𝟎𝟓-𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬

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After making his way past the literal sea of reporters he had then went into his classroom as what Excitement told him before sinking in. Reflecting back, he was slightly irrational thinking everyone would be the same from middle school, okay maybe a bit more than just slightly but you get the point.

"I could maybe try to socialize... but who do I talk to..? "  He thought in a dilemma. He was thinking of different scenarios that could happen with each person, he was so lost in thought that by the time he was going to finally do it, his teacher was already there.

"Ah— It really shouldn't be this hard to even try to socialize... yet here I am." He thought dejectedly not listening to what his teacher said though hearing the word 'class president' so got the gist of what would happen.

Chitsume had voted for Iida as he seemed to be quite responsible but it seems he was the only one who noticed it as nobody else voted for him. Cannon Mother and Green Bones won the election with 2 and 3 votes respectively. Though he wasn't all that surprised Cannon Mother won, not so sure about Green Bones but he may just didn't know him yet, they haven't talked even once so who was he to say anything about him.

Lunch Time

It was now time to eat but our poor protagonist is now in his second dilemma today, he had nowhere to sit. He had avoided sitting with other people and socializing by sitting alone at empty tables but it seems that he wasn't all that lucky today seeing all the empty tables were already taken.

"What do I do now? I can't just skip lunch as I already got my food and throwing this out would just be a waste..." He thought.

Though it seems life didn't hate him completely as one of his classmates took notice of his distressed state and came up to him, it was Pichu!

"Hey, so I saw you didn't have a seat yet so I was thinking if you'd want to eat with me and some friends!" Pichu says.

"If it's alright with you and your friends, thank you for having me..!" He says as he bows a perfect 90 degrees, Iida would be proud.

"Woah! No need to bow. My friends won't mind another person, they'd love it actually so no worries!" He says as he points to his table.

What he didn't realize was that Katsuki Bakugou would be at the table, he was too happy to realize that and because he had just said yes, he couldn't back down now, that would just be rude.

"HAH? Why the hell did you bring another extra with you?!" Must Avoid AKA Boom Hair says, well shouts.

"Don't mind Bakugou, he may say stuff like that but he doesn't bite! I think." A boy with red hair says.

"Ooh, Kaminari brought along a cutie with him!" An alien girl says.

"Your name's Chitsume Hiroshima, right? I'm Eijirou Kirishima! " The red-haired boy said giving the boy a toothy grin with his shark teeth. 

"Sharky.." He thought giving the boy a nickname in his head.

"I'm Mina Ashido, this is Hanta Sero and this explosive boy is Katsuki Bakugou!" Mina says introducing everyone.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME YOU B—" But before he could finish a siren cut him off as a robot voice says,

"Security Level 3 has been breached. Students, please evacuate promptly." It said causing panic to all the students.

Though it was supposed to be an orderly, calm evacuation it had somehow become a stampede. Those who were smaller or were unlucky enough were the ones being pushed around and stomped on, Chitsume being both as people kept on elbowing him and stepping on his feet.

He was about to fall and be stomped on by the hundreds of students in the stampede right now. He had nowhere to hold on to and the people elbowing him made him fall faster. But before he fell, two warm hands wrapped around his waist and pulled them into their embrace.

"Eh...?" Chitsume said confused his cheeks turning a tint of pink.

"You were about to fall... so I caught you." The voice said and when he looked up he saw Todoroki. He knew of Todoroki from the battle trial that happened a day prior when he single-handedly beat his two opponents with ease, he admired the boy, being so strong and all.

"This isn't fair, this amount of favoritism is too much... So not only was he born with good looks, an amazing quirk, incredible smarts but he's such a nice guy too!?! This man is too much for my eyes... I'm going to go blind.." He thought half jealous and half swooning as he then decides to look into his chest instead of his face as both his eyes and his neck were starting to hurt.

Todoroki then tightens his grip on the boy as people were getting more violent as they tried to evacuate, completely oblivious to the effect he was having on the now very pink boy.

Thankfully, Iida was able to calm the stampede of people before Chitsume went blind. The students were then able to go back to class, Chitsume and Todoroki included. Chitsume was slightly able to hear how Iida was given the class president's role but he wasn't giving his whole attention as he was still trying to calm down from the situation before.

"Why do these keep on happening to me..? I just wanted to live a quiet life training to be a hero..." He sighs as he pauses before continuing. " Okay, that might not make much sense but still. "

 Chitsume was now walking home alone before somebody's voice called out to him. 

"Hiroshima! Hey!!" The voice said as he looks behind him finding the source seeing the office, pink alien, Pichu, and Sharky.

"Wanna walk home with us? It's lonely if you're alone." Pichu says. He always seems to find Chitsume when he was alone, he wasn't sure if he was thankful or annoyed with it, maybe a mix of both.

"Ah, if it's okay with you." Chitsume replies.

"So where's your house? We could drop you off if you'd want us to?" Mina says putting her arm around Chitsume's shoulders.

"I live in an apartment near Ootori Hospital, so it's a bit far from UA." He says replying to Mina's question.

"Isn't that like an hour away? You get to school so early so I thought you were a 5-minute walk or something.  Do your parents wake you up or something?" Sero asks remembering Chitsume always being there before him when he goes into the classroom.

"O-Oh, I don't live with parents, I live alone." He muttered, his voice noticeably quieter.

"You live alone? That's so manly!" Kirishima says.

"Thanks, Kirishima, but it really isn't that hard." He says giving them a smile.

"You should really smile more, you're cute when you smile!" Mina says slightly blushing, as were the others, Chitsume included.

"You shouldn't tease the poor guy, Mina. But she is right, you should smile more!" Kaminari said.

This type of teasing and chatting continued until they then parted and went back to their own homes.

"I guess socializing isn't that bad..." He says to himself.

"I told you. I am always right." Excitement says quite smugly.

"Yeah... you were right.." Chitsume says as he realizes how he might have slightly overreacted a bit. 

"But anyway, I'm proud of you kid." They say happy he made some friends.

"Thank you.." Chitsume says smiling a bit, liking the feeling of having friends.

"..Thank you." He repeats as he falls into his world of dreams.

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