Chapter 10

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3rd Person POV
After Tzuyu and Jungkook having the best talk ever they had i mean they're having fun at the canteen on the bright side someone is being jealous,his jealous because of what his see he thought from himself that how could he manage Tzuyu to make her smile and Tzuyu is a cold person right.

Taehyung walked to the table of Somi and Ellie the two are having a great time gossoping to the other students like mean girls thing laughing harder and talking harder.They became silent after they see Taehyung sit beside Somi they were shocked or Jungshook....

Taehyung asked Somi and Ellie if they were any chance that they know who's Jungkook but the two found therselves dumbfounded and confused Taehyung asked again to the girls this time he pointed his fingers where Tzuyu and Jungkook laughing together.

"Who's that guy???" Somi asked to Taehyung "that's why i'm asking thesame question to you" Taehyung pointed his finger back to Somi "oh" Ellie gasp "we don't know him infact i could tell his a new student too" Ellie said "it means you and that rabbit guy are thesame new students for atleast 2 weeks in a row right now" Somi explained perfectly so Taehyung will get the point "oh ok" Taehyung replied "thanks" he stood up from his seat and walked back to his table.

Taehyung POV
Will i guess his a new student too like me Somi explained everything his thesame grade as me but different classroom, as i walk towards my table i saw Sul-i waving at me when i waved back too her there something a light bulb that was glowing at my head i could imagine it and there's an idea popping at my head the only idea is to make my crush ehmmm...i mean Tzuyu to be jealous of Sul-i to know that she likes me or not hmmmm.....i can't tell.

So i'm sitting next to Sul-i when she intruduce me to her friend "Taehyung i would you like to met Hannah,Hannah i would you like to met Taehyung" Hannah was a very shy girl than Tzuyu but nah Tzuyu is the most shy girl and prettiest girl in the campus than anyone "hi" she said awkwardly "hey" i said with a cool tone voice Sul-i moved a little closer to my ear and whisper something "Hannah is having a crush on you" i laugh harder in my brain, what Hannah had a crush on me wow never expecting that words came from her mouth.

"Sorry to say this but i would never date a girl like you Hannah" i said loudly so that the rest of the girl on Sul-i table would heard it i know all of them had a crush on me but i would difinetly reject all of them and there's the only one person i know who caught my attention Tzuyu!

I saw this Hannah girl start crying and stood up from our table and ran fast as she could to reach the exit of the canteen Sul-i punch my shoulder lightly then laugh "you shouldn't do that to her" then i began to laugh the rest of them just left the both of us and trying to stop that Hannah girl.

Tzuyu POV
Wow i heard a lot of jokes and laugh harder from jungkook his jokes are like uncle jokes what a cringy joke to tell and i admit it,it was fun hahaha....

While jungkook telling of his uncle jokes again someone from the other table caught my attention and it was Taehyung with that Sul-i slut ewww.....why do i have to be jealous to the both of them then Taehyung looked at me and we made a eye contact for atleast 5 seconds then i realized we made an i contact for long time so i dicided to put my attention back to Jungkook after he laugh so i pretent to laugh at his joke too

I don't know what to tell but the way Taehyung look at me i could feel that my face are burning and the catterpillar in my stomach are turning into a butterfly and flying in my stomach region i don't get it why i had this feeling when i see him and looking so handsome but nevermind his not my type but i could tell to his face that his having a crush on me for the past 2 weeks now i don't get everytime i see him with his dashing handsome face what did you do to me Kim Taehyung!!........

Uh oh someone having a big crush on someone too but i don't get it why i make Tzuyu and Jungkook being soo closed together and for the reason i could feel that Taehyung is angry right now well see you next time readers luv yah!!!!!

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