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He stayed stood at my door as the rain continued to drown him, making no move to come in and saying nothing else.
"Hi" I finally managed to utter in response to him. At this point I couldn't tell if he was still crying or it was just the rain making home on his cheeks. Suddenly he continued
"I told her, it's you Armin it always has been, I told her everything" He panted making me question if he'd ran all the way here. What he had told me took a moment to register in my head, He couldnt just say that I needed to know more, I stared at him blinking frequently. Eren looked so small stood there in the down pour, so innocent and... sad. All of a sudden he took a step back and shook his head
"I'm sorry... I- I shouldn't have come" he choked out and started walking away. I wanted to tell him to wait but I'd lost any words I wanted to say, what's the right thing to do? Where Erens concerned I only ever seem to get hurt and I'm tired of it I've been sold these false promises before. I should let him walk away right now because... I will get over him and that kiss in the bathroom will be our last. When It comes down to it Eren Yeager is a cheater, he's cheated on Mikasa for so long now I want to protect myself from that pain. Sometimes, just because you want something really badly doesn't mean it's good for you. I should let him go... I need to let him go.

I watched as he got further away, never looking back at me, part of me wished he had looked back, showed me that I'm making a mistake by not following him. But he never did... here I am, stood at my front door watching the boy I love walk away from me. The boy I have loved for so long now, who just admitted to me after all this time that he loves me back.
The rain was hitting the door step with such force it looked like it would hurt yet I still found myself taking a step forward into the rain with him. I smiled to myself, I never did listen. I pulled the door closed and ran to catch up with the brunette. There was something exciting about being out in the rain in my pyjamas, bare foot.

I caught up with Eren at last, I'm sure he knew I was running after him but he didn't stop until I shouted his name. We were in the middle of a bridge that lead back onto the main road from the street my house was on, the rain and the street lights made it feel like a scene from a movie.
There was still a small distance between us when he turned around and I took advantage of the movie scene playing out before me and took a step forward. My steps got bigger and faster until our bodies were mere centimetres apart. My eyes were closed but I could feel Erens face so close to mine, our lips collied like this was the first kiss we had ever shared, it was messy and rushed but perfect. His arms snaked around my waist and his hands gripped my thighs, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his body as we continued kissing in the rain. The kiss grew heated rapidly almost making me wish that I had let him in back then. I pulled away from Eren to catch my breath, I shivered. The cold finally hit me. Eren lowered me to the ground, my toes wriggled in my soggy socks as our eyes met once more. We both stopped smiling for a breif moment as the silence between us was filled with rain patters on the floor and... laughter? We both started to laugh, our hands still clenching one another's. I tilted my head back, the rain hitting my forehead and running into my eyes but I continued to laugh. The sound of pure joy ringed in our ears as the movie scene continued to play. Eren took a large step backwards and stretched his arms out at his side taking in a deep inhale
"I LOVE YOU ARMIN ARLET" He shouted at the top of his lungs instantly making a heavy blush rise on my cheeks. I took I step towards his
"Shhh we are in public" I gushed, laughing slightly. Not that anyone was around to hear it
"I don't care!" He exclaimed
"I don't want to hide anymore, I want you to be mine Armin. I EREN YEAGER AM MADLY AND COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH YOU" He continued shouting once more looking down at me with an ear to ear grin. I hurried to kiss him again in hopes to cease anymore shouting that may happen.
"let's get out the rain" I mumbled against his lips

Eren gave me a piggyback ride back to my house which I told him he didn't have to do as my socks were already soaked through but he insisted. He lowered me to the ground just as we reached the door and he opened it gesturing for me to go in first so I did.
"Oh my god I'm so cold" I exclaimed wrapping my arms around my body, water dripped off my sweater sleeves.
"Let's get you into some dry clothes then" Eren said as he tugged on my sleeve.
"Maybe we should shower to get warm first" a smirk lightly danced on Erens lips as the words left my mouth. I rolled my eyes, I didn't mean it like that.

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