Birthday Suprise

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3rd nov

Today is going to be a good day. I'm sure of it. Eren has been spending less time with her and more with yours truly. He promised me a spectacular birthday surprise, it'd be hard for him to top last years birthday present though... back when things were simple, it was just him and I, before anyone really took any notice of our unusually close friendship. Thinking about what happened last year on my birthday caused a pleasant shiver to run though my body and a blush to rise on my cheeks, need I say more about what happened? I'm sure you can use your imagination.
My phone pinged on my lap as if to snatch my daydream away from me but any hostile feelings I had soon melted away when I saw who it was from

Eren: 18 at last my little mushroom!

Just the fact he called me HIS little mushroom had me blushing again! I rapidly replied so I wouldn't lose his attention

Me: at least I can drive already, where's your licence?

I chuckled slightly at my response, he's older than me and still can't drive. I got out bed rather quickly as I was in a good mood thanks to my birthday message from Eren. My phone notified me that I received another message whilst I was just getting in the shower, I decided to leave it for 5 minutes whilst I cleaned myself before replying. After I reluctantly got out the shower I pulled on some boxer briefs followed by black track suit bottoms and slipped into a more fitting t-shirt than the one I'd slept in. I grabbed my phone off my bed and read the message I'd received 10 minutes ago.

Eren: haha :/  I think it's time for our annual birthday sleepover! come over ASAP bestie, I have plans!

I had the biggest smile on my face that I couldn't wipe off, it had been forever since we'd had a sleepover without anyone else, aka Mikasa. I ran across to the bathroom again to brush my teeth something I usually do as soon as I get out the shower but my priority was checking my phone. After I'd finished I texted him back before pouring myself a bowl of my favourite, coco pops.

Me: on my way! Give me 15 :)

after I'd eaten (and rapidly washed my bowl up as I didn't wanna inconvenience my parents) I made a swift exit and headed for Erens house which happened to be just a 10 minute drive away. Just as I started my engine my phone pinged once more, I glanced down and saw it wasn't from who I expected.

Mikasa: Happy birthday Armin! Can't wait for tonight x

what... is she seriously coming tonight? No way... Eren said for his bestie to come over? Not her too. That instantly put a downer on my mood and my smile was long gone. I didn't care if I sounded selfish I just want my best friend back... even if he was maybe more than that to me.

Me: ah thanks! Me too it's been so long since Eren and I had a sleepover...

I typed out the message hovering over the send button before deciding to just delete what I'd wrote and ignore her message altogether. After all I was driving. The drive to Eren's seemed agonisingly slow probably the anticipation as to if Mikasa was going to be there. When I arrived I anxiously knocked on the door waiting for a response, fingers crossed the ebony haired woman wouldn't be behind it. I was thrilled when my tall brunette friend opened the door with a large smile plastered on his face, he held his arms out and embraced me before he even said hello, he held me close and tight. It was warm and welcoming and comforting, it made me wish I could stay in his arms all day, if felt like home, like I belonged.
"Come on in my little mushroom, it's going to be a day full of fun!" He said eventually breaking away from our hug, I lingered on him for a second before letting him go fully, who knew when the next time I'd receive a hug like that from him again. The door closed behind me and it was just the two of us, shut out from the rest of the world. Just the way I like it.

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