..⃗. 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬 𑁍ࠜೄ ・゚ˊˎ

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❝ Hello there, would you happen to be someone’s pet? ❞

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Hello there, would you happen to be someone’s pet?

To say that Seokmin expected this turn of events would have been a lie. To say that he was confused was an understatement. And all of that confusion and anxiety only intensified when Jisoo reached for Seokmin with both hands, lifting him up. ❝ Did you get lost, little buddy? It’s okay. ❞ he carried on. The caresses and scratches eventually resumed when the feline was comfortably settled in the prefect’s lap.

Possibly the last thing on Seokmin’s venture for the night had been to be used as a plushie by a boy he was barely familiar with, but, realistically speaking, it wasn’t exactly the worst turn of events either. Jisoo seemed to be quite delighted in Seokmin’s presence. And, to be fair, Seokmin barely got pampered by his roommates under normal circumstances. And even in his feline form, Soonyoung would never agree to pamper him because the older hufflepuff usually wanted to be in the receiving end and that too only from their fellow hufflepuff, Seungkwan. So it didn’t feel half bad to be spoiled a bit.

Seokmin tried throwing a look at the entrance to the hallway he had sneaked out from, at least he tried to look as much as his current position and the hand running through his fur allowed him to. And sure enough, the cute little spotted head of Soonyoung’s Bengal cat form was peeking out from the corner, simply observing the absurd and so called ‘homosexual’ atmosphere unfolding, if you could call it so even with Seokmin’s cat form. The teasing that would follow after this night already managed to give Seokmin a headache in advance.

Jisoo kept on snuggling Seokmin for a solid while, occasionally cooing at how soft the feline’s fur was. Soft...that was the exact word to describe Seokmin’s animorph form. A small silver scottish fold with light eyes that glimmered when they met the moonlight. With how Seokmin had even started purring at some point, he expected himself to fall asleep like that any moment, comfortably sprawled over the Slytherin’s lap.

The hand that was caressing Seokmin stopped moving and simply rested on his head. A deep sigh escaping through the prefect’s lips snapped Seokmin from his sleepy reverie. ❝ I want to be a cat, ❞ he heard Jisoo say. ❝ You don’t have to feel your soul leave your body during exam season, is that right little guy? ❞ the prefect noted while lightly poking Seokmin’s cheek with his pointer finger.

If only you knew man, Seokmin wanted to mutter. But his intentions once again manifested itself as a simple meow. Jisoo apparently appreciated the humble input regardless, giving Seokmin’s chin a few scratches in happiness.

Another sigh laced with heavy thoughts left Jisoo’s lips. He leaned forward, just enough to be able to embrace the cat in his lap, much like when one would wrap their arms around a stuffed toy. ❝ I can do this, ❞ he began speaking, ❝ I’ve been a good student for over six years now. ❞ Seokmin could almost hear the pout in his tone and even in his animorph form, Seokmin really wanted to squish the elder’s cheeks because of how adorable he was being right now.  ❝ My thoughts have just been all over the place recently. Concentration and focus has taken a backseat for me.

Seokmin wasn’t mentally or spiritually prepared to come out at night and give an ear to a whole emotional monologue. And to be frank, with the way he was smushed in Jisoo’s arms, he had various reasons to be concerned over whether he’d suffocate in the near few minutes. But he couldn’t just rebel during someone’s venting session; that would’ve been rude.

Like, I get it...our house can get pretty annoying during Astronomy class. I’d definitely jump off the tower this time if one more student said that stars are just celestial dandruff again. I really want to strangle Jeonghan to have started that joke in the first place. But did the professor seriously have to give us ten parchments worth of homework? Jeonghan almost tackled me to the ground after I had to ask him for three ink pots.

Seconds and minutes steadily trickled by until what felt like an entire hour melted away while hearing the frustrated tales of prefect duties, Quidditch practice blunders and weekend group study session struggles. The more this rant progressed, the more Seokmin felt tempted to morph back into his human form just to be able to pat the guy on the back in some desperate attempts to comfort, maybe even drag him back to his dorm to take a nap.

At first, Seokmin mainly latched onto Jisoo’s words to avoid the tempting clutches of sleepiness that kept dragging him to the dreamworld. After some time he couldn’t exactly pinpoint, however, he had begun paying active attention to the prefect’s train of thought. Spontaneously offering a supportive meow when Jisoo was particularly passionate about some detail in his rants.

At least this year’s Quidditch cup is soon, ❞ he said eventually, and his tone felt more lighthearted. ❝ Break in the clouds, that’s one comorting prospect. ❞ Seokmin couldn't really see much of what was happening upon Jisoo's face from his current periphery of view. But with the way those words were voiced, Seokmin imagined that was how a smile would sound. Jisoo’s mood was much better compared to a while ago.

Seokmin wasn’t left to his thoughts for long before Jisoo once more grabbed him with both hands to lift him up and bring him to a level where he could look at Jisoo’s delicate visage clearly. ❝ I should probably go before someone catches me slacking, ❞ he said, still holding Seokmin up at eye level and smiling softly which was too sunny to be beneath a night sky, and that almost made Seokmin feel weak in the elder’s arms.

Bye bye, little guy. I appreciate the company, ❞ Jisoo finished off with something that completely caught Seokmin off guard and the younger was thankful to be in his feline form or Jisoo would have been able to see the mad blush creeping up his cheek. Jisoo brought the small creature closer and planted a gentle kiss on it’s soft forehead before carefully putting Seokmin on the ground and patting him on the head one last time. Seokmin stood still in a trance while observing the prefect retreat until his figure got engulfed in the shadows of the castle

🎐ㅤ爱ㅤ𓂃ㅤ𖠗ㅤ𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙ㅤ𓏲

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