𝟐𝟕-𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐦𝐞

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Slight shame and the urge to kill a certain something still sticking with Chitsume, he was in the corner as all the boys changed. He finally was able to wear his usual clothes, the UA uniform.

He really didn't want to feel bad about his body or pass out from the blood loss today so he just looked away, staring deeply at the beautifully painted corner in front of him.  "Ah, such a nice shade of... what color is this..?"

But as they were all just minding their own business, changing, Mineta just had to do something.

Taking off a poster from the wall, it revealed a small hole that he was going to use his big ol eyes to peep from. He made multiple incredibly unnecessary and creepy remarks even about his "Little Mineta" and about the girl's bodies except for Jiro for some reason. 

He was glad to see Jiro's ear jack poking his eyes but he felt this wasn't enough for the little crap, so not so discreetly he enveloped the guy in a sphere of water. He had thought of choking the little thing with his hands but he had done this earlier and he wanted to be a little more creative. He then started almost murdering a dude for the second time this day, and the third time in his life. 

The other boys and girls didn't stop him or scold him again, actually praising him for it. Even the teachers didn't stop him at first, but with a bit of coaxing, he did let the thing go when the teachers said he was drowning, clicking his tongue as he hesitantly let him go.

"You almost killed me!! And my clothes are soaked now!" Mineta yelled as he coughed up any remaining water in his lungs.

"Sounds like a you problem." Chitsume plainly replies before walking away from the fuming grape.


"Midoriya's gone again? He's been with All Might so much this year, I'm starting to think they're related or something..." Chitsume joked, mostly saying it to himself. Though he said it a bit loud resulting in one particular student hearing him.

"Right?!" Shoto uncharacteristically yells, grabbing both of Chitsume's hands with his own as his eyes sparkled with one of childlike glee.

"S-Shoto..?" Chitsume stutters out, cheeks instinctively red from the sudden closeness. He blinked multiple times, the sparkles kind of hurting his eyes.

"That's some crazy theory you got there, Hiroshima." Kaminari laughs out.

"Sure is, how'd you even think of that one?" Sero adds with a small snicker.

"Well they've been together a lot since the start of this year and they even have similar quirks. Kinda." Chitsume explains, head tilted as Shoto in front of him nodded vigorously.

"Haha, sure." Mina pops in and says before snatching Chitsume out of Shoto's hand and with a smirk she says, "So, since when were you so close to Mr. Not Here to Make Friends? First Adonis and now Todoroki too~ Don't be shy, spill the beans!"

"Huh? Spill the beans on what?"

"C'mon, don't act all innocent. Tell me how you fished in two hotties at once!"

With Chitsume's stuttering mess of an explanation that he was only friends with the two males and with everyone now in the classroom, Mr. Aizawa entered with some news.

"We'll be going to a summer break forest lodge." He announced, many of his classmates getting excited and some putting out things they were excited for, dares, fireworks, curry, and other stuff too.

"However, should any of you fall short of a passing grade for the end-of-term test, then you're stuck in school, in remedial hell." Aizawa finished, Chitsume shivered from the choice of words but wasn't that worried in all honestly, though people like Kaminari and Mina should be very worried.

"I'm sure remedial hell wouldn't be that bad... T-They'd be fine.. Right?" Chitsume thinks, already accepting the fact that they would most probably fail.

After School

Grabbing the can of tea from the vending machine, he opened it up and took one nice sip. Smiling from the nice taste, the silence around him became clearer. His body becoming tenser, unwanted memories flooding back. Some old, some new.

He sighed as he did his best to push them all to the back of his mind. Doing so used most of his attention, causing him to again bump into someone and fall for the nth time this year, his tea falling from his hands and spilling.

Seeing the tea drip out of the can and to the floor devastated the boy, irritation then replacing it as he says,

"What have you done to my tea..?! You mon— Eek!" Chitsume starts before yelping from seeing the Boom Hair Bakugou in front of him. 

"It's you again? Didn't I already tell you to look where you're going?!" Bakugou yells out. His hand coming closer to the fallen boy, Chitsume flinched as he stilled.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you going to take my hand or not?" Bakugou sighed, his tone much softer than it was before though. Chitsume looked at him for a second before he took the boy's hand as he stood up, silently thanking him.

After analyzing the white-haired boy for any bruises from the fall and seeing none, Bakugou took the boy's hand again as he started to drag him towards somewhere. Chitsume's suppressed the yelp in his mouth as he now accepted that now is the time he was going to die. "Nope I was right, I'm dying today—"

Already imagining his funeral, he gave himself condolences as he was dragged away to who knows where,

"May I rest in pieces..."

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