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3rd nov

After we'd watched Aladdin together (something we both loved as kids) I'd finally decided the right words to use to ask if a certain someone was going to be joining us, I'd probably over thought it way too much  but when someone means so much to you like Eren does to me you won't want to share.
"When's Mikasa joining our little birthday bash?" I ended my question with a small giggle one that got returned with a smile from the brunette.
"she's not! It's just me and you, bestie time right?" I returned his smile back to him, my eyes flicked from his to his curved lips, I've always loved his smile. His eyes stayed fixed to mine waiting for them to return.
"Right!" I finally replied, a little over excitedly but it was the answer I least expected. The eye contact lingered for longer than necessary but I'll be damned if I was the one to break it. For a split second his facade dropped, I swear I could see something flash over his eyes, I don't know what but he looked softer all of a sudden. But alas it was gone as quick as it appeared.
"So what'd you wanna watch now?" His head snapped away from my direction to the credits of Aladdin, he pressed pause and and started reading the named of the other dvds occupying his shelf. I tilted my head to the right slightly, much like a confused dog would. I'm always puzzled by my best friends actions. My perplexed face must've been obvious to Eren as he questioned it.
"Is everything okay?" He squinted his eyes slightly and furrowed his brow as if to return my confused expression. I nodded curling the corners of my lips up slightly to reassure him. My smiled triggered his to make another appearance which only made mine grow larger. His face fell back into place, relaxing, other than his cheeks which held up the thing I constantly longed to see. I straightened my head and lifted my legs from the floor to cross them on the sofa, my body now completely facing him. My pose was reminiscent of a child's, intrigued by what I couldn't have. Absolutely mesmerised by the being in front of me but weary at the same time. His smile slowly disappeared as he swallowed down his nerves, pursing his lips. It briefly reappeared but it wasn't genuine, it was an anxious smile. He was feeling nervous under my gaze, is that a good thing? His tongue flicked over his lips adding a layer of moisture, I purposely hesitated to look away from his luscious lips back up to his sparkling eyes. Another trick in the book. If any other two people in the world were in our position right now this would be leading up to a highly anticipated kiss that would be everything both parties expected however this happens to be us. Things never work out for us... as if to prove my point an obnoxiously loud ringing noise filled our comfortable silence, his eyes looked sorrowful as they were rapidly torn away from mine towards the sudden ringing. He reached out to grab it off the table in front of us, I didn't see who was calling.
"Hello?" He cleared his throat as soon as he spoke (as he sounded slightly croaky) then confirming his hello with a more certain 'hi' high pitch murmurs were all that could be heard on the other end, i silently preyed it wasn't her. I patiently listened to their conversation.
"Yeah, uhuh, we're just watching movies, no it's okay!" I was trying to piece together any possible conversation that would mean it wasn't the brunettes significant other behind the device but probability suggested otherwise.
"No don't be silly! Hold on, no no please, wait a second, babe come on..." He pleaded with the now identified woman. He held up his index finger signifying for me to wait before rolling his eyes, flashing me a smile and taking the call into the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile back even though I was secretly upset that she had interrupted us and now was making him feel bad. All I could hear through the wall was inaudible muffles which stoped about 30 seconds before Eren re-entered the room with a sigh.
"Do you wanna go out for a drive?" His question sounded innocent but I was weary of a hidden motive.
"Do I wanna take you out on a drive?" I teased, receiving a smile from the tall boy in front of me.
"Where to? Is it to pick Mikasa up?" I tried my hardest to hide any shred of disappointment that could've slipped out.
"no... no, I said bestie time, I keep my word. Just... around" He held out his hand to help me up off the sofa, the same way Aladdin had to help Jasmin up onto his magic carpet. His face holding a confident grin. I looked up from his hand to his beaming eyes, I slowly lifted my hand from my lap and placed it in his. One big pull was all it took from Eren to sweep me off the sofa and practically falling into his arms, something I wish I hadn't stoped myself from doing in the moment.
"Let's go!" He cheered, pleased with himself clearly. He kept my hand in his as he headed towards the door, encouraging me to come with him. My hand fell to my side when he let go to open the door, a sigh escaped my lips silently wishing he would pick it back up again but it was never granted.
"Can I drive? It's late so not many cars are out and I can drive I just failed my test because of that damn car that pulled out, really it was so unfair..." he trailed off. Usually I'd never let him drive, he can but it's illegal and I love my car but for some reason I wanted to let him.
"Okay but we're not going too far!" He agreed with me, his face glowing. He excitedly climbed into the car and waited for me to be seated next to him for the keys.
"Alright... into the night we go" Eren flashed a smile before starting the engine.


Happy new year! Hope 2018 is a good year for you all :)

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