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I kept my head down as I wondered the college halls towards my locker. It had been a week since Eren had come over and I hadn't spoken to him much since, or really at all. It was only when I had to as we'd bumped into each other at college a few times and wanted to seem well in front of Mikasa as Eren didn't want her digging around for a reason why we had fallen out. There wasn't even really an issue there I just wanted some distance in a futile attempt to move on from Eren as he was never really going to be mine...

Now as much as I don't want to I actually really like Mikasa. There was a time when The three of us were inseparable, though now those days seem so far away. A faded childhood memory I fondly look back on. The situation now being much different and too complicated for children to understand. I still never want to hurt Mikasa I don't have the heart to watch her cry just so I could be happy for a moment. I know that I love my best friend and I know that Mikasa also loves him. When it comes to him however... I have to clue as to who his heart belongs to. I want so desperately for it to be me. I long for the day he comes running up to me, grinning, his arms stretched out in front of him and the words I dream of hearing become a reality. "I love you Armin" . I want to be the only one undoubtedly. Untill then I guess Mikasa has him even if he isn't really hers.

"Hey Armin!" A voice called from down the hall making me jump out of my head back to reality. I looked up from my locker to locate the owner of the voice.
"Oh hey Jean" I replied as he stoped in front of me, Jean was in my criminology class and I'd also studied at Shiganshina high with him. Although he never really spoke to me outside of class so what was this about?
"What are you doing tonight?" He boldly asked, a slight redness taking home on his cheeks. His question made me feel shy for some reason and I wish I had the confidence to reply something like 'are you asking me out' but all I said was
"Nothing, why?" I smiled at him and he smiled back
"Did you wanna go for dinner with me?" I blushed hard. No one had ever asked me out before. I don't know where I found the confidence but somehow I managed to mumble
"Like a... date?" Jean became awfully flustered and and stuttered
"Haha" He let a nervous laugh out
"M-Maybe" he continued, I gave him a reassuring smile
"It's a date" I laughed to relax any tension which in turn made Jean beam back at me.
"Great I'll pick you up at 7:30? Text me your address" He said swiftly before rubbing the back of his head nervously and walking away.
"Okay!" I shouted after him embarrassing myself further. who would have thought Jean this loud mouth lowkey geek who's never really spoken to me much at all wants to take me out on, dare I say a date! Maybe things were falling into place after all, you know what they say about how to get over someone.

I had messaged my location to Jean at 7:03 which was exactly 20 minutes ago, he read the message at 7:15 but never replied, I hope he hasn't changed his mind. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time fixing my hair and rinsing some mouthwash around my mouth before checking my phone for the 15th time. It was 27 past 7 he should be here soon. I made my way downstairs nervously looking out the window to see if he had arrived which he hadn't. I took a seat on sofa pausing for a moment why was I so nervous in the first place? It's not like I like like him. I pushed my doubt away and tried to focus on just enjoying the evening if nothing more it was a night out with a friend and maybe even a free dinner. My phone lit up with a text I stood up and made my way towards the front door expecting it to be Jean saying he was outside however I was surprised to see Erens name be lighting up my screen

