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The stars are so bright, it's like there isn't a cloud in the sky. This night is pure perfection, sitting on the bonnet of my car next to my childhood friend, the first real time we've had to ourselves in a long while. We'd done a little exploring about the area, there was a path illuminated by street lamps that lead to a small park which consisted of swings a seesaw and a roundabout all of which we played on. As well as this we climbed a tree (Eren managed to get higher than me) but by far my favourite part was when we went back to the car and Eren played some music which we danced together to. It wasn't a slow dance or anything but we enjoyed ourselves, before finally resting on top of my car. The whole event felt like something out of a movie and I could tell it would be my favourite movie.
Although the physical distance of a few inches I now feel like this is the closest we've ever been. Our hands slid off our thighs almost simultaneously, gently meeting in the middle of us. Hands intertwined, I lent in and put my head on his shoulder. It was as if time had stopped. A welcoming silence filled the air, not a bird to be heard, not a car in the distance or even the rustle of the trees in the wind. A blush rose on my cheeks as Eren rubbed his thumb in small circles on the back of my hand. The small intimate action made butterflies flutter in my stomach. I suddenly felt very aware of the scene playing out right now. My thoughts strayed off to how Mikasa would feel about this whole ordeal however that was quickly interrupted by Eren shuffling around a little before saying Happy Birthday and using the hand I wasn't holding to hand me a small package he must've had in the pocket of his jeans.
"What's this?" I giggled, lifting my head off his shoulder. I took the poorly wrapped present out of his hand, reluctantly letting go of this other one so I could thoroughly inspect it.
"Open it! It's not much but I was waiting for the right moment to give it to you" He explained, grinning at me. I looked at him then back at the gift, pulling at one of the corners.
"You really didn't have to get me anything... I appreciate it though." I lowered my voice for the last part, feeling a little embarrassed for no reason.
"You don't even know what it is yet, I hope you like it" I know I will. I'll treasure it. It's from you... once the wrapping paper was fully removed I was greeted with a little silver box. I smiled up at him before removing the lid. Excitement washed over me.
"Oh my god! It's beautiful! Eren thank you!" I exclaimed, awkwardly throwing my arms around him in a strangely positioned hug.

Upon removing the lid and placing it underneath the box I saw the most beautiful bracelet waiting for me. I'd never gotten a bracelet as a gift before, sure I've had watches but they're not the same thing it's uniqueness as a present made me love it even more. The bracelet was formed of dazzling black beads that shimmered in the moonlight and one marbled white one that sat directly in the centre.

"Wait it gets better!" Eren suddenly said pulling up the sleeve of his sweater. On his wrist he wore the same bracelet but in reverse. His was marbled white beads with a dazzling black bead in the centre. He gave me a goofy smile which I returned, my being overcome with pure joy.
"You got us matching bracelets! I love it! Thank you so much" I felt compelled to thank him again. I slipped it onto my wrist placing the box into Eren's coat pocket. I was right, I'm going to treasure this bracelet for a long time.
I used my arm to prop myself up slightly turning a little to face Eren more. He was already looking me which caused a dark blush to make home upon my cheeks. He moved in slightly so I could feel his warm breath hit my face, I gulped feeling nervous under his gaze.
"Maybe- uh we should..." I trailed off, his stare causing me to lose my train of thought.
"Maybe we should?" He repeated what I'd previously said adding a small smirk that was hardly even there. His tongue slowly slid over his bottom lip adding a layer of moisture before pulling it back and holding it between hit teeth. Biting his lip made him look irresistibly hot. I noticed his eyes flicker down to my own lips which made me subconsciously copy his actions and lick them. The anticipation was definitely there and if I wasn't so nervous I would've initiated a kiss. He raised his left hand up, his bracelet sliding down his wrist slightly, and placed it on my cheek using his thumb to pull my chin up slightly. His head tilted to the side almost in slow motion as the distance between us grew shorter. My eyes fluttered shut just after his did. Eren's soft lips brushed against mine before engaging them in a kiss. It started off slow... there was little movement from either participant. until Eren pressed a little harder against my lips, his hand moving to the back of my neck. My lips parted slightly in shock from the sudden movement and Eren wasted no time to involve his tongue, something I'd been waiting to taste all my life. This moment was pure bliss. A first kiss I would never forget, this is our somewhere. I pecked his lips one last time before pulling away, to savour the moment. We were both blushing, he looked impossibly cute as I replayed what just happened in my head.

That was the first time.

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