Chapter 16

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Tzuyu POV
So now here we go again mondays i hate monday after the friendship thingy i'm quite having a good time since that day happened.

Taehyung usually text me and call me whenever his bored and i'm bored but i don't think this is my first time being so close to boys i really hate it as if i keep playing both of my hands in a nervous way whether go to or not go to school.

"Tzuyu-ssie your gonna be late for school!" Nayeon unnie screamed,besides i love go to school to achive my dreams and bonding with my friends after school but for now i need some space to be alone because of him.

Taehyung POV
Monday is back and i'm happy always happy i'm going to see her again after that date i mean friendship date that day was awesome the rides,foods,and don't forget about her my one and only angel.

8:25 am

She's not here yet well maybe traffic cause her to be late sometimes

8:35 am

Its almost time where is she i'm starting to panic almost 8:40 and now the teacher is going to start the class where is she!

I keep playing my fingers and don't forget i'm in a panic mode right now i don't know where is she maybe i need to text her where is she right now wait can't use cellphone inside the classroom shit!

I saw her two buds and they are worried what might happened to her why didn't she came her yet i stood up from my seat and walked straight where her two buds seated and i started the small talk

"Where is she did you text her?" I asked Somi "no,we haven't text her why?" "Nothing its just i'm worried about her" i let out a deep sigh then walk back to my seat but before i could start to walk unfamilliar figure walk inside the classroom and all of us where jaw drop by her visual and she give us a sign which to be quite and to seat down.

We gretted her and she gretted back.

"Hello class your wondering why the unfamilliar figure walked in which is me" then she smirked in an bad ass way "I'm your new teacher from now on and my name is Park Jihyo you can call me Miss Jihyo for short understood" she slam her hand on the table which we are scared by her words and voice and especially her attitude she's strict and i wonder i could ever survive from this class starting today but especially i can't lived without my precious angel by my side and my sight everytime.

Jihyo's POV
After class i decided to stay inside the classroom and checked the papers of each students while busy checking my eyes caught something i took a piece of paper then saw the name its KIM TAEHYUNG i remember now she's Tzuyu close friends since childhood but after the incident my parents died which now my aunt and my uncle took care for us and after for many years past we decided to leave and moved on to our new house and lived by our selves and sometimes my aunt and auncle visit us if were doing ok and i'm happy about it after our parents died that was the most painful thing ever done in our life and i don't want to recoll the past

Past is past and now here we are in the present which i snapped back myself into the reality world.

I stood up from my seat and went out to my classroom and closed the door.While walking at the silent and less crowded hall i bumped into someone at his chest his a guy i know because of his hard chest damn that hurts i touched my head where the pain was and he started to apologize even begged down infront of me "i'm really sorry" he said "oh no i'm sorry its my fault why i'm not watching my way sorry" i said he stood up and faced me then i saw his beautiful face,eyes,nose,and lips damn.

Oh yeah maybe i'm out in a world for a little while,he approached his hand whiche the sighn to handshake and i accepted the handshake that he offered too then he start to intruduce himself.

"Kang Daniel Science Teacher" he said and gave me a cheerful smile "ah,Park Jihyo you can call me ji-jihyo" i stuttered i'm so shy right now and i could feel my face is getting hot right now shit "nice to met you Jihyo your lovely" he said "tha-thankyou" i said "well gotta go now bye see you next time beautiful" he said,aish stop the complement you bastard you even make me hotter than before "oh,nice to met you too see you" i waved at him and he waved back at me too but before he could start to walked he grab my wrist and asked for my number and gladly i give my phone number too and we exchanged phone numbers then start too walked away i wish i could see him again. (Sigh)

Hey guys sorry for the late update its me your less fave author hehehehehe.......i just want you guys to know that some of you hate to ship other idols to the other idols i know because you hate it but its ok i understand but this story makes you feel even more not comfortable if you red this hahahaha......sorry i'm just saying that i add some ship to sail with my story and i ship then in there respective ship like Jihyo and Kang daniel for example its based on my opinion not yours so if you don't like it then don't read this story your just wasting your time for nothing just to find neggative things about my story and to those my loyal readers i'm going to havea a face reveal soon so stay tuned thankyou for voting and reading i really appreciate it luv you💜💜

Clue #1
I'm single heheheheheheheh........

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