..⃗. 𝐨𝐡𝐜𝐨 𑁍ࠜೄ ・゚ˊˎ

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The night found Seokmin wide awake at some ungodly point in time, staring at his ceiling

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The night found Seokmin wide awake at some ungodly point in time, staring at his ceiling.

After a tiring Quidditch match and a brief after-party in Hogsmeade, he had wanted to sleep through any and all schedules he had listed out for the following day, if possible, and forget that the time was ticking away for at least a while. However, his crooked sleep schedule seemed to have other plans. A long sigh filled the silent room. At that moment he realized that dedicating both his daydreams and dreams to a single person had its inevitable drawbacks.

The night found Seokmin on his familiar path up the stairwell leading out of Hufflepuff dorm. He didn’t feel a need to rush anymore; the anxiety of breaking the rules on his own had gradually evaporated through the weeks. Using the animorph skill felt even more simple after regular practice as well; it was the most natural thing, to gracefully traverse the castle in a lithe feline figure was like a daily routine for him now.

Seokmin expected to be the first to arrive, but as he softly pattered onto the grassy patch of the courtyard, he noticed the reason for his recent messy decisions already soaking in moonlight. It was noteworthy how Jisoo was, instead of simply sitting, was rather clumsily sprawled over his usual spot, lying facing the sky with an arm limply dangling from the edge looking as if the prefect had passed out on the spot. Even in his cat form, a small frown could be seen forming on Seokmin’s lips and he wondered if the elder male had a bad day.

Jisoo almost fell over into the fountain when he got startled by the feeling of something soft and furry brushing against his hand. When he saw a familiar tuft of fur loitering in the grass below, a muffled chuckled followed by a tired smile came through.

If Seokmin wasn’t too far gone, he might have been a little bit embarrassed by how much simply being in Jisoo’s vicinity lifted his spirits. The biggest struggle in these nights wasn’t sneaking out of his dorm, it wasn’t the sleep deprivation, rather it was watching Jisoo always get up and leave at some point. His smiles were infectious, his words were soft, and his hugs were so, so warm and Seokmin just hoped that those short lived moments of both of them together would just last forever.

Jisoo turned his gaze back to the stars above while giving lazy pats to the top of the cat’s head. Seokmin figured this was one of the quiet nights. He calmly settled down in the grass to indulge in the silence and loving caresses, hoping to be some sort of comfort. When many minutes later the sullen aura still hadn’t left Jisoo, Seokmin figured he’d do what he did best – annoy people until they paid attention to him. Continuous meowing and light bites on Jisoo's hand persisted until the prefect finally gave in.

Jisoo shifted around a bit with a groan and positioned himself so he could pick up the cat. ❝ I’m a fool, ❞ Jisoo said, lying on the fountain side, looking at Seokmin with a flat expression as he held him up. The cat was silent for a few seconds before letting out a faint meow; it was intended to sound questioning, but it leaned more towards a confused meow.

The prefect sighed, lowering the cat so it could lie on his chest. ❝ We have a match with Hufflepuff in two weeks, ❞ he carried on, holding Seokmin closer, ❝ and I’ll probably fall off my broom in the middle of the match or something because I’m stupid and I haven’t managed to get over a year-long crush already.

That was the exact moment Seokmin felt all the air leave his tiny lungs.

I could’ve just gone up and spoken to him after the game last year like a normal person, ❞ Jisoo kept on rambling, a pout curving his lips downwards, and Seokmin really wanted to stop listening, yet he just couldn’t, ❝ but no, sixth year me thought it was a genius idea to avoid his crush in the hopes it just goes away. Huh as if- why did i have to treat my feelings as if it was some viral fever or something

Seokmin would have most likely jumped off Jisoo and swiftly dashed away if he wasn’t cradled in the elder’s arms. Rationality was pushed far back to the shadows of Seokmin’s mind. Pangs of disappointment took the reins and he never imagined he’d feel like this in Jisoo’s presence, but right now, Seokmin wanted to be anywhere else possible other than Jisoo's arms.

Why’d he have to be so cool at the match today and mess me up like this. ❞ Jisoo kicked his feet in frustration, like a petulant toddler. ❝ Damn you, Lee Seokmin.

Time stood still with Seokmin needing a moment to let that sink in.

Jisoo heard a distressed squeak from the ball of fur lying on his chest and looked up in fear. ❝ Oh dear, did I squeeze you too hard? ❞ the Slytherin asked in a soft voice and slight panic, loosening his hold on the cat. ❝ Sorry, I got fired up over this. But really...is he just that powerful or am I weak like that? All it took was one smile from him and it was game over for me?

Seokmin didn’t really have any issues with how he was being held. But was just simply internally screaming.

There were two purposes for the sake of which Seokmin really wished he was in his human form right now. The first was the priority – to fight Hong Jisoo for giving him a yearly dose of stress in the span of a few minutes and for blabbering so much. All those years of sharing a dorm room with Seungkwan and jinxing each other would have paid off in a few seconds.

The second – for variety’s sake, he wished to at least once be the one to wrap his arms around Jisoo instead.

🎐ㅤ爱ㅤ𓂃ㅤ𖠗ㅤ𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙ㅤ𓏲

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