..⃗. 𝐬𝐞𝐢𝐬 𑁍ࠜೄ ・゚ˊˎ

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Monster rookies ❞ is what the announcer called them.

Jisoo and Seokmin were on each other’s tails for the entire duration of the game; the crowd was in absolute awe of how they could keep up with each other’s speed. Their chases were a sequence of borderline dangerous stunts and broom tricks that made the spectators shortly forget there were other players besides those two.

The snitch was particularly whimsical that day, often completely disappearing out of sight only to appear on the other side of the field after a fleeting moment. Right near the edge of the playing field, where plain ground met the audience stands, the snitch’s was playfully buzzing in a single spot, almost taunting the seekers to come after it. And they did.

Near the goal however, Seokmin sharply pulled back. The risk of not being able to stop himself and crashing into the crowd held him inside the borders of the field. But Jisoo flew right ahead, gradually loosening his grip on his broom until he eventually let go of the stick entirely. ❝ Catch me! ❞ he shouted before diving into the air, arms stretched towards the snitch.

Everyone in the stands collectively gasped. The announcer, Boo Seungkwan’s take on the situation was nothing short of an incomprehensive yell. A boy in a Gryffindor robe among the audience stood up in evident distress, immediately pulled out his wand and almost shouted out the levitation spell; his voice even cracking out of panic.

The spell worked — it was as if Hong Jisoo’s reckless leap froze in time. However the one sign that the situation wasn’t indeed the case was when the boy proudly raised one of his arms. The golden snitch glimmered in his hand and the crowd positively went wild.

Seokmin could only stare, mouth wide open in shock. The quick flickers of the snitch in a hand that wasn’t his made the reality hit him — the fact that he had lost the game. But it wasn’t frustration or anger that was coursing through his blood. Quite the opposite, because right now he felt fascinated by the other seeker.

Jisoo’s eyes were flitting from place to place, from person to person in exultation. Eventually his gaze fell upon Seokmin again. When the Hufflepuff caught Jisoo’s eye, a genuine smile danced on his lips, a smile so wide it made his nose and the corner of his eyes crinkle as well. The Slytherin didn’t look away from his opponent seeker, not even after he managed to reach solid ground again and got drowned in hugs and excited shouts by his teammates.

Amidst his monologue about everything and nothing all at once, Jisoo had unconsciously let it slip which nights and what shifts he patrolled in. How and why Seokmin remembered such trivial details like that, well, he did not wish to dwell upon. But he definitely intended to use the knowledge to his advantage.

Slipping out of the dorm at night alone had been a first time experience. The castle hallways felt a bit bigger and colder without an accomplice by one’s side, but Seokmin had carefully thought about his options. He wanted to save himself the teasing that Soonyoung would have inevitably dished out on him if he had asked his super energetic friend for company. And maybe some privacy to cool his head seemed like a perfect idea to the Hufflepuff. 

The grass of the courtyard welcomed Seokmin like an old friend, soaking in his overflowing thoughts with its soft texture. The scottish fold deftly jumped on the edge of the fountain in the middle of the grassy patch and gracefully lay down, simply waiting for a certain Slytherin prefect to come by.

Seokmin must have fallen asleep at some point because gentle strokes on his fur softly spanning from his head to his back woke him up. ❝ I didn’t expect to find you again. ❞ He heard in what was unmistakably Jisoo’s voice. And surely enough, once he blinked his tiny eyes open after a long yawn, the prefect was sitting right next to where Seokmin lay and was looking at the cat with a small smile gracing his face.

Reasonably speaking, the situation was quite ridiculous. Jisoo was talking to a cat. His sleep deprivation most likely would need a month-long hibernation to mend. The lengths at which the seventh year could ramble on and on for without getting exhausted were also quite the charm about him.

And Seokmin? Seokmin paid absolutely no heed to the reason.

The feline languorously stretched before jumping and settling into Jisoo’s lap on his own willingness. The prefect burst into thorough parenthesis about impending tests and insufferable workloads, keeping his hands stoking the cats fur at all times. ❝ You know...I have a ball of fluff just like you back at home, ❞ Jisoo mentioned, ruffling the fur on Seokmin’s head. ❝ Talking to him calmed me down, too. ❞ Seokmin often got lost between Jisoo’s words, in which a massive load of oddly specific references and personal thoughts were scattered, but he kept on listening anyway

🎐ㅤ爱ㅤ𓂃ㅤ𖠗ㅤ𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙ㅤ𓏲

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