The White Lions Reawakening Part 9

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3rd POV

Lalious grabbed his arm "What is it then?" "I... Uh..." Keith was speechless. What was he supposed to say?!

'Hey so I know I was a dick but I actually was and still am in love with you but I don't deserve you and you probably hate me now I'm gonna go get in the shower and let the water run while I sob and hate myself more than usual.'

"I've just been shocked I guess. Your different." Keith replied quietly, contemplating if that was the right thing to say. "Different in a bad way?" Lalious asked, letting go of Keith's arm and facing fully toward him now.
"N-No! I meant in a good way! I'm just shocked. It's weird. But not bad weird." Keith attempted to explain, struggling to find the words he was looking for without spilling his guts out.
Lalious glared at him in reply, a bead of sweat dropping down Keith's forehead. Lalious inched closer, their faces a few inches away. His hazy blue eyes like daggers. Lalious then leaned back and hummed. "Think I need to get my sight checked by Blanco. You look really weird. Almost nervous. And you are never nervous." Lalious said with a light chuckle. "Well. I'll be off then." Lalious sighed as he walked away. "Oh. Sorry for grabbing your arm like that by the way"

And then he was gone. Just like that. Keith stood in the hallway and blinked, attempting to process the situation and not noticing Shiro walking up to him. "Keith?" Shiro asked, no reply in return. "Keith..?" He asked again with nothing but silence answering him "Keith are you ok?" "Huh? Oh. Shiro. Hey. Did you need something?"
"No. I was just walking back to my room and saw you standing In the hallway. Are you alright?" "Oh. Yeah. I'm fine. I'll see you later Shiro." Keith replied before walking away

~at this point they've been in the Temporal Zone for a while but I can't specify time since time stops there~ (Ik Ik, another time skip. But I need to finish the temporal zone/training thing to move on to the rest of the story. I may or may not be planning some Klance relationship progress😏 aka I have an idea but I'm not sure yet)

3rd POV

The paladins had all been called to the lounge since Lalious had an announcement. They all made it there fairly fast, except Pidge who had fallen asleep studying some tech Lalious gave her. In the end, they decided to just let her sleep and tell her later since she needed to rest. "So, what's the reasoning behind this meeting Lance?" Allura asked as she shifted in her seat.
"I've decided to raise the amount of training I do with you guys. Team training specifically. Though I still would like to separately train you guys as well. To be honest I should only need to do it for a little while longer. Most of you are fine in combat especially after teaching you some of the techniques I learned from different planets. Teamwork still needs work but we're getting there. But to address more serious matters, we can't stay here forever. There are drawbacks to staying in here too long and it's not like hiding in here will solve the issues out in the rest of the galaxy. So, seeing as there is no time in this place, I will train you as much as I can as fast as I can." Lalious told the paladins.

3rd POV

For around 2 weeks Lalious trained the paladins as much as he could. Their teamwork greatly improved and their bodies in shape (as much as they could be for the time they were given.) at this point the team were pretty much friends though Lalious didn't put a label on it since he had made it clear when he first arrived he wasn't here to be friends.   Throughout the time of being stuck together on that ship, many 'traditions' and inside jokes were made (Lalious claiming they were all just to strengthen teamwork and not for his enjoyment whatsoever). At this point, it had come apparent it was time to leave the timeless void and back into reality to face the evil that lies ahead.
"Getting in here was easy. Now getting out safely is the hard part. Everyone! Hang on!" Yelled Lalious as the ship floated toward the portal. The castle shook violently as if they were under attack. Keith slid across the floor as the ship started to turn, letting out an "ahhhhHHHH" before Lalious used one hand to grab the back of Keith's jacket while the other held on the edge of a wall for dear life. Keith was about to say something but decided it was better to swallow his pride instead of complain as he watched Shiro hold on to Pidge buy her foot. "H-Hey! Hold on I'm gonna fall!" She yelped. "Don't move. I got you!" Shiro said as he attempted to pull up the dangling child in his arm. "I think I'm gonna be sick..." Pidge mumbled as she covered her mouth. "Isn't that my line-" Hunk replied before slapping a hand over his mouth in an attempt to contain the sick threatening to come out of him. "Don't you dare buddy..." Lalious said seriously as he looked at Hunk who was slightly farther above him. Hunk just sickly nodded in reply. "It looks like we're almost out!" Allura exclaimed to her comrades happily. "I don't think we're out of the woods yet!" Coran yelped as he pointed to comet-like things that started to form. "This is gonna be a shaky ride!" Shiro yelled as the Castle flipped now completely upside down, earning a few groans from the team as they tried to keep hold of the ledges they clung to.  Lalious slowly but surely lifted Keith so he could also grab on to something. "I-I think we're about to get out!" Coran said before a sudden overwhelming feeling of pressure surged through them all.
The paladins then all fell over, finally being right-side up. "Ughhhhhh" Hunk moaned as he sat upright. "My back...You know, back in my day we wouldn't be doing all this time traveling-galaxy jumping stuff. We would just play kick the can in the street. Oh! Or pirates and h-" Hunk babbled as he slowly stood up as an old person would. "What in the-" Pidge started but was cut off by Shiro making some random noises as a baby would. "Ugh... their mental age has been screw up," Lalious said as he rubbed his head and attempted to sit up. Keith let out a small groan and pushed himself up, popping his shoulder and looking down to see Lalious looking at him. "You comfortable?" He said, slightly annoyed but also slightly amused. "It's not my fault I landed here." Keith retorted as he stood up. Lalious just stood up in reply, walking over to both Hunk and Shiro before slapping them with a little force. "O-Ow!" Hunk yelped as he looked at Lalious with tears in his eyes. Shiro just blinked a few times before getting out of the childlike position he realized he was in. "That was...embarrassing," he said looking away awkwardly as Coran, Pidge, and Allura Chuckled. "But everyone's ok right?" Shiro continued. They all replied with some form of yes and then situated themselves.

"So what now?"

———— um. I'm sorry. This was supposed to come out like a week ago💀 but school and depression hate me sooooo yeah. I'm sorry again about that. Oh, and also sorry if the writing is bad or changed through the chapter. I sorta rushed to get this out today and didn't look over it too much.

See you next time ^_^

(And plz feel free to let me know what u think about the story so far. I wanna know if y'all like it or not so yeah-)

P.S. the next chapter might be a fan service(aka klance) filler chapter while I take a sec to figure out where I wanna go next with this since it might start to gradually pick up stuff from the show again-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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