The White Lions ReAwakening Part 6

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3rd POV


The paladins stood there in shock, taking a moment to look at a shell of their former friend. Many things were different about him now. He seemed taller, he wasn't as pale, he was more muscular, his freckles seemed to show more, he had curly white hair, scars over his eyes, and he had...altean markings.


Lalious thought at he looked at his former friends in disgust "I find it odd how I change everything and you recognize who I am but you never actually knew who I was when I was living with you." Lalious growled, foggy blue eyes glaring at them. The paladins and Coran seemed to still stare with confusion and sadness as the boy continued to talk. "Did you ever bother to find out what happened? Probably not. It's fine. You never bothered to waste your time on me in the first place." "How do you like Blue Allura? Have you guys bonded?" Lalious said, knowing they haven't. Truth be told, Volrron had been struggling ever since the day after Lance 'disappeared' "Never mind that. You guys wanted to talk? I'm here." Lalious said, anger lacing his voice. "I thought you were dead..." Keith blurted out, being the first to speak after Lalious' rant. " I pretty much was. Jumping off a cliff can do that too you. Blanco managed to save most of me." Lalious said, still angry. "Y-you jumped of a cliff...?" Pidge managed to stutter out. "Not like you needed me anyways. Or even wanted me around. Don't act like you didn't say stuff about me. You all did." Lalious said to the guilty paladins. They all seemed to look at each other nervously. "Look, we apologize for our actions. We were in the wrong. Now we need you in the voltron coalition." Allura said, still snobby as ever. The paladins looked at her with disgust. "He just told us he tried to kill himself and your thinking about the coalition?!" Keith says angrily As Lalious already started towards the exit. "Lance wait-" Hunk said before the door shut.

With Lalious a few moments later in Blanco in space.

He hated them so much. He hated that he wanted to forgive them even though he was treated like trash. Everything hurt so bad. He just wanted to stop thinking, stop feeling. Lalious then abruptly got up and started to fling open drawers. His sobs grew louder as he continued to search for something to make it stop. Even if just for a moment.

Finally he found something in a medical kit.

The cold blade was slowly dragged across the mocha skin on his wrists. Tears continued to fall as blood slowly dripped from the boys arm. God, he hated everything so much. He hated himself. He hated his former team, he hated his home on earth. He hated school. He hated his abusive household. He hated everything and he just wanted it to disappear.

But what if he disappeared instead?

Then he wouldn't have to deal with all this. The more and more blood seemed to be drawn from his wrist as blade slid across his skin. He heard Blanco frantically saying something but couldn't exactly hear her, as if he was unintentionally blocking her out. He then dropped the blade and sobbed, harder then before. What was he even doing at this point. In the end he would just come back to life again. Why bother killing your self if you'll just be back? "God, I'm s-such an idiot" Lalious managed to choke out in between sobs. He squinted his eyes shut and pulled at his hair, ignoring the pain on his arms.
Out of nowhere the pain seemed to disappear. A slow calm wave hit him like the gentle waves on the beach that would hit his feet as he played with Alluka.

"Lalious." A honeyed voice spoke.

The voice was oddly familiar and sweet. It sounded like home. Lalious opened his woes and released his hair too look up and see that beach. The one he was always on. And their standing next to him was Alluka. "A-Alluka?" He stuttered as he looked at his best friend. "Ghost of Alluka actually. I'm not really alive anymore. I died a few thousand years ago. Anyways. Do you like the spot I picked out? And the outfit too?" Alluka said happily as she spun around in a pure white dress that reminded Lalious of the clouds but definitely still kept her elegant nature within the design.
(Something like this if you wanted to know)

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