𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 - 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞

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Leaves falling to the ground, flowers swaying and dancing, their beautiful fragrance spreading. In a humble little cafe, a white-haired boy sings a little tune as he brushes the wooden floors of the room. 

The people who hear his angelic voice feels a calming sense of relief wash over their bodies, making them too, smile. The peaceful and happy atmosphere, enough to make even the most stressed relax.

As the boy finished up cleaning, he went back to the counter where another male stands.

"Heya, Chi! We don't have a lot of customers today so you can just relax, 'kay?" Adonis smiles as he bends over the counter, leaning his head on his hands.

"Alright, I'll just make us some drinks. I'll be back in a minute!" Chitsume replies as he walks over to another room as Adonis waves.

Getting two teacups ready, he pours tea in both cups. He didn't really need the teacups and could've just used normal cups, but if you drink tea you just have to use teacups if you have them. It truly makes you feel like a fancy rich posh lady.

With a smile, he happily carries the two teacups as he walks back to the counter. As he hums another tune, feeling quite happy today with the serene atmoshpe—

"Chitsume?! What're you doing here?!" A voice screams out, shocking the boy in question making him spill the tea on the floor.

"..The tea.." Chitsume gloomily said, already having a mental funeral for the spilled drink.

As he looked up, still quite somber, he sees Kaminari, Mina, and Sero. Kaminari, quite shocked and eyes open wide as he pointed to the boy, Mina, screaming happily as she waved, and Sero, trying to quiet the two teenagers.

"Oh, your friends are here! Why don't you talk to them?" Adonis happily exclaims.

"But I'm still work—"

"You can have a small break, you were going to have a break anyway."

"The tea—"

"We can have the tea funeral later, I'll clean it up for you and we have a lot more tea at the back."


"Now, now, stop just standing idly there and have some fun!" Adonis says as he pushed the boy towards his classmates with one hand and taking the cups with his other.

With Adonis nicely 'requesting' him to talk with his friends, with a lot of hesitation Chitsume complied.

"So this was the cafe you said you worked at? It's so pretty~" Mina says as she looked around at the interior.

"It really gives off the calming serene vibes. I really like it!" Kaminari comments.

"Yeah, it's kind of like when you go to your grandma's house!" Sero says with a smile.

"G-Grandma..." Chitsume repeats as he quietly looked to the side and started sulking.

"W-Wait I don't mean it in a bad way! I meant it a good way! Y-Y'know like the calming atmosphere that you get from your grandma's house! I promise it wasn't an insult!" Sero quickly explains as he tries to comfort the sulking boy.

After a bit of Sero trying to comfort the boy, Chitsume finally stopped his sulking as the four all talked together.

"So were you guys just here, just cause?" Chitsume asks.

"Oh, we were actually going to do a study group, Kirishima and Bakugou are supposed to be here too but they aren't here yet," Sero explains.

"There's a test coming up and I'd like not to fail again for once," Mina says with a laugh.

"The test? You mean in Math?" Chitsume questions.

"Yeah... I can't understand anything for the life of me!" Kaminari whines.

"U-Uhm... I might not be as smart as Bakugou but I think I'd be able to help..!" Chitsume offers, a small blush dusted on his face.

"You can? Thanks, I'm not sure if I could teach these two idiots myself." Sero says, as Mina and Kaminari suddenly hug Chitsume, chanting "You angel!", "Our savior!!!", and a few "I love you!!" here and there two.

Chitsume's face blew up in multiple shades of red from the sudden physical contact as he started blurting out nonsense. His brain was overloaded and his body couldn't take it.

"Oh, hey guys! Sorry, we're a bit late, we kind of got lost.." Kirishima says as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"WE GOT LOST?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO GOT US LOST SHITTY HAIR!" Bakugou screamed back in reply.

Kirishima and Bakugou finally arrived only to find absolute chaos. Chitsume passed out, face fully red, Mina and Kaminari screaming and pacing around the cafe with Sero trying to shut them up, though screaming too, and finally Adonis, shaking the unconscious body of Chitsume crying screaming out things like "Chi you can't die without me!!!" and other things along those lines.

The two just deadpan at the scene in front of them as Bakugou spoke up, not screaming this time.

"What the f*ck happened here."


Tada~! There's the special chapter done! Hope you all liked it, though it was super short, haha. I got to say though that I might not be able to post as frequently since exams are coming up and I want to focus on that for a while. Other than that, I wanted to ask you guys if you'd want Chitsume to have a romantic interest in the story. I know I wrote in the tags stuff like boy x boy and all, but now that I'm writing the story I'm not so sure now. So I can either continue the story with how it is, with a few moments with the boys sprinkled here and there but no actual romance OR I could start going down the romance route with an actual love interest.

I wasn't as sure if I could pull of the romance but I'd like to try and wanted to know what you guy's opinions on this are.

Comment on which option you'd want me to do below! ↓↓

Yes to Romance!


No romance!

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