The White Lions ReAwakening Alluka's Story Part 2

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This takes place after Lalious's Death. I swear this is the last part of Alluka's Story. So I'm sorry if you guys don't like it but please wait a little longer and we will be back on the original storyline. To those who enjoy hearing about Alluka, please enjoy.

3rd POV
(So I did my research and apparently, Alteans can live up to and even pass a 600-year life span. So this first part is going to take place 300 years after Lalious's Death(his death anniversary), making her 327. (Practically a middle-aged woman in Altea)

A beautiful woman was sitting on a beach at sunrise, the same beach a boy with curly white hair used to sit at. His eyes gleamed with curiosity about the world. He was so young. Smart. He would have gotten far. No. He did get far. The woman stared at the water as the sun slowly rose, the sand shifting under her. A tear slowly rolled down her sun-kissed cheek and a small sob escaped her voice. She never got over the boy and this day is just a reminder of the memories he left behind. "I knew We would find you here, Alluka darling." A tall boy, similar to Lalious but more muscular and a lack of freckles on his face said, a Lion by his side (not in robot form). "Oh! Lavai! (I know I know. Me and my weird names. I'm sorry. It's pronounced La- va-i like how it's spelled.) I'm sorry. I was just... reminiscing..." Alluka replied as she wiped the tears off her face. The Lion immediately ran to comfort the woman, as did the man. "I'm sorry, Love. I was never close with my big brother but I miss him dearly as well." Lavai said as he cupped the woman's face with his hands and wiped her tears. She gently gripped his arms and let out a loud sob. "We couldn't have done anything. He did that on his own accord. But we can honor his memory at the yearly ball today. Shall we get going? Or do you want to stay here for a bit?" Lavai asked as he got up. "I think me and Blanco will stay for a while longer if that's alright," Alluka replied as she wiped a tear and turned back to the giant body of water before her. "Alright Love. I'll see you soon." Lavai replied, giving Alluka a peck on the cheek before leaving. Alluka let out a slight sigh as she got up and lightly patted the sand off her, the White Lion slightly shaking off the sand as well. They then made their way back to the very crowded castle. People were everywhere you looked, decorating the main hall for the many guests that would soon arrive. "Miss Alluka? My mother sent me to fetch you. It's time for your dress fitting." A small girl with her white curly hair in a loose braid said. "Very well. Can you escort me to the fitting room then, Anna? (A normal name for once-)" "But of course Princess Alluka!" Anna replied as she happily guided Alluka upstairs.

Time Skip to the ball and stuff/What happened

The party was beautiful. Only the best of foods were served in honor of Lalious. There were music and speeches, laughter, and fun. It was almost as if he was there with the Alteans. But Alluka couldn't help but find herself stuck in this loop of some sort. Lalious's death was always on her mind. He didn't deserve to die so early. It wasn't fair. To him. To her. To the kingdom. She needed him the kingdom needed him.
So Alluka decided would get him back. She wouldn't take no as an answer. Oriande would give her friend back.

The next day...

