1. Gerbera Daisy

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" Boke Hinata Boke! " Kageyama shouted as they reached the gym. Both of them had a race again, of course. Hinata reached the gym first which makes Kageyama kinda angry. Both of them panted from exhaustion. It was an unexpected race held by Hinata.

" It's the King and his servant. " A tall blonde boy said with his green-haired boy with freckles bestfriend. He is Tsukishima Kei, the saltiest member of Karasuno BVC, and beside Tsukishima? Is his best friend since childhood, Yamaguchi Tadashi. Both of them are inseparable, unless it is during practice, Yamaguchi is a pinch server, so he tends to sit and wait for his turn to serve while Tsukishima, is a middle blocker, needed because of his height which Hinata envies the most.

" Shut the fuck up Tsukishima, for Asahi's,sake, Hinata isn't my server, he is my best friend and also, don't call me King. I am not like that anymore. " Kageyama blurted out with annoyance, Tsukishima chuckled as he walks away from the duo. " Whatever you say King. "

" I wonder when will he stop being Salty. " Hinata asked Kageyama abd Kageyama just shrugged off.
" I guess, he was cursed, to be salty forever. " Kageyama said.
" Why do you like that salt shaker anyways? " Kageyama asked the small one. Hinata just shrugged off. Even him doesn't know why does he like Tsukishima, even do he's being mean to him.
" Oi Bakageyama, don't forget the meatbuns later, you lost from the race. " Hinata said as he laugh. Kageyama just hit Hinata's,head and looks at him with annoyance.
" ohhh, I saw Annoyedyama again hahahaha " he said as he entered the gym.


Another normal day for Karasuno BVC, the duo doing the weird attack, then their libero, Nishinoya Yuu is currently teaching Hinata about how to do receives since it is Hinata's major weakness. He once received a ball but instead of hitting his hand, it hit his face, yet he still managed to make the ball stay in the air. Daichi called a break since the captain noticed that his fellow members are getting tired. While kibg towards his water bottle, Hinata saw how sweet Tsukishima is towards Yamaguchi.

' Are they dating? ' Hinata thought. Hinata felt a tight grip in his throat but he ignored that. Someone tapped Hinata's shoulder and he saw Yachi Hitoka, his other best friend and the new manager, standing next to him.
" You okay, Hinata? " Yachi asked, being worried to his friend since he also saw what Hinata saw. Hinata smiled and nodded. ' Why do I love him? ' Hinata thought. He remembered the day where he catches feelings for the tall blonde boy. It was a practice match. It is when the duo did the quick attack but Tsukishima managed to block the duo's attack. Hinata met Tsukishima's eyes and for a second, he thought that they're so beautiful. His cheeks were slightly pink at the time, still not sure what happened.

Hinata snapped from the reality when Noya called him.
" Shoyooooo " The smaller one called, signaling that they should start their practice on receiving. Hinata smiled as he walks towards his senpai.


Hinata cant stop thinking about how sweet Tsukishima is to Yamaguchi. ' What if I was his best friend? Will he be sweet to me too? ' Hinata thought.
" Hinata baka, he will never do that. You're still Hinata Shoyo. The dumbass ginger-headed boy " Hinata said to himself. Not knowing Tsukishima is in his back, listening to what he said.
" You're not wrong tho. " Tsukishima said. Hinata's eyes widened as he look back slowly. You can literally see Hinata blushing right now, he didn't expected that Tsukishima is in his back. Hinata didn't say anything, instead, he acted cool and just walked away.
" Weird " Tsukishima said.

" Tsukki! " Yamaguchi said as he ran towards Tsukishima, of course, Hinata heard that so he look at them, he saw that the two are talking, he also noticed a slight smile in Tsukishima's face. " How I wish I am the reason behind of that smile. " Hinata thought. He felt the the tight grip again in his throat and started to feel dizzy.

" Hinata, are you okay? " Asahi Azumane, Karasuno's Ace asked as he sees Hinata holding his temple.
" I am fine Asahi-san! It's just, I feel dizzy. " Hinata said as he flashed a big smile on his upperclassmen.
" Do you want us to accompany you? " Asahi asked.
" Asahi-san, no need! Besides, I want you to spend some time alone with Noya-senpai! " Hinata said. Yes, your eyes isn't deceiving you, Nishinoya and Asahi are dating. It's still kinda unbelievable due to *coughs* h e i g h t *coughs* but those two are perfect for each other, Asahi being the holy and quite one and Nishinoya being the chaotic and unholy one. Anyways, let's go back to our main character, Hinata Shoyo.

Shoyo was about to leave when he saw Yamaguchi and Tsukishima holding hands. He felt another tight grip again, the scene really hurt him, physically and emotionally.
" Boke, close your eyes. " Kageyama said. Him, Kageyama and Yachi are the ones who walks home together, the duo just wanna make sure that nothing bad will happen to Hitoka. Such a nice friend, right?
" Too late, Bakayama, I already saw them. " Shoyo said as he looks down, holding the middle part of his chest and throat.
" You okay, Hinata? " Yachi asked as he saw Shoyo holding holding the middle part of his chest and throat.
" Yeah, it's just, every time I see them, a feel dizzy and I can also feel a tight grip in my throat. " Hinata said, as he flashed a big smile to the both of them.
' Something's not right about me ' Hinata thought.

After walking Yachi and Kageyama home, Hinata decided to sleep immediately since he is really tired but our little sunshine is an overthinker, he keeps on thinking about Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, which also makes him suffer from pain. I guess sleep won't visit Shoyo today.



nother rough day for Karasuno BVC but Hinata really looks exhausted. Which concerns the members. It's been a week since Hinata looks like this but Hinata still managed to smile in front of his members. Everytime Sugawara and Daichi asked if he has a problem, Hinata would simply say not and pulls on the dumbest reason why he looks exhausted.
" I stayed up reading some books. " That's what he said to them. Hinata isn't the type who loves reading books. In fact, he loves volleyball more than books but his members were to distracted to his bright smile which makes Hinata appears okay but the truth? He isn't.

It was breaktime when he decided to go on the secret spot of the school that he's been going to. Little did he know, that secret spot was also Yamaguchi and Tsukishima's secret spot. Hinata stepped in as he saw Tsukishima and Yamaguchi... Kissing each other. Due to his shock, he run towards the gym where Kageyama, Nishinoya and Yachi stayed since the other members went to the canteen. This time, his condition got worst. Hinata coughs and coughs until blood and some petals came out of his mouth. Yachi saw that. Kageyama saw that. Nishinoya saw thay. Hinata looked at his hands as he saw a blood, with petals in it.

" Hinata! " Yachi shouted. Hinata looks up and he saw Yachi, Kageyama and Noya running towards him. Hinata is on his knees, trying to understand what is happening and he coughed blood and petals.
" What happened? Did someone beat you up and punch you in your stomach since you coughed blood? Tell me who it is? " Noya asked. Hinata just stared the blood and petals on his hands. Yachi started to tear up and when she saw the petals.
" Hinata... "
" Yellow Gerber Daisy... Just like his favorite flower " Hinata smiled.

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