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Jealousy erupted inside of me like a volcano that had been bubbling up for months. I stared ahead not daring to look away for even a moment. My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. Armin and Jean... kissing. Jean kissing MY Armin!
"Oww" The petite girl next to me shrieked pulling her hand out of my grip and shaking the pain away.
"What was that for?" She continued shooting me an angry look. I gulped down my anger and flashed her a forced smile.
"Sorry baby, I didn't mean to" I tried to sound sincere but she didn't buy it walking off in front of me in some sort of strop, I didn't care all that much as I immediately felt relieved she wasn't watching me as I looked back at the scene playing out in front of me. My emotions were easy to read and I'm sure Armin could see as we made eye contact, my mixed emotions painted across my face. A raging fire was rampaging through my head as I glared down from his eyes to his hand which was still firmly in Jeans grip. Reluctantly, I turned away and followed my girlfriend.

After Armin had told me he was busy tonight; which I thought was just an excuse not to have to hang out with me but obviously not, I called Mikasa and invited her out. She didn't want to see anything at the cinema so we got dinner instead.
"Oh look it's Jean!" She told me waving to him across the restaurant, I copied her actions. I didn't know him all that well but wanted to be polite. that was at least until I noticed who's company he was in. My hand snapped back down to my side as I grew envious of the tall boy. Our table couldn't have been in a worse place and if it weren't so busy I may have asked to move, only because I struggled to take my eyes off Armin and Mikasa was bound to notice sooner or later.
Armins laugh is a beautiful sound I usually love hearing however now all I was finding it was irritating. Well Jeans laugh was at least. I want to be the one who makes Armin laugh that loud and that much. I swear he was doing it just to make me mad and it was for sure working. I tried to drown them out and focus on the girl in front of me but I was the one drowning, in thoughts of Armin and jean being together on a date, kissing, holding hands, being together. I couldn't stand it.
"Hey do you wanna try some of my pasta?" Mikasa asked probably just trying to get some conversation out of me.
"Uh yeah sure" I stuttered in response but felt rude turning her offer down and hey, I do like pasta.
After what felt like hours they finally got up and left and it felt like I could release my breath at last and gather my thoughts.
Mikasa and I left the restaurant as soon as we had finished eating. As much as I hate to admit it I wanted to see Armin again, I wanted to ask why he was with Jean and what was going on there. I needed to know why he'd been so off with me recently, I miss him a lot.

"Can we go get milkshakes?" Mikasa innocently asked as we were walking along the complex of the leisure park, she looked up at me whilst fluttering her long lashes.
"Of course" I replied flashing her a brief smile but tearing my eyes away from hers in order to scan the crowd for a certain blonde haired boy. And that's when I found him. Both of them. If I thought I'd felt heartbreak before I'd lied because this pain in my chest is indescribable. A simple heartbreak sounds pleasant compared to this feeling, such a strong emotion is coursing through my veins, pumping around my body. It feels like fire is burning me alive from the inside. I want to scream, no scrap that, I need to scream but no sound can make its way out which I am also thankful for as the raven haired girl beside me would be sure to question that. I sucked in a deep breath as if the oxygen was water putting out the fire that was still rampaging through my whole being. Although I had thought that I was holding it together quite well on the outside I apparently was not as I only just realised how tight my grip on poor Mikasas hand had grown. I instinctively let go and apologised, trying my best to hide any emotion I was feeling as I spoke.

I followed in pursuit of the short girl shaking my head to clear my thoughts. It's time I face up to how I really feel. I finally caught up with her as she wondered up to the counter where they sold ice cream and milkshakes.
"One cookies and cream milkshake please, are you getting one?" She turned to see my response any hostility from the pain I'd caused just moments ago now gone.
"Oh, no I'm okay thank you. I'll get this" I replied watching her face show a little disappointment to me not wanting one and she objected to me paying but swiftly gave in as I'd already tapped my card on the reader. I turned away from the counter as Mikasa stayed watching the ice cream get scooped in order to make her drink, it would seem I had turned just in time as I saw Armin slip into the men's restroom and Jean waiting outside. I debated going over to Jean and saying hi but I knew I wouldn't be able to stop myself from asking why he was out with Armin or why they had kissed just now and then he would for sure know there was something more going on. But then he started moving, walking away from the toilet even though Armin was still inside, I watched him from a far as he strutted over to... Marco? What was he doing here? I know through Mikasa that they used to be a thing, I don't usually pay much attention when she gossips but for some reason I remember this. Before I even had a moment to think I'd told Mikasa I was going to the bathroom and my feet were already moving quickly in that direction. I walked into the bathroom with confidence radiating off me something had got into me and I liked it. There's only one thing I want right now. To show Armin that he is mine. No one else's and most definitely not Jeans. My timing couldn't have been better as he was just walking up towards where the sinks were my body switched into action. I took a step forward making him stumble backwards. Being taller than him made me feel powerful so I swiftly moved my hand from my side to the wall beside his head, Armins body now sandwiched between the wall and me.
"What the fuck was that?" The words left my mouth in a harsh tone I smirked, I could tell he liked it. I used my other hand to grab his chin forcing him to look at me. Our eyes focused on each other's as I continued;
"You wanna go around kissing random boys now ay?Trying to make me jealous?" I lowered my voice as the last part left my lips and moved my head towards his ear. Finally he managed to stutter a word and god it was worth the wait
"E-Eren" hearing my name in his breathy voice made me dizzy with pleasure. I couldn't control myself any longer.
My lips rushed to find his in a kiss that was instantly returned. I kissed him with all my anger, sorrow, heartbreak and happiness. The kiss was passionate to say the least. I sucked on his bottom lip and I could tell he was holding in a moan, what I would do to this boy if we were anywhere else. Every time we kiss I feel like it's been a lifetime since the last and I never want it to end. But it must. I cooled off with the tongue action and slowly dragged my bottom lip against his getting as much contact as possible before we had to part again. It was over now. At once I released my grip on his chin and lowered my arm from the wall, I couldn't suppress the smirk that so desperately wanted to dance across my face so I let it show as I took in the last of the eye contact before turning and walking out. As the door clicked shut behind me I let out a silent breath I didn't know I was holding in and walked away.

"There you are!" A peppy voice chirped beside me snapping me back to reality. Oh shit I've done it again. There's something about that boy that makes me do things without thinking about the consequences everything just ceases to exist when he's in the room, when he's in my head. Armin is my soulmate, I'm convinced of it. There's some force that pushes us together no matter what, no matter how hard I try to pull us apart or deny it. It doesn't matter how far down I burry it it's undeniable.
"Eren hello?" The voice sounded a little concerned this time as I finally turned to face it, to face her. She took the straw of her milkshake between her thin pink lips, lips that I hadn't really ever had a desire to kiss especially not as strongly as when it comes to him. I was met with bright grey eyes filled with a mix of emotions they should take my breath away I thought. I should feel how I feel when I look into Armins eyes, I know this is all wrong. This poor girl has no clue her boyfriend doesn't love her in the way that she thinks he does and all he does is cheat on her and it's sad because he never will be able to love her back because he's gay. I am gay and I'm a cheater... I gulped down thick saliva that had pooled in my mouth and let out a shaky breath.
"Mikasa I need to talk to you"

Okay hi! sorry I haven't updated this in so long but I'm here now and already working on the next chapter, I hope you're all safe and well in these strange times, I have time to write as I'm self isolating. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

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