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⚠️This and the next few chapters include topics like violence, panic attacks, and slight self-harm. If you are in any way shape or form, uncomfortable with those topics, DO NOT READY ANY FURTHER AND BE SAFE!⚠️ 

These topics will continue and be mentioned specifically for chapters 21-23, the next few chapters after that will be free from the angst and are safe to read without any caution.

They are not heavily explicit but still present so do be careful. I will be putting this message at the top of every chapter where it might be triggering so look out for these!

For the people who are sure that they are fine with those topics, do make sure that you are in a proper state to be right now, drink water, and maybe ready some tissues.



"As you might already know, I am the pro hero, Native." He greets.

"Yes sir, I am Chitsume Hiroshima, hero name, Vultus." Chitsume says. He practiced saying this on his way here so he was proud of himself for not slipping up or stuttering.

"I'm quite glad you chose to intern with me. Now to get straight to the point, we're going to be doing some patrols around the city. Experience is the best teacher, after all." Native says with a small smile.

"Patrols already? No nothing..??" Chitsume thinks as he looked dumbfounded.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go change already, time is money." Native says a bit irritated.

"O-Oh, yes sir!" Chitsume says as he quickly changed into his hero costume. He might be questioning the pro hero in his head but not like he'd ever say it aloud.

The two males then quickly set out as they started their patrol, Native not really saying anything. 

"He's like All Might in a way, the two not being the best teachers... The only difference is that All Might is super successful globally and Native isn't..." Chitsume thinks. So far, all they've done is just walk around the city and nothing else.

Chitsume, kind of regretful of his choice right now. As they entered a dark alley, Chitsume couldn't help but feel like something is very wrong here... very, very wrong. His worries were confirmed when a knife went flying their way.

"You fake."

A voice looms in the alley, Native and Chitsume seeing the source of the voice and the thrown knife. Native immediately goes on guard as he sees his face.

"..You..! The Hero Killer, Stain!" He said, Chitsume going on guard too.

Before any of them could react, a blade was already thrown to Native, lodging him to the wall. Blood spilling out that Stain took no time to lick. As Native's body seemed to tense up and paralyze, Chitsume froze up.

A blade now also coming his way, he kept still. Not moving an inch, his body not listening to him.

"Snap out of it, kid! Now is not the time!!"

A voice screamed out as Chitsume felt himself being pushed, falling to the ground his eyes widen to the sight of the blade about to kill him lodged into the wall.

Breath quickening, body sweating, throat drying up. He trembled, shivering, bile piling up in his throat. He can't do this! He can't! He ca—

"I said snap out of it, kid! You are not dying today and I'm not either!" Excitement yelled as Chitsume felt the stinging on his left cheek. They had slapped him.

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