..⃗. 𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨 𑁍ࠜೄ ・゚ˊˎ

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Be it due to a stroke of luck or a dash of magic, Jisoo found it fascinating how he hadn’t been kicked off patrol duty already

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Be it due to a stroke of luck or a dash of magic, Jisoo found it fascinating how he hadn’t been kicked off patrol duty already. If anyone were to invade Hogwarts, it would, frankly and definitely happen right under his nose.

He was a sharp boy… only when he wanted to be.

Around exam season nobody really wanted to be anything but asleep. However, late at night, you could see Jisoo leisurely crossing nameless hallways, while quietly muttering names of herbs and procedures that he assumed would aid him on the Potions exam. His lone companion was the sound of his footsteps echoing through the wide stone hallways. The evenly paced patter of his feet offered a sort of rhythm to organise his thoughts, and was maybe the compass that kept him from getting lost in the sea of ancient terms he had to forcefully feed into his head.

He was going to become an auror. It was a strong childhood dream, carefully nurtured by tales of danger and glory told by his parents. It was the dream that didn’t let his focus stray from excellence in the ranks of one of the best wizarding schools.

But, it wasn’t easy. No dream was. Not every day was a blaze of confidence and aspirations. It was in the quiet moments, between the work and scads of effort, when the sound of silence was almost engulfing him, that the doubts and worries came creeping in swiftly.

It was in moments like these that homesickness rooted itself deepest. Seven years in the school, Jisoo assumed he would have gotten used to the long months bundled together that kept him away from the comforting familiarity of home, the teasing that his older sister subjected him to and the purring of his beloved cat. Yet, late at night, while leisurely crossing nameless hallways, his thoughts wandered as well. He wondered if his family thought of him just as often as he did.

Rereading letters from home usually mended his weeping heart; on most nights, the familiar scent of old envelopes alone helped Jisoo feel warm and made a tiny smile play on his lips.

Yet, on some nights, even holding pieces of that cream-coloured parchment close by, on which his parents wrote, wasn’t calming enough for the restless mind of his. Nights like these were when Jisoo was especially thankful for the distraction that patrols could offer, because in earlier years when he hadn’t yet acquired the position of a prefect, he would simply spend sleepless nights nestled in his blankets, tracing invisible patterns on the ceiling, restlessly turning in his sheets to disregard the rumble of his thoughts.

The fact that Seungcheol had graduated last year didn’t really make matters any lighter.

An unconditional friendship. The two had met all those years ago on Hogwarts Express. Jisoo was a confused to-be first year who had waddled through the wagons with a luggage bag bigger than himself. A boy with a Gryffindor scarf wrapped adorably around his neck had cracked open the door of his compartment to offer Jisoo a free spot, and the rest was history.

Despite Seungcheol hailing from a different house than Jisoo, they had been quite near stuck together. A long stream of time had flown by in the library while the two either studied together or simply practiced the levitation spell on random books to startle timid first years. Aside from Seungcheol’s mischievous side that had made it hard to believe he was the older one, he had also secured the position as a third parent figure in Jisoo’s life with the help of his splendid nagging abilities. But Jisoo never quite minded it. Seungcheol had always ended his scoldings with a warm hug, after all.

Seungcheol wrote his letters to Jisoo on light blue parchment paper, and Jisoo kept them tucked alongside his family’s envelopes. The castle felt bigger without the elder and Jisoo’s thoughts were getting a bit too heavy to carry. So the idea of taking a break seemed tempting.

Near Slytherin tower there was a small open courtyard where moonlight calmly pooled. In its center stood an old stone fountain that was enchanted to silently flow at all times. After heading towards it, Jisoo carefully straightened his robe before plopping down on its edge with the intent of laying his melancholy-tinged introspections to rest.

Instead of succumbing to relaxation, Jisoo’s senses sharpened at a low sound coming from the periphery. His gaze flitted towards the assumed vicinity of the source. His hand subtly reached for the wand hidden in his robe, getting ready for any unpleasant scenario, but once his eyes managed to decipher what was hiding in the dark, any tension within him evaporated immediately.

Two cats were huddled in the edge of the courtyard, making Jisoo wonder if he was the one who had startled them. His heart melted at how small they looked. The prefect slowly extended a hand towards them in the hopes of showing the animals he meant no harm, but unfortunately, one of the cats bolted towards the nearest hallway.

The feline that was left behind looked like it was just ready to follow suit, and Jisoo felt his mood spiral downwards again. It looked just like Jisoo’s own cat, the scottish fold he had at home, the one he had practically grown up with. Thus the bout of homesickness on seeing this feline kept making him feel the slightest bit queasy.

Surprisingly, the startled tabby didn’t run away. It slowly pattered towards Jisoo’s outstretched hand, and when the cat was in a close enough proximity, Jisoo could feel a tiny smile creep up his lips.

Hello there, ❞ the prefect said in a soft voice as he caressed the top of the cat’s head, even scratching it behind the ears a bit, ❝ would you happen to be someone’s pet?

🎐ㅤ爱ㅤ𓂃ㅤ𖠗ㅤ𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙ㅤ𓏲

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