He's not yours

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After our heated kiss we'd agreed it was time to head home as it was getting later. I'd decided it was best if I drove home as it was so dark out and had just started to rain a little. As I was driving us back to Eren's I noticed a turn off that lead to a McDonald's
"You hungry?" I asked hoping he'd say yes as I certainly was.
"yeah, I could eat" He pondered my question for a few seconds before answering. I pulled off on the turning practically driving straight into the car park and parking up
"You wanna go in or drive through?" I said turning to face him.
"I'll go in if you wanna" he smiled back. I nodded and started to get out the car, Eren following in suit.
Eren insisted on paying as it was still my birthday so he handed a £20 note over to the lady that had just taken our order of twenty chicken nuggets, one Diet Coke, one Fanta and two fries. Whilst he waited for his change and the food I went and found a seat in a booth away from the counter and the stray people sat around the otherwise deserted restaurant. Shortly after Eren came and joined me with a tray of food and a wide smile on his face. The rain had made a pretty pattern on the window and the quite background music gave a wholesome vibe to the place, even if it was a McDonald's off the highway. I helped myself to some fries and a barbecue dip off the tray, shoving a few in my mouth. We ate in a comfortable silence for a while, both of us suddenly realising how hungry we actually were. Eventually he interrupted me whilst I was drinking to ask if I'd enjoyed my day.
"Yes" I replied,
"I've enjoyed it very much... probably because it was spent with you." I blushed as soon as the words left my mouth so I looked down and nervously grabbed a lone fry that was left on the tray.
"Armin" he whispered after a few seconds, reaching across the table and taking both of my hands in his.
"I'm glad I've made your birthday good" He smiled at me, a tender smile that I love seeing just for me.
"Come on let's get going, it's late" This time his voice more serious and louder than the last time he spoke.
"Okay" I returned his smile and picked up the tray emptying he rubbish into the bin and placing it on top. Eren reached out and took my hand in his once more as we walked out, holding it tight.

I drove the rest of the way back to Eren's and as we turned the corner I spotted Mikasa waiting by the bus stop just outside his house. My heart sank into my stomach and I wished we'd stayed out for longer.
"Oh fuck..." Eren said under his breath when his eyes fell on her and soon after landed straight on me.
"I'm sorry Armin, I said no to her earlier but she must've still got a bus here because there's no way we'd go pick her up" He panicked and rushed his sentence out in seconds
"Hey it's okay... don't worry about it" I tried my best to hide my disappointment but it seeped through my voice like a thick syrup. Mikasa looked like a deer caught in headlights as they shined on her causing her too sharply look up. A sweet smile danced on her face before turning sour as she follows the car onto the driveway. She stood by Eren's car door and crossed her arms waiting for him to emerge. He sighed and reached for the handle, I hesitated before doing the same.
"You didn't tell me you were going out I've been waiting outside for twenty minutes!" She barked at him before noticing me standing at the front of the car,
"Oh my gosh happy birthday! I hope it's been good!" Mikasa cooed at me wrapping her long arms around me in a loose embrace, something I didn't return. They soon dropped from my waist as she spun on her heels back to her boyfriend.
"Whatever we'll sort it out later." She rolled her eyes.
"I should probably get going now anyway" I said not raising my head to meet either of their eyes.
"Not because of me right?" Mikasas high pitch voice chimed in.
"No nothing like that" I smiled finally looking up at her.
"Armin don't be silly I promised you a sleep over" Eren asserted.
"Yeah well you've promised me a lot of things... I have to go." I held back tears for as long as I could and slammed my car door shut. I revved the engine and pulled off his drive, Eren hadn't moved an inch even though his beloved was waiting at the front door for him to unlock it. I kept my eyes on him until I pulled away and let my emotions consume me.

Tears streamed down my face and my neck as I kept a tight grip with both hands on the wheel. I rolled the window down and sped up. It felt liberating but nothing could distract me for long enough to forget about the aching in my chest. I let a sob escape through my lips. My lips that had touched Eren's less than 2 hours ago. The touch that I now longed for. The touch that Mikasa took away from me to keep for herself. I took I deep breath and tried to steady my breathing, tears eventually stop falling so freely from my tired eyes. The watery residue making the street lights pass in a blur. I kept going fast down the road, the lack of cars around made it feel okay. My eyes darted to the side of the road and my foot pounded the break causing a sharp skid noise to sound and mark the road. A fox ran out in front of me. I'd missed it by swerving up the curb. My heart throbbed in my chest.
"I could've killed you!" I shouted. Another wave of salty tears escaping my eyes and cascaded down my cheeks. I held my head in my hands and sobbed some more.
"He's not yours" I repeated to myself until I got the message. But I never did.

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