..⃗. 𝐮𝐧𝐨 𑁍ࠜೄ ・゚ˊˎ

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Seokmin was dragged away from his dreams by a cause he couldn’t clearly pinpoint in his current sleep-enticed state

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Seokmin was dragged away from his dreams by a cause he couldn’t clearly pinpoint in his current sleep-enticed state. It took a few disoriented blinks to finally grasp the source of the unfamiliar weight dipping his mattress. A whole Kwon Soonyoung was casually sitting on the edge of Seokmin’s bed as if it wasn’t the dead of night, calmly staring at him with the faintest flicker of impatience resting on his expression.

His gaze didn’t even waver when Seokmin let out a faint gasp. Seokmin propped himself on one elbow and placed his free hand over his chest in an attempt to display just how much he was distraught with Soonyoung’s existence on his bed at that exact moment. ❝ You have no damn soul,❞ he began, still trying to regain his cool. ❝ What time is it, even?

Time is a man-made concept and holds no substantial value, ❞ Soonyoung stated with leisure that made Seokmin wish to sharply shove him off the bed, ❝ but 2AM, if you still insist on knowing. ❞ Seokmin now definitely wanted nothing more than to hear Soonyoung gracelessly thump on the floor. He couldn’t quite summon a stern glare in his sleepy state, but he hoped the tired squint of his eyes conveyed sufficient distaste.

Seokmin opened his mouth to ask some crucial questions as to why he was still awake so late at night, but Soonyoung’s answers arrived unprompted. ❝ I can’t sleep, ❞ he uttered. ❝ Come chill outside with me. We can drop by the kitchens on the way back. I haven’t had pumpkin pasties in a while.

Soonyoung dearest, ❞ Seokmin clapped a hand over Soonyoung’s shoulder, channeling effort into keeping his voice at acceptable volume levels, ❝ it’s two o’clock in the morning. ❞ Any and all implications beneath that declaration flew right over Soonyoung’s head and straight out of the room.

Did I stutter? ❞ A frustrated groan escaped Seokmin’s lips. He lay back down once more and was just about to drape his blanket over his head to block out this entire existence when Soonyoung continued, ❝ I’m telling Seungkwan you throw your dirty Quidditch robe on his bed when you come back from practice.

Seokmin contemplated this threat for a few seconds, gaze stuck on the ceiling. He had an alarming number of memories of Seungkwan jinxing him due to his lack of tidying habits, and they were all resurfacing in his mind one after another. At some point Seokmin dropped the blanket with a heavy sigh, burying his face in his hands instead. ❝ You have the attitude of an actual toddler, ❞ he muttered, his words sounding nothing but a muffle.

A rather convincing toddler, ❞ Soonyoung replied cheekily with the smile of a winner as his chubby cheeks protruded out. ❝ Up you go, now.

🎐ㅤ爱ㅤ𓂃ㅤ𖠗ㅤ𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙ㅤ𓏲

- so that was the first chapter! hope it was okay and I was able to portray the friendship between seoksoon. that is literally how my best friend and I behave so I couldn't help but keep a resemblance haha. hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll be back soon with the next!

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  - seoksoo hogwarts auWhere stories live. Discover now