'Hey Armin, fancy the movies tonight?' I gave my phone a puzzled look. Why had he chose to message me now and why this? We aren't exactly talking much these days. But before I could really even process the text to reply I heard a horn beep from outside so I shoved my phone in my pocket pulled my coat off the hook and left for the evening.
"Hey" Jean grinned at me as I slid into the passenger seat. He looked... handsome.
"Hi, how are you" I replied trying to get the conversation flowing so it wouldn't be awkward.
"I'm good, you?" He pulled away and drove down the street
" yeah I'm good too, where are we going to eat?" I asked. I debated admitting to him that I was nervous but I decided against it.
"Um... we are going into town. To a nice Italian place." He took a moment to answer as we went around a roundabout.
"Ooh Italian!" I replied, I knew the place he was taking about it was on a little entertainment complex, the same one that I would be going to see a movie with Eren with had I said yes which I might have if I had no alternative plans. The thought reminded me to reply to him before I forgot completely. I pulled my phone out my pocket, my fingers hovered over the keys as I pondered what to say... should I tell him I had other plans or straight up turn him down?
'Sorry but I'm busy tonight" short and sweet. I don't owe him context if he wants to know more then he will have to ask. I quickly locked my phone and stashed it away in my pocket so I wasn't perceived as being rude by Jean. A short time later we arrived, Jean placed his arm gently around me placing his hand on my back guiding me towards the doors of the little Italian place. I was a few inches shorter than him and the contact felt nice. I tried to hide my face behind my hair as I blushed a little hoping he wouldn't notice. He only removed his hand to open the door for me and replaced it as we were shown to our reserved table.
After a little small talk we ordered our food, me choosing a carbonara dish and Jean going for a classic margarita pizza. I thought it was time to get a burning question out my head, I looked him in the eyes as he finished off a story he was telling me about something that happened to him in class the other day.
"Basically she got so mad at me I actually got sent out of class! I was like this isn't high school anymore, who does she think she is" he laughed, I laughed back.
"anyway..." I trailed off ensuring I had his attention after he had stopped laughing.
"How come you wanted to come out for dinner with me?" I chose my words wisely not wanting to take things too far or get embarrassed by calling it a date again. My question had seemed to catch him by surprise,
"I just wanted to hang out with you, to get to know you better" I tried my best to keep my emotions off my face and just leave a delicate smile there but it slid away slightly. I guess it wasn't a date after all.
"And I heard you like Italian food" He tried to make me smile again and it worked. I did like Italian food.
"Ooh I think that's our food!" I exclaimed, I was hungry. The waitress placed both plates down and left us to our business
"This looks good" I drooled as Jean got his phone out to take a photo.
Half way through us eating Jean looked up at started smiling, saying hello. But not to me, I turned to look at who was there.
None other than Eren Yeager and behind him, Mikasa. Eren was smiling back at Jean but his face soon mimicked my shocked expression when his eyes found mine. I took a deep breath and couldn't help but laugh. I turned back around to face Jean... I couldn't help but wonder how this looked to Eren. I hope it looked like what it was, well in my eyes at least. A date.
Just my luck they got sat across from our table a couple in front, and Eren was facing me. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole, this couldn't be more awkward. Jean checked his phone briefly and as he did I took advantage of the moment and glanced up at Eren, his eyes were already fixed on me however he quickly snatched his gaze away when I looked up. I turned my attention back to the blonde boy in front of me, he smiled at me but looked over towards the door for a brief second. I couldn't help but feel like he was looking for someone, I chose not to mention it out of fear of making this awkward situation worse.
Once we had finished our meals I could feel a pair of eyes burning into my head but I refused to give him the satisfaction of getting to look away from me again. I made sure to laugh extra loud at Jeans jokes and even got to talking about his fingers (don't ask how) just so I could reach across the table to take his hand in mine. His hands felt nice, they were a little cold and very soft, I imagined how his hand would feel cupping my cheek and I wondered if his lips were just as soft. I shook the thought from my head and retracted my hand.
"Should we get going then?" He asked and I nodded in agreement. I looked over at Eren as I put my coat back on but immediately regretted my decision as Mikasa was feeding him some pasta off her fork, they looked like a perfect couple. I turned around and followed Jean out, never looking back. I wished he had put his arm around me again but the wish also made me feel bad. I wasn't ready to move on from Eren just yet. Well not like this at least and bringing Jean into it, using him like this; it wouldn't be right.
"Let's go to the arcades, I'm not ready to say goodbye" Jean said smiling innocently
"Okay sure! Sounds like fun!" I hadn't been to the arcades in ages and I was genuinely excited to go, maybe if nothing more Jean could be a good friend of mine. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a money changing machine, he shoved a £10 note in and received it back in pound coins some of which he immediately changed into 2ps. He collected them in a cup and we played on the machines for ages, I beat him at Mario cart and in turn he beat me at air hockey. It was the most fun I've had in such a long time and it felt nice to not worry about anything for a short period of time. By the time we were coming out of the arcades it was fully dark out and looked like it could start raining any moment. I carried on walking but noticed Jean had suddenly stopped as I looked back at him he reached out and grabbed my hand pulling me back towards him.
"I've had a really nice evening" he beamed at me, I noticed he glanced over my shoulder just like he had done at the restaurant, I went to turn to see what he kept looking at but was stopped.
His hand swiftly placed itself on the back of my neck and pulled my face towards his, before I could really process what was happening his lips were on mine and his other hand slid into mine and I placed my free hand gently on his chest. The kiss was rushed and harsh but I liked it. Getting lost in the moment my lips moved against his. The kiss lasted for around 10 seconds and a string of saliva followed as we broke apart. My eyes fluttered open expecting to meet his however they were already elsewhere, looking behind me again. I turned around started to walk, my hand still holding his. Discreetly glancing around my eyes picked out a single person instantly from the small crowd, Eren. Mikasa looked like she hadn't seen the kiss or me as of yet, Eren however looked like he had just seen a ghost. Surly that's not why he kissed me I turned to talk to him becoming aware of our intertwined hands I tried to let go but he held mine tight still.
"What was that for" I asked playfully, trying my best to hide my confusion and worry about Eren seeing. I never wanted to kiss Jean especially not like that and I would never want Eren to see.
"I just felt like it" He claimed nonchalantly, but his eyes didn't meet mine they were staring ahead, fixed on one point. Or make that one person... Marco?

And then it clicked. They had a thing going on recently I remember hearing about it through Mikasa and her friends Connie and Sasha. But I think they broke up or something happened I didn't really listen to the details but that explains it. I couldn't help but feel used and hurt. Which is exactly how I didn't want Jean to feel. I pulled my hand out of his.
"I need to use the bathroom." I said blankly. We walked into the main complex where there were some coffee shops and the cinema. Jean said he'd wait outside so I went in alone.
I locked the toilet door and rested my back against it. The door opened again so I made a conscious effort to save any tears for later when I was alone. I sighed. I mean I don't like him like that anyway so no serious damage was done but he should be careful who's feelings he's playing with. At least he paid for dinner. I unlocked the door and walked towards the sinks but was stopped by a tall brunette. He took a step forward and I stumbled back. His hand slapped up against the wall pressing my body up against it.
"What the fuck was that" he whispered in a sharp, harsh tone, his warm breath hitting my face and making me shiver. His other hand reached up to my chin making my face meet his, something I was reluctant to do.
"You wanna go around kissing random boys now? Trying to make me jealous?" I gulped. I know any other person would be uncomfortable and maybe even scared but I liked it when he was assertive with me.
"E-Eren" I breathed his name out like it was all I could manage and it was all I had a chance to say before his lips roughly pressed against mine. My mouth moved instinctively, our kiss was routine, it was passion, it felt right. He wanted me and he knew I wanted him to. He took my bottom lip into his mouth nibbling at it almost earning a moan from me but I held back. Our tongues danced with each other to the song of our forbidden love. I felt like I was floating on air as sweet kissing noises filled my ears. He dragged his bottom lip against mine, making the kiss linger for as long as he could before he pulled back. In one swift moment he removed his hands from my chin and the wall, smirked and walked out' Leaving me there, alone and panting.

Okay this is longer than most of my usual chapters and I'm thinking about including a chapter from Erens pov, what do you guys think?

Thank you for your support on this fic!

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