The White Lions ReAwakening Chapter 1

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The air was so dry and everything seems so blurry... I don't remember it being like this when we got here. It feels so hot. But cold at the same time. Am I shaking? Where am I walking to? Why is it so loud? Where is Allura? Shiro? Keith? I was just with them. Oh. Yeah. They left me, didn't they? Again. They didn't need me. It was always this way. Nothing was ever going to change. So why don't I just leave? There's nothing keeping me with them. Just leave. Walk away. You aren't needed here. Leave. Leave. LEAVE.


A day before...

It was a calm day, nothing particularly interesting had happened. Shiro was talking to Allura about a planet they were thinking of stopping on, Coran was cleaning, Hunk was cooking, Pidge was hacking, and Keith...he was just being Keith. To be honest, I'm not really sure what he was doing but I know I haven't seen him since yesterday at dinner. Which sort of disappoints me because I really do like hanging out with Keith...even if he is a jerk. Anyways. I had been working on stamina at the castles gym for about an hour and a half now and didn't plan on stopping until the castle alarm went off. I let out a slight sigh and grabbed the end of my shirt, dabbing it on my forehead. Before jogging to the control room (which sucked since it was across the castle.) But still, I made my way over there hastily so the others wouldn't be mad. Guess I failed at that though since all I got were glares when I walked in the control room last (even though I had seen Keith and Pidge just walk in there mere seconds behind me.) But if of course I just shrugged it off and turned to Allura "Good Afternoon Paladins. You have been summoned today to help save a planet named 'Siliti' that is currently being invaded on by the Gulra. We should reach our destination in about five minutes so please gear up and head to your lions." Allura said with her proper British accent. I wish I was proper and beautiful like her. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. I jog to a separate area to put on my armor then run to Blue, greeting her then stepping in her to sit on my pilot seat. Something felt off though. Maybe the seat was a bit farther back the normal from when I cleaned it two days ago? I'm not sure. I just wasn't feeling as connected to blue as normal. I should take her out for a ride later. Maybe that would help? I'm getting off track. The others and I await Allura's signal to fly out there for about 2 minutes or so and then leave. The battle was short and easy none the less. It only took us about 10 minutes to get rid of the Gulra and send them packing back to their leader but the person of Siliti was still very grateful so they ended up letting us stay for a banquet, which we happily accepted. We landed the castle an changed into our casual wear but as we were about to leave, Allura and Shiro stopped me. Pidge, Hunk, and Keith then stopped seeing that their leaders stopped. It was really nerve-racking. Hunk and Pidge really looked like they wanted to go so their glances seemed to get more pissed off at me by the millisecond. "We've been meaning to ask you since the end of the battle Lance." Shiro started. I gulped as I looked at Shiro. That tone was never a good one. It's sorta sad I know when I'm about to get yelled at. It's like having an amazing family but they have that one child who they just despise and yell at for no reason. I'm that child. "What were you doing out there?!" Allura suddenly yelled, making me jump a bit before shrinking down. I hate people yelling. "I- What do you mean Allura?" I say quietly. "What do I mean?! What do I mean?! Lance! You are constantly goofing off and not listening to anyone. It's sickening and frankly, I'm quite done with it!" Allura replies angrily. "But I wasn't..." I whispered. Everyone is staring. It's hard to breathe. But I'm used to it. It's not anything new. If they need to take out their frustrations on me, it's fine. I mean we are friends, right? That's what friends do for each other right? Right...?
"No Lance. You were. Shiro and I have come to a conclusion you need more training. Tomorrow morning you will spend 4 hours In the training room by yourself. Be glad you didn't get more." Allura finished before walking out of the castle. "Finally," Pidge mumbled as she ran out of the castle in a hurry to go meet the people. Hunk and Keith followed leaving me alone with Shiro and Coran who was walking out of the castle to follow Allura. "You can do better Lance. So why do you always act like a child?" Shiro said before walking off to join the other. "I'm sorry," I said before following them. The banquet hall was amazing gold lined the walls and at the end of the room, a throne stood with a beautiful young-looking woman with gray skin and long black hair, and a white dress. A small "Woah" left my mouth which resulted in me getting hit on the shoulder by Keith "Stop disrespecting the Queen, dumbass." Keith said, annoyance laced in his voice. "Sorry," I mumbled. "Welcome Paladins of Voltron! I am Queen Maeti of Siliti! Please make yourselves at home and eat to your heart's content!" the Queen spoke. We all have her our thanks and headed our separate ways. Allura went to talk to the Queen, Shiro talked to some of the townsfolk, Pidge went to the food bar, Hunk was with the chef, and Keith being his anti-social self went to the corner and fiddled with his knife. Sometimes I wonder how I get yelled at for bad or weird behavior when Keith literally looks like he is going to kill someone. But whatever. I've probably done worse. I headed over to the food bar like Pidge in hopes to get myself a drink and maybe one for Keith as well so maybe he wouldn't seem so...cranky. They didn't really have anything I knew of so I just got a red-colored drink and a blue colored one because why not? I then make my way over to Keith who greets me with a "What do you want, Lance?" "I thought a drink might be nice. If you don't want it though..." "Oh. No. It's fine. Thanks" Keith said, mumbling the last part. "No problem, mullet," I replied. We kept up the small talk for the rest of the night until everybody was tired and decided to go to bed. The Queen was kind enough to let us stay in the palace and we accepted, which I'm grateful for since these beds are literally heaven. I don't think I ever moved after laying on the bed. Yeah. It was that comfortable. I remember having a really weird dream. Blue was in the distance and every time I closer, she seemed to get farther away. Was she mad at me too? "Maybe I can ask in the morning," I thought. But that never happened. Very early in the morning, the Gulra had come back with even more forces I remember feeling a lot of shaking and feeling really hot. It's was so noisy too. I got up and started towards my door, noticing how the handle jiggled for a moment "I swear I'll bring Blue back safe! Thanks, Lance!" A voice yelled. Allura? Why was she thanking me? I didn't do anything did I? I went to my door to see what she had meant but  soon realized my door was stuck. I shook the door as roughly as I could, trying to get out. The room seemed to get hotter and darker as a rammed myself into the door trying to get out so I could help my team. It was getting hard to breathe. I'm pretty sure there is a fire. I'm starting to feel dizzy. I need to get out. With the last of my strength, I ram myself as hard as I can into the door, (luckily not breaking anything). The door swings open and a chair falls down in-front of me. "Who..." I mumbled as I looked at the chair before entering a coughing fit. I bolted down the hall and ran to a door and luckily made it out. "Blue?!" I yelled as I looked around. I ran brought the crowds of people looking for my companions but everywhere I looked I couldn't find them. And then I realized why. In the sky, Voltron proudly flew around taking down the Gulra ships. Not just the lions. VOLTRON. Who was in blue? What where they doing without him?

