheering crowd until they got to the front. "Nonono. A party isn't necessary. But thank you very much." Lalious said as he replied to an alien who seemed to be the 'elder'. "Excuse me," Allura said kindly to the white Paladin. Lalious ignored the anger he felt and smiled (the only thing that could be seen of his face since he still had his helmet on with a shadowed visor.) "Hello." He replied with a small wave. "We didn't know there was another paladin of Voltron. We've only heard of five. So where did you come from, if you don't mind me asking." Allura asked Lalious as the crowd started to happily walk off, knowing the paladins needed to speak with one another. "I am not a part of your 'crew' it is just me and Blanco," Lalious told the paladins as nicely as possible. "Oh. Well. Maybe your a special feature or weapon for Voltron that you just don't know about yet?" Lalious tried his best not to sassily reply, only shrugging. "Oh! I guess we should introduce ourselves. That is Shiro, the black paladin, Keith, the red paladin, Pidge, the green paladin, Hunk, the yellow paladin, and I (Allura), the blue paladin." Allura said happily, causing Lalious to flinch at the last part. "Ah. I know very well who you are. You all have made quite a name for yourself. I am Lalious, the paladin of the white lion." Lalious said as he typed something on his gauntlet, getting impatient. "Maybe we could talk some more things over on our ship?" Shiro suggested. Lalious didn't wanna go. Like really didn't want to go. Maybe if he talked with them now and got it done and over with, he wouldn't have to see them for a while.

Screw it.

"Hmm. I think I have a moment or two to spare." Lalious told the paladins. "Great! Would you mind if I ask a few questions about your lion too?!" Pidge said excitedly. Keith continued to brute in the corner as Allura reprimanded Pidge for the sudden outburst. "Sorry about that." Hunk said nervously.  Lalious just smiled and went along with it. "I'm not sure if our hangar can fit your lion properly," Allura said as she started to walk towards the ship. "That's alright. Blanco, cmon." Lalious replied with a click of his tongue. His lioness then shrunk into a smaller, more life-like lion (still taller/bigger than any of the paladins though.) The paladins' jaws dropped as the lion walked to Lalious, brushing up against him and almost knocking him over. On her head sat the turtle, Timothy (jus chillin like the little shell shocking ninja turtle he is :3) "Heyyyy Timothy buddy" He said as he patted the little turtle on his head.  He then turned to the 5 paladins and tilted his head saying, "Now where are we going again?" The paladins soon snapped out of their awe and led Lalious to the castle. When they made their way to the dining room, Lalious decided to do something either incredibly stupid or nothing at all.

Before sitting, Lalious took off his helmet to reveal-


Yoloooo. Hope you liked this chapter ^_^ I'll hopefully be back soon. If I'm not back before Christmas then I hope you have some Happy Holidays~! I'm thinking maybe a Christmas special if I have the chance? Idk. Or maybe a New Years one. I guess You'll know if I write it 😂 I'm gonna dash now. I have to finish studying for finals 🥲✌🏽

See ya my paladorks~

P.S.-More angst coming soon! I know there hasn't been much but I swear I have dat sad shit planned

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