Designated Driver

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23rd sept

It had only been 3 weeks since I'd passed my driving test and Eren already had me running him around, but as his designated 'bestie' I suppose that's my job. What isn't my job however is running his pesky, beloved, (as he insists) girlfriend around. Don't get me wrong I like Mikasa, she can be quite pleasant but she's just not right for Eren. They'd been dating for around 5 months now which happen to be 'the best 5 months of our lives!' As they both keep reminding me but I know what the best months of Eren's life are...

"To McDonald's designated driver!" Eren laughed at the nickname I'd been assigned. I was already annoyed that he'd moved into the backseat to sit with his lover but the nickname just ticked me off more.
"Eren don't be rude" Mikasa joked in return turning her body to face him a little more.
"Nah he knows I love him! Don't you my little mushroom!" He cooed reaching forward and taking hold of my hand that was resting on the wheel, he intertwined our fingers as my eyes flicked up from the road to meet his in the rear view mirror. I quickly looked away obviously because I was driving not because the physical contact and the eye contact was a little too much for me... His eyes were soon torn away from my direction and snapped shut as Mikasa planted her rosy lips on his, it felt like a thorn in my heart. I noticed his hand went unmoved from mine so I took advantage of Mikasa's lack of attention and raised it up to my lips. I placed a delicate kiss on the back of his hand that lasted for a mere second, I slowly lowered our hands and flashed him a look in the mirror again as their lips broke apart.
"What the heck, you guys carried on holding hands whilst we made out" Mikasa tried to put on a playful tone but you could hear that she was slightly weirded out, oh well we are besties after all! I smiled to myself at the comment I'd made in my head but it disappeared as soon as it showed up as Eren removed his hand from mine. I swiftly put my hand back to it's place on the wheel and focused on the road ahead, conversion dulled for the remainder of the journey.

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