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Chitsume had gotten 7th place as Midnight had said. He was now a bit better although still a bit zoned out. He was barely listening to the pro heroine as she announced the next event — human cavalry. 

He had tensed immediately from this, not really enjoying team-based games. Midnight had then started to explain more about the event itself. Some of his classmates were a bit noisy, earning them an angry yell from Midnight.

As she explained how the point system would work, all of their attention was directed to one particular boy as they heard the words, 'ten million' escape Midnight's mouth. Everybody's head turned to the green-haired as they all eyed him, Chitsume included.

"10 million.. then that means... " Chitsume thinks, as he looked at the sweating green-haired boy.

As everyone started to look away, Midnight continued on with her explanations. They had 15 minutes to form their teams as Chitsume became more and more nervous each second. After thinking about it for a while he wasn't sure what to do — until a certain person's name popped into his head. He had an idea. 


"Uh, are you sure you want to team up with me..?"

"It's all fine, Shinso..!" Chitsume said as he looked up at Shinsou, stars in his eyes.

"Not so sure if you'd think the same if you know my quirk..." He says, looking away nervously.

"Huh? Why would your quirk change anything?" Chitsume asks as he sees Shinso's becomes a face full of guilt.

"..I'm sorry.."

"Sorry? Why are you so—"

And with that, everything became blank.

Chitsume's eyes became dull and blank — his body relaxed, hands falling down on his sides. Shinso's consciousness was panging from what he had done to his first and only friend. He clenched his fists as he shook his head to find his other 'teammates'. 

. . .

"Huh..? Where am I? " Chitsume asks as looked around him. It was a forest filled with plants, flowers, and trees all over. Though looking normal, there was an unnerving feeling the boy had. There were no signs of life for miles and it was eerily quiet.

"Heya there, kiddo."

"GYAH!" The boy let out a very manly shriek from the sudden noise.

"Been a while since that happened." Excitement says, face smug and smirking.

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