Then it clicked.

Allura locked him in that room. Almost KILLED him. She TOOK BLUE. Something about that realization seemed to make Lance finally realize a lot of things. If they were his friends they wouldn't treat him like yell at him all the time. They wouldn't always have that disappointed look on their face.
The air was so dry and everything seems so blurry... I don't remember it being like this when we got here. It feels so hot. But cold at the same time. Am I shaking? Where am I walking to? Why is it so loud? Where is Allura? Shiro? Keith? I was just with them. Oh. Yeah. They left me, didn't they? Again. They didn't need me. It was always this way. Nothing was ever going to change. So why don't I just leave? There's nothing keeping me with them. Just leave. Walk away. You aren't needed here. Leave. Leave. LEAVE.


I now stand at the edge of a cliff.

I don't know how I got here.

I was just watching V͓̮͚̞̘͖̼̰̼͉̬̮̯̟̓͗̍̓̀̌̋͗͒͒̈̓͛͋̌̀̎̕͟͟͜͜o̧̖͎̟̥̬͎̼͍̥̪̟̘̻̻͇̥͌͋͆̆͊́͑́̒̇͆̓͒͂̑͆̋͒̈̚͟ͅͅļ͙̩̘̠̞̠̘͚̥̤͈͓͔͓̺͖̭͔̦̦̞̺̈̀͆̏͆͊͑͋̋̀̆̃͋̏̎͌̏̌͊̏̔̐͌̂͌̕͟͟͢ț̡̨̡̨̧̢̲̘̹̻̙͙̫̼̹͇̖͔̬͖̮̜̝͓̦̖̮̳͈̹̮͎͈̭͓̏̀̒̉͒̓̇̿́̍̍̂̈́̂͆̀̀̇̊͊̐̂̈̓͌̍͛̇͊͘̕͘̕̕͜͟͡͡͞͝r̡̡̡̮̩̼̹͓͖͔̫̻̞̭̭̮̟̠̪̃̐̌̀̏̔̏̀̇͌͛̀̔̽̐̔̈̉͛̚̕͢͢͜͝͝ͅơ̙̰̻͎̼̹̼͎̙̭͎̲͙͇̱̙̟̭̳̪̥̹̖̟͙̩̯̗̺̖̑̃͌͑͆͐̃̐̋̈́̓̏̈́̄̇̄͛͒́̀̆͌̒̅̔̒̌͗͟͟͟͢͡͝͠͠͝͡ͅn̢̨̧̡̛̟͇̳̠̤̜̪̘̗̫͍͔̞͕̗͎͇̗̘̺͙̳͉̻͚̤̦̜̩̠̗͙͚͍̓̔͑̐͐̄́͋͋͂̏̏̀̽͋̊̊̑́͆͆̆́̽̔̄̌̅̿̕͘̕͘͠͝͠͡. go on a mission.

The defenders of the universe really are amazing. I wish I was like them.

I Jumped.

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! There is no guarantee that the chapters will be this long from hear on out but I will definitely try! See you next time!

P.S.- Sorry if there is a few errors or not a lot of angst (if that's what you were hoping for) there with prob be more in the future.

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