9. " Please... help me... "

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⚠⚠⚠ TW: Contains some scenes like punching and beating up someone.


Shoyo was abou to put the key on his bag when someone put a handkerchief om his nose. Shoyo dropped his bag and the key. Looks like Shoyo is in danger. The man put Hinata in his back and went at the back of the gym, well kind of far away from the gym. If you wanna know who is the man is, it wss Terushima Yuuji.

When Terushima arrived at the place where his lover, Yamaguchi is waiting. They put Hinata in the chair and tied him up. Yamaguchi  splashed a glass of water on Hinata's face to wake Shoyo up. Shoyo wakes up immediately and he saw Yamaguchi and Terushima.
“ Y-yamaguchi... Johzenji's captain... Why am I tied up. ” Shoyo asked, trying to free himself.
“ There's no use, that was tied strongly. ” Yamaguchi said.
“ So are you the red-haired guy who's messing up with my baby? ” Terushima asked.
“ your baby...?  ” Hinata Shoyo wad confused. He knows that the only person who is mad at him is only Yamaguchi. Shoyo's eyes widen.
“ Is Yamaguchi you're baby? ” Shoyo asked.
Terushima kissed Yamaguchi in front of Shoyo.
* slap *
“ Shut up, Hinata. I only dated Tsukki because of a dare and beside, I am dating my Yuuji first. Well secretly. ” Yamaguchi said after he slapped Shoyo.
“ WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!! TSUKISHIMA IS INNOCENT, HE TRUSTED YOU! YOU KNOW HE HAS TRUST ISSUES AND HE TRUSTED YOU! ” Shoyo said. Yamaguchi cant take it anymore and he punhed Shoyo.
“ Can. You. Shut. Up. ” He punched the red hair in every single word he'll say. Due to Shoyo's condition, he's already very weak. That was a strong punch.
“ You... Bitch... ” Shoyo said. As soon as Yamaguchi heard that, he immediately punched Shoyo.
“ I am so done with you. I am a good person Hinata but always remember that what mine is mine and Tsukki is mine and mine only. He'll only believe me. Unfortunately, he has no feelings for you. How bad. ” Yamaguchi said. Shoyo is helpless, tears started to fall from his eyes.
“ Geez, my hands are dirty. Baby~ can you take care of him for me? ” Yamaguchi said with hid sweet tone. Terushima nodded and started beating up Shoyo. Every kick, Shoyo spits blood and some petals but he managed to hide it by laying on top of it. Shoyo was completely helpless. His ICS white sweater is already full of blood. He has a lot of bruises. Terushima just left him there... Helpless...

“ Please... Help me... ” Shoyo said in a soft voice. He cant shout for help since he is really weak. Shoyo's vision are starting to blur and he passed out.


CawCaw Bitches

Sugamama: Did everyone managed to go home safely?

Everyone except Hinata: Yes.

Sugamama: Where's my baby crow #1? Kageyama? Did you guys walk him home?

Milkman 🥛: I'm sorry Suga-san but no. He forced me, Yachi and Noya-san to go home and not wait for him.

Sugamama: Can you guys @ him?

Everyone: @Tangerine🍊

But they received no response from Hinata.

Sugamama: Maybe he rest very early.

Princess👑: Uhh guys?

Everyone: Yes Yachi?

Princess👑: Hinata's mom texted me. She asked me if Shoyo's with us. She also said that he was not home.

Enno💩ta: Are you guys really sure that Hinata went home safely?

Milkman: Well not really sure, he was still locking the dooe when I look back to him...

Sugamama: That's it, that's our cue. Everyone, gather in the gym, if you're presence isnt there, you'll receive 100 laps tomorrow. Go offline now.

Sugamama is offline

Rolling THUNDAAAAA ⚡: Geez, scary.

Everyone is offline.


The team is currently meeting up outside the gate. As soon as they entered the gate. They saw Shoyo's bag and the key on the floor. Sugawara's heart beats faster, not because he was in love but because he is nervous. Shoyo is clumsy, yes but he takes good care of his things, especially the gym's key. Sugawara picked the key and looked at the team with tears on his face.

“ Please do search the whole school... ” Sugawara said. The whole team was there except Yamaguchi. They also know Shoyo, he isn't that clumsy so they immediately searched the whole school. Kageyama and Tsukishima searched the back of the gym together. Kageyama was hoping that Shoyo's there practicing volleyball since the back of the gym is pretty big.

“ I don't want to be paired with you but this is for my best friend so I dont have any choice. ” Kageyama said.
“ Shut up. ” Tsukishima said. Both of them are close to the place where Yamaguchi left Hinata. As they walk, they saw a familiar pair of shoes, lying on the ground. Kageyama told Tsukki about it and both of them turned off the flashlight and slowly approached the feet, when they sense that no one is there, they turned on the flashlight and the say the tangerine, lying on the ground, facing away from them. They both run to it and checked it up if it was Hinata, when they moved the Tangerine head to face them, it was full of bruies, and yes, it is Hinata. His uniform is full of blood. Tsukishima didn't hesitate to carry Shoyo and run, shouting for help. Kageyama was following him, while lighting the ground. The team heard Tsukishima's shout and immediately run towards him.

They saw an unconscious Hinata in Tsukishima's arms. Kiyoko didn't hesitate to dial 911 for help.
“ My baby... Who did this to him... ” Sugawara cried.
“ S-suga-san, I'm sorry. I left Hinata-kun. If we didn't, he shouldn't be ending up like this. ” Yachi cried in front of Sugawara. The ambulance arrived and Tsukishima carried Shoyo inside.
“ Don't be sorry, Yachi. It's not your fault. Even Hinata didn't expect that to happen. ” Sugawara said.
“ I'll contact Hinata's mom. ” Kiyoko said. Sugawara nodded as a respond.
“ I'll find out who did this. Hinata is really a sweet person, he had the guts on hurting my baby.

Kageyama has suspicions, he suspected who it is and he will face that person tomorrow. For now, he worries about Hinata.

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