The White Lions ReAwakening Part 8 (Journals and Thoughts)

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Lalious POV (for the most part- second italics are the paladins/mainly Keith)

It's been 2 days since I re-joined Team Voltron. Things haven't been amazing, but they have been better. Everyone seems in a better mood. Blue and Allura are also getting along better already. There's still tension between all of us.

'It's hard living with the people who almost killed you'

'It's hard living with the person you almost killed'

It's been 5 days since I rejoined the team. I haven't really been trying to open up. Maybe I should? Keith is acting really weird. The whole team sorta is.

'Do they hate me?'

'Does he really hate us?'

It's been a week. I've opened up a little. I've started training everyone individually. I think I surprised Shiro with my skill.

'Did he think I wasn't good enough? Will this just be a repeat of last time?'

'He's amazing. I should have paid more attention to him last time."

It's been 10 days since I've come back. I and the team played Uno. Coran had a hard time learning but after a while, he got it. It was interesting I guess.

'Are they faking their happiness?'

'Is he faking his happiness?'

It's been 2 weeks since I've come back. Hunk, Pidge, Coran, and I worked on somethings on the ship. Hunk made some earth food after and Coran had some... things to say about it. It was funny.

'Is this real?'

It's been 2 and a half weeks since I came back. Today Allura and I had a sorta 'picnic' by Blue. We talked about her(and Blue) and my original Altean life. It was nice. I think someday I could start to forgive her.

'I'm starting to like it here.'

'God, I just want to talk to him. But I'm scared.'

It's been 3 weeks since I came back. I'm starting to think Keith still hates me. He's barely said a thing since the day I came back I tried to find him to talk to him today. We ended up running into each other and falling in a weird position. I'm really starting to think he hates me since he practically shoved me off and made a run for it. Whatever. I don't know why to bother. I knew some person would still hate me.

'Does he hate me that much...?'

'Idiot, IDIOT. Talking to him isn't shoving him off you. Why did I do that?! He probably thinks I hate him. Damn it...'

It's been 3 and a half weeks. Individual training is going well. Shockingly, Hunks improved the most. I'm proud of him. We've been hanging out more like friends again. Keith hasn't been around me unless he needs to. I went over some plans with Allura. We are going to start attacking the Gulra bases in another few weeks. Right now I'm just taking the time to train the team. We thought it would be best to go in the frozen temporal zone. It's a place I learned from the spirit of Oriande. There, time wouldn't move and it would give me enough time to train the paladins without having to worry about the Gulran empire.

'They're listening to my plans's......I'm happy.'

'Stop Avoiding him! Just talk to him. Should I even talk to him...? I was such a jerk...he almost killed himself because of me. I don't deserve to feel whatever I feel towards him...'

It's been 4 weeks. We're in the frozen temporal time-zone. Training is going well. So are my 'relationships' with them. I've stayed somewhat distanced but we are closer. I came back having no intention of becoming friends with them anyway. But it's sorta hard when they give you something you always wanted...friends. Accept Keith. He's been staring at me. He's been glaring behind my back as well. He always turns away or ignores me when I ask him what's wrong. I'm trying to be nice but he's being such a dick and it's pissing me off. I'm gonna confront him if he doesn't stop.

'What did I even do to him? Why does he have to be so pissed at me all the time?'

'Am I staring? Crap. I am. He looks mad at me. I should go.'

3rd POV

Lalious groaned and stumbled out of bed to fix his hair and change. It was like any other day on the ship, the team had breakfast, did some training, Lalious angrily walked out to 'Take a break' when really he was sick of Keith glaring. More training, dinner, and then hanging out or something until they got tired. This schedule continued for another month before something changed. It was currently individual training between Keith and Lalious.

"Ok stop. You need to tell me what the hell your problem is with me." Lalious said angrily as he jabbed a finger into Keith's chest. "W-what?" Keith replied with slight shock.
"The staring, glaring, constantly avoiding me. I told you guys I came back expecting to be treated better and here you are being a dick. So I'll ask again What. Is.Your. Problem?!"
Keith looked at him in shock before looking down towards the ground.
"I never hated you. And I wasn't trying to be a dick, Lance." Keith mumbled. "Speak up," Lalious replied. "I said I never hated you! I wasn't trying to be a dick either! It's just- Nevermind..." Keith replied as he started to walk away. Lalious grabbed his arm "What is it then?"



Cliffhanger!!! ^_^ sorry friend the shorter chapter. I hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you next time! Oh! And did you like the journal time-skip thingy I did? I wasn't sure if I should or not. Tbh I'm really unsure about this chapter so let me know what you guys think...

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