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Hi everyone! Welcome back. The picture at the top is Eva and Liam being very, very cute in Chapter 60. Just wanted to make sure you all got a chance to see it. And below is Bryn Llewellyn. Both drawn of course by the very talented LittleLoneWriterGirl :)

I'd only known Kelsey for ten days, but she was fast becoming my favourite flockie ever

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I'd only known Kelsey for ten days, but she was fast becoming my favourite flockie ever. And that was saying something, because I liked Seth a lot. She didn't take herself too seriously, but she also wasn't afraid to stand up for herself. Even to me. And that was a brilliant quality for a Beta to have.

I circled her warily. Her eyes were watchful, but her ears were respectfully low, because you'd best bet that I'd wrung a submission or two out of her the hard way. She was older than me and a good deal heavier too, and both of those things were a useful advantage in a fight. But they didn't stop me walloping her every time we clashed. She'd admitted early on that her only training had been lazy wrestling matches with her mate.

I tightened the circle a fraction, so that she had to make a sharp turn to match me, and then I sprang at her. My teeth closed around her scruff - not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to keep her from twisting around and reaching my throat.

She didn't even try to free herself. She just lunged for my hind leg and yanked it, taking the leg out from under me so we both went down in a tangle of snapping teeth and scrambling claws. I yelped as her teeth crushed a tendon into the bone beneath. A moment later, she had released me, none the worse for it, so that her jaws could find a new home, and it was me making her squeal with a tight grip on her ear.

Vicious as it looked, we weren't trying to hurt each other. Every now and then, one of us would end up breaking the skin, but it was always an accident. After an hour of this, our pelts were now peppered with blood, even though the injuries beneath had already scabbed over.

Kelsey was impressively ruthless about it all. Most of the women had been too afraid of hurting someone or getting hurt themselves to do anything more than wrestle with their jaws closed. In fairness to them, today was the first time we'd done any training in wolf form.

I'd started the 'self-defence' lessons a week ago. They were open to every single one of the women. The first time, there had been a grand total of four of us. But I'd put them through their paces anyway, and I'd made sure plenty of people had seen us stopping for cake and lemonade halfway through, and the next day we'd had a lot more participants. Now there were two dozen of us arrayed on the lawn.

I fought tooth and nail to put Kelsey onto her back. And then I used my weight to keep her there while I panted into her fur, letting the heat from the exertion dissipate. It hadn't taken long, all things considered. There was a steady murmur of voices from the onlookers. The other girls were watching and learning.

Lilah was also observing with her daughter balanced on her knees. She hadn't found the courage to join in yet, pleading the pregnancy as an excuse, but she came out every day to watch us and offer encouragement, which was sweet of her.

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