The next day she set out at dawn, in hopes she would return with her friend or at least, some answers. The White Lion glided through space on its way to Oriande with Alluka. It was a peaceful journey. It definitely took a few days to get there but it's nothing they couldn't wait for. The endless calls they got were a nice reminder they weren't forgotten about but in the end, they were all rejected. Alluka nor the White Lion intended on letting the Alteans where they were since it was a personal mission that didn't concern them. Once they had arrived Alluka immediately got out and yelled "Spirit of Oriande! Of have come for answers! And you better give them to me!"
The silence they stood in just angered her further. She wondered around, Blanco at her side, and the silence continued to engulf the void they were in. "Ugh!" She said as she squatted and grasped her head. "What would you do Lious...What would you do..." she muttered as the white Lion stared at her with concern in her eyes. "Frustration won't get you anywhere. You are clever. You should know that." A voice echoed. "The Spirit..." Alluka whispered and she looked around. "You want to know about your friend yes? Lalious?" It said solemnly. "Y-yes. Please." Alluka said, standing back up. "He made a deal. In exchange for knowledge, he would be stuck in a loop of infinite life for long as I shall live. He will eventually be reborn when he is needed so there is no need to worry." The spirit replied. "But he is needed! The kingdom needs him! I...I need him," "If he was needed he would be back now wouldn't he?" The spirit replied, almost in a taunting-like tone to Alluka. Alluka replied with silence, tears threatening to spill. This trip was useless. She didn't know why she thought the spirit would help her. She just needed something to put hope in. "I sense strong anguish from really want to see him that bad? Interesting." The spirit said in a smooth voice. They sat in silence once more for a few minutes before the spirit spoke up once again. "You and The White Lion have a close bond yes?" "I believe we do. I would trust her with my life and I believe she would do the same." Alluka quietly replied. "And you want to see your friend yes?" "Of course!" "What would you give to see him?"
"What?" Alluka replied. "What would you give to see him?" The spirit replied.
"I see. You really do care about him. Very Well. You'll see him again. If your willing to leave your kingdom." The spirit told Alluka. "What? I...I can't just..." Alluka stuttered out. "That is the price. I am willing to help you if you are willing to leave your kingdom." The spirit replied.
Alluka missed her friend dearly. They were practically inseparable. She would pretty much do anything for him.
The Alteans needed her. She taught children, warriors, and helped the village anytime she could. What would all those people do if she just left for her own selfish reasons? She did not doubt in her mind Lavai would rule the kingdom perfectly without her but she just wouldn't be able to ever really get over it if she left all the people that she cared about.
It pained her to do this but she knew what she had to do.
"I cannot take the offer. I am sorry spirit. I just cannot leave all those people for my own selfish reason." Alluka said confidently, even if it did hurt. "I thought you might say that. That was very noble of you. Before you leave, I have a gift." The spirit said. Alluka tilted her head and gave a confused look in response.
It was quiet for a moment. The void she had stood in was silent, only her breathing to be heard.

"Alluka..." a voice said gently.

That voice sounded so familiar.

A person then started to form in front of the confused woman.
"Alluka it's me-" the person said before getting cut off by Alluka. "Lalious!" She yelled as she ran into his arms. "I...I've missed you.." Alluka said as Lalious cradled his friend in his arms. "I've missed you too." He replied. "I'm sorry Alluka. I didn't know how hard this was on you. Apart of me wishes I could come back with you but I can't. I'm sorry. Just know you mean so much to me and I'm always with you. I love you." Lalious said, still holding her but now crying. "It's ok. I love you too. I know you have to go soon so here." Alluka said, wiping the salty tears from her face and she took off a string weaved blue and white bracelet with a splash of gold on it. She then tied it around her friend's wrist and looked at him. "Make sure you don't take it off ok?" Alluka said with a smile, tears still falling from her face. "Ok. I won't. Goodbye...Alluka." He said with a smile and then turned. "And bye to you as well Blanco. For now." He said, patting the lion's head. "Bye Lious," Alluka said as she gave her friend one final hug before he disappeared. "Thank you spirit." She said wiping her eyes one last time. "Your welcome. Now, Get back to your kingdom." The spirit said cheerily.

Alluka then opened her eyes and gasped. When she looked around she was in The White Lion in space near Altea. Alluka laughed a bit and then whispered "Thank you again." Before flying back to the kingdom.
For many years after that, Alluka lived a long life improving the lives of all Alteans with The White Lion in memory of her best friend.

Aaaaand that will conclude Alluka's story. Now, I wanted to say a few things.
1. I am so sorry this took so long to get out I literally feel like a shit author for making you wait this long when I said I would get it out back in October. It's just with one of my pets dying and my grades slipping...stuff got a little crazy. So again, I'm really sorry.

2.THANK YOU! Besides apologizing, I also wanted to thank you guys for being so patient with me. I know waiting for crap can be annoying but I am glad you guys have stayed and been so supportive of this book (and the old one for some reason🤢) so yeah. Thank you!

3. I'll be working on the next chapter after thanksgiving.

4. Happy early turkey day to all you Americans UwU

5. I wanna try to start updating regularly if I can but with Christmas and semester finals coming up, that may be a bit hard.

6.Have a good day/night!!!

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