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College for the past few days had been very awkward as I'd tried to avoid the love birds of much as I could. It had been successful until earlier today when I bumped into Eren as I came out of the toilet, it was as if he was waiting for me.
"Are you avoiding me?" He asked, I smiled.
"Of course not, Ive just been busy with assignments" He frowned in response
"I'm sorry about the other night... you've been ignoring my texts" His voice had a soft tone to it, a guilty tone.
"Oh right. I've not really been on my phone much as I said I've been doing work" I lied, my eyes lowering to the floor. I'd read his texts a hundred times at least, and it's not like I didn't have anything to say either I had too many things to say that I didn't know what the right thing to reply was so I didn't reply at all.
"Okay... well I was wondering if you weren't too busy doing work tonight, you might wanna hang out?" I pondered his question for a second. How long could I really avoid him for?
"It would just be me and you... I promise" he added. I eventually looked up meeting his hopeful eyes.
I sighed.
"Okay" was all I gave in response, slightly I skeptical of his promise.
"I was thinking we could go to our place, where I took you for your birthday. No one will find us there"  hearing the last few words leave his lips made me blush a deep red causing my head to shoot back to the floor. He meant that totally innocently. I need to calm down.
He let a slight chuckle out and sighed in content.
"Alright I'll meet you after class finishes then" He smiled, a genuine smile of his that made me weak at the knees, before turning around and wondering off into the crowd of students. As I took a step off in the opposite direction a wave of black hair ran past me, not stopping to say hello too busy chasing after her boyfriend.

I nervously sat through two hours of mathematics not paying attention to really anything the teacher had to say about Pythagoras theorem. My eyes flickered to the clock. Only 3 minutes left. I found myself questioning why I was so nervous. It's just like any other time we hang out, but then again I have a major crush on the boy so who could blame me for the way I felt. I let myself get hopeful that he was telling the truth about it just being us two, I believed that he wouldn't let me down again and would be able to escape Mikasas constant observation of him. Before I knew it the teacher was dismissing us, students were flooding out the door leaving me sat alone. I picked up my bag and effortlessly slung it up on my shoulder, sighing. Time to go.
"Armin" my teacher called me as I went to walk out. I paused and turned to look at her
"You haven't handed in the last task I set you, it was due yesterday. Is everything okay, you're not normally late with work?" She inquired. I nodded and apologised
"Sorry Hanji! I was just struggling, I understand it now though so I'll have it for you tomorrow" She nodded adding a smile, letting me off handing the work in late due to how it was such a rare occurrence. I let out a sigh of relief and turned to continue walking out but stood at the door was none other than Mr Eren Yeager himself. He smiled at me and I silently preyed that he hadn't heard our conversation. No one needed to know that I'd been laying in bed over the weekend going from crying to playing on the PlayStation, watching tv and then back to crying... mostly over Eren, a little over the lack of work I was getting done.
"I thought I'd meet you at your class as I got let out early" he explained so I didn't even have to ask. But it was more like he didn't want me to run away. In my head I debated weather or not to tell him that I actually had loads of work to do still and tonight really wasn't a good idea. But the thought that I would then have to explain more as he already thinks that all I've been doing is work for the past few days. Really I just wanted to spend time with him. I couldn't say no...
"we better get going then" I said in a low voice as we headed for the stairwell to leave college.
"What was that about?" He clearly meant it in reference to my tutor keeping me back to talk to me but I decided to play dumb.
"What was what about?"
"Your teacher talking to you, is everything okay? Did you wanna skip tonight? we can hang out tomorrow if it's better for you, I don't wanna keep you from doing work" he rambled. I definitely didn't wanna skip tonight who knows if it would even happen tomorrow.
"Oh everything is fine it wasn't anything important..." I trailed off wondering if he'd suggested hanging out another night due the the fact it was inconvenient for him now.
"Good, I didn't think it'd be because you got a bad grade or were behind on work. You're too smart for that" he let a small laugh out and I blushed at the compliment he'd given me.
"Is tonight still good for you?" I blurted out not wanting to get distracted by what he'd just said. However it caused me to go a deeper shade of red so I quickly turned my head away from him.
"Yes of course it is, I'm excited." He looked at me and grinned. I met his eyes and returned his grin as we walked out the automatic doors. A cold wind hit us both simultaneously and we shivered hurrying to zip up our coats. Our pace increased and we basically ended up doing a light jog towards the car park, I fumbled around with the keys in my pocket in an attempt to have the car unlocked when we reached it. The lights flashed and we pulled the doors open, slamming them shut at soon as we were inside.

During the twenty minute drive towards the woods where 'our place' was located Eren took control of the aux playing his music and taking part in small amounts of conversation every now and then in between singing. I turned the corner into the deserted car park and looked at him.
"It's a bit cold to go out exploring don't you think" I teased asking myself why Eren had asked to come here and not just over his house to play video games like we usually do.
"I didn't really think about the weather... I just wanted to spend time with you" he sounded shy, avoiding eye contact. Before continuing
"We can go back to mine or yours if you wanna play games instead?" He offered.
"No, I'm fine here for now" I reassured him with a comforting smile that I was okay just spending time together in our special place.

We talked for a little while about anything and everything, college, video games, tv shows, what our mutual friends had been up to. It was nice just getting lost in conversation, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. I suppose that's what you expect after you've been friends for as long as we have. Eventually we ran out of things to say and it was time to change the topic again. I had a burning question on my tongue that I just had to ask. Now was my chance.
"So I've got a question, how are things with Mikasa going?" He looked taken aback by my sudden question, it was almost as if his face was saying why have you ruined such a beautiful conversation by bringing up something so awkward... or maybe that's just what I was thinking.
"Umm... yeah they're alright, I suppose" he paused.
"Just alright?" I reiterated. Urging him to explain.
"Yeah, well no... they're good, she's a good girl. We get along so well." He blurted out words I really didn't want to hear and it made me almost regret what I'd asked. But it was better that I know where I stand. He took my silence as a reason to continue.
"Like me and you get along so well too and with you it's different. She's a bit much sometimes you know... like she really likes me I'm worried that I'm not as into her, it's confusing." He babbled.
"... right, have you let her know this" I asked the question wanting to get to the bottom of what he means.
"No I haven't mentioned it to her, I don't wanna hurt her she deserves to be happy and if I can give her that..." He trailed off again. Each word he said was like a knife to the chest. I'm so stupid sometimes.
"We better get going" I whispered desperately trying to keep the tears back. Starting the ignition and pulling away from my spot.
"I didn't mean to upset you mushroom..." a puff of air escaped my nostrils as the nickname rolled of his tongue so nonchalantly. I sped up the car out of anger.
"Don't call me that" I told him. He didn't have the right. It was wrong, it felt wrong. We were silent for a short while until he broke it. God I wish he didn't.
"I love her, okay?... you need to know that" He delivered the fatal blow. I stayed silent and pulled over as quick as I could.
"Get. Out." I said through gritted teeth
"What, are you serious?" He exclaimed
"You heard me. GET OUT" I shouted the last part out of pure emotion. Tears cascaded down my cheeks. As the car door shut. I was alone.
He was right next to the shopping centre where there was a bus station and a train station so I wasn't worried about how he was getting home and considering he was only about a 5 minute drive away from his house he'd probably walk anyway. Oh and also he'd just broken my heart.
I swung open the front door slamming it behind me and ran up to my bedroom flopping face first down on my pillows. And there I stayed until I fell asleep nursing my broken heart.

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