new begining

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I ruffled my hair with the towel in hopes that it would dry it enough so that it wouldn't drip anymore and hung the towel up on the back of my door. I walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed two basic t-shirts out, I threw one over to Eren who was sat on my bed with his towel draped over his lower region.
"Thanks" he said pulling it over his head.
Whilst he was distracted I threw some boxers and joggers at him in hopes they'd just land on his head but his reflexes kicked in and his hand was raised up ready to catch them just in time. I let out a small laugh anyway and he poked his tongue out at me in response. I blushed, my mind instinctively flashing back to the scenes that played out in the shower. I had made Eren cum! I felt strangely proud of myself, I didn't do it in quite the same way he did to me but it worked none the less and he sure acted like he liked it. I subconsciously bit my lip at the thought but a smile soon took its place as it dawned on me, after all this time crushing on this boy I finally got what I wanted. No cheating involved, no hurt feelings by our actions and for once I didn't have to dread the inevitable heart break when he says it was a mistake and fills my ears with lies about how he loves her and not me. These thoughts set a dull ache in my chest, so much hurt and pain has been caused to all three of us.

"Tell me about it" the words came out before I had even thought them through. Eren gave me a puzzled look

"About what?" He asked. I sighed pulling my bottoms up over my underwear and walking over to the bed taking a seat on it opposite him. I took a deep breath and hoped he would be willing to talk.

"About today. What happed with Mikasa"

"Oh... okay" he looked unsure but still willing to talk. It feels like today has been going on forever, I glanced across the room at the clock on my wall. my eyes widened when I read the time, 2am!

"It's late, we don't have to talk about it tonight" I added giving him an out incase he felt uncomfortable. I definitely wanted to know what happened but part of me was scared that he would get to thinking about it and regret his decision...

"no it's okay... are you tired?" He interrupted my thoughts which I was grateful for sometimes they can run wild. I shook my head no

"I feel wide awake, are you?" I hoped he wasn't
"Nope not all all! Of course I'll tell you about it but I wanna know what on earth you were doing kissing Jean earlier too" I laughed slightly at his jealousy and nodded in compliance.

"Let's go out" I said seeing as we were both not tired

"Where to?" Eren replied, I paused to think for a few seconds but I already knew where I wanted to go

"...Somewhere" I smiled and shrugged, he smiled back. He knew exactly where I meant.

We drove mostly in silence other than the quite radio playing old pop songs. The silence wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, I was content in the quite. I pulled up in the same place Eren had parked just a few months ago. It's strange to think how long it had been since we last hung out together. These past couple of months I didn't just loose the boy I love but I lost my best friend to. At least he's finally back now and hopefully for good. I smiled to myself, everything is going to be okay. I hope.

We both got out the car and sat on the hood just like we had done last time we were here apart from we were sat much closer together now.
"How much do you wanna know" he spoke for the first time since arriving.

"All of it" I replied without hesitation

"Okay where to start" he followed with a nervous laugh so I reached over and took his hand in mine to reassure him